07-08-97 PRSunday, August 10, 1997 12:45 PM To: City of Otsego & PRC From: Thomas Baillargeon Page: 1 of 3 CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. MEMBERS PRESENT Jeff Bartheld (chair) Tom Baillargeon - Secretary Sue Kroll Bill Olson Tom Constant Terrie Kohler Rochie Martin Darlene Solberg REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING July 8, 1997 GUESTS Merland Otto Jeff Asfhal Sue Ackerman Mark Berning 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Jeff Bartheld called meeting to order and continued with roll call. 3. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 10, 1997, MEETING Roche Martin made a motion to approve the minutes as drafted. Sue Kroll second and vote was to approve. 4. OPEN FORUM Jeff Bartheld reported that the food vendor for the Fun Day would not be able to sell food for the event. Jeff wondered if the PRC could take on this task. After some discussion PRC, because of short notice, would operate a food stand. Terrie Kolher would contact Sax Foods as they often do a food stand and she would let Jeff Know if this was possible for Sax to do. If Sax was not able to help Jeff would contact PRC members to make other arrangements. Tom Constant would likewise help. Because of the large damaged to the park from the July 1, 1997 storm 80 volunteers from St. Louis Park are going to clean the park on Wednesday. Jeff asked if some one could coordinate their clean up effort and pick up the saws needed from Crow River Rental. The tin shed likewise experienced some damage. Mark Berning felt that the shed should be removed and discussed the possibility of building a new building in the park. All PRC Sunday, August 10, 1997 12:45 PM To: City of Otsego & PRC From: Thomas Baillargeon Page: 2 of 3 members liked the new building idea but discussed in length that idea but asked what would be used as a warming house, storage and haunted house that is needed until such time as the new building would be available. Jeff wondered if the council would will to the PRC the tin shed and that the PRC would maintain it until other arrangements would be made. Tom Baillargeon motioned to repair the tin shed. Sue Kroll second and the motion passed. Tom Constant motioned the tin shed should be repaired until a new building was built. Motion passed. Mark had no idea when or how a new building could be built. Money is not available for the project. Further the full council would make the decision and recommend to council that the shed is non -conforming and the shed needed to be taken down. 5. CITY COUNCIL Mark Berning reported that seeding and mowing project lie is still working on and hope that this project will soon begin. 6. COMMUNITY RECREATION AND SUB -COMMITTEE Jeff Ashfal reviewed the 1997 budget for the events that he coordinated and offered some suggestions for 1998. Motion to send these recommendations to the budget sub -committee following his advice. Jeff also updated the PRC on further projects. The Recreation sub -committee is meeting soon. No other items of concern. 7. MERLIN OTTO Merlin reported on findings of equipment costs. Estimated to council the cost of purchasing the benches would cost $800.00. Tom Baillargeon motioned to build the players benches for the ball fields and could built them with his spare time. Sue Kroll second this motion and motion passed. Merlin Otto will supply a picture as to the construction of the benches to Tom B.. The fencing is purchased and now needs the proper posts. The cost to date is $304.50 and will continue looking for reasonable cost on the posts. Nothing yet for the sign at Co. 39. Basket ball hoop and backboard cost is estimated at $700.00 Tom B. motioned to order, Tom C. seconded and motion passed. The line marker was tabled. Toni B. motioned to order the bike rack. Darlene seconded the motion and this passed. The DNR grant is needing the asphalt trail completed. Merlin will put together the specifications for the bidding process. The 1996 ISTEA Grant is moving forward and the bidding for construction of the trails could be ready in 30 days. The 1998 ISTEA grant is being turned down for lack of funds. Sunday, August 10, 1997 12:45 PM To: City of Otsego & PRC From: Thomas Baillargeon Page: 3 of 3 Nothing else. 8. BUDGET SUB -COMMITTEE Still waiting for information needed. Will meet when all this information is available. 9. HAUNTED HOUSE & HAYRIDE. Nothing. Tom B. offered to fix Jerry Suthers wagon as it can be used again. 10. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN Tom B. made a motion to reserve July 11, 1998 for the Fun Day. Tom C. seconded the motion and it was approved. 11. ADJOURN Darlene motioned to adjourn motion carried.