08-12-97 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. MEMBERS PRESENT Jeff: Bartheld (chair) Tom Baillargeon - Secretary Sue Kroll Bill Olson Tom Constant Terrie Kohler (excused) Rochie Martin (excused) Darlene Solberg REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING August 12 , 1997 GUESTS Merland Otto (excused) Sue Ackerman 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Jeff Bartheld called meeting to order and continued with roll call. 3. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE JULY 8, 1997, MEETING Tom Baillargeon made a motion to approve the minutes as drafted. Tom Constant second and vote was to approve. 4. OPEN FORUM It was reported that mowing is still not being done in the park. Discussion included that mowing was not going to be done in area that is littered with damage from the July storm. No answer was given as to why mowing is not being done in areas that have no tree damage. 5. CITY COUNCIL City Council approved to repair the tin shed. They will hire this project done. Likewise it was reported that no new seeding will be completed this year. Mark Berning was not able to secure any re -seeding this year. 6. CONrVIUNITY RECREATION AND SUBCOMMITTEE No report was made. 7. MERLAND OTTO Merlin Otto is vacationing in Spain. How was it? 8. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE Talk first centered around the Fun Day. Some talk was about a date change. Nothing was decided. Bill wondered if a questionnaire could be sent out to help gather data for the next event. The budget prepared by the Budget committee and reviewed. Bill Olson motioned to approve the PRC budget, seconded by Darlene Solberg and the motion passed. Sue Kroll motioned to approve the remaining budget, seconded by Darlene Solberg and the motion likewise passed. Other discussion was centered around the Community Recreation budget. Comments where made as to the cost of this program. A decision was made to ask Jeff Ashfal for a job review and cost evaluation. Chair called a five minute break. 9. OTSEGO FAMILY FUN DAY Letters need to be sent out for thanks to all that helped. Date changed was again discussed and this was tabled until next meeting when dates of other events would be looked at. 10. METAL BUILDING A request was made to see if the project could be completed before the haunted House event. 11. HOCKEY BOARDS Will check on the price on lumber for the boards. Tabled until next meeting. 12. HAUNTED HOUSE & HAY RIDE. Letters are going to be sent out to see if any interest in helping with the Haunted House. September 25 will start the cleanup for the construction needed. Maintenance is going to be asked if the equipment in the shed could be moved. 13. MAINTENANCE OF PARK GROUNDS City council is looking a bids to trim the trees damaged form the July storm. 14. DISCUSS HIDDEN LAKE DEVELOPMENT Tom Baillargeon motioned to table, Tom Constant seconded and motioned passed. 15. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN Tom Constant offered a used hay wagon to the PRC. Tom Baillargeon motioned to accept, seconded by Sue Kroll and the motion passed. 11. ADJOURN Darlene motioned to adjourn, Tom Constant seconded and motion carried. Respectfully submitted zMaj, ffa&�