09-09-97 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Sept 9, 1997 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Jeff Bartheld (chair) Tom Baillargeon - Secretary Merland Otto Sue Kroll Jeff Ashfal Bill Olson Larry Fournier Tom Constant Vern Heidner Terrie Kohler Virgina Wendal Rochie Martin Elaine Beatty Darlene Solberg Mark Beming 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Jeff Bartheld called meeting to order and continued with roll call. 3. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 12, 1997, MEETING Darlene Solberg made a motion to approve the minutes as drafted. Sue Kroll second and vote was to approve. 4. OPEN FORUM Some residents of Otsego spoke out in open forum to save the Community Recreation program. Darlene Solberg mention the Christ Lutheran is looking into buying a tent and wondered if PRC could help by sharing the cost and have this tent available for pRC events. She will bring it to the church council for interest. Michelle Tarka was introduced and would like to fill a position on the PRC. Tom Baillargeon motioned to approve her filling the first alternate position, seconded Tom Constant and passed. 5. CITY COUNCIL Jeff Bartheld addressed the members of the city council about being left out of the decision of terminating the contract with Community Recreation. Darlene Solberg laid out what Community Recreation offers Otsego. Jeff Ashfal explained his position and the need for an increase for this program. PRC asked if the increase was caused because of the loss of Zimmerman and Liviona. Bill Olson asked what these communities are doing for a recreation program. They are taking this task on them selves. Mark Beming looked into those programs and found that these communities are spending more by doing it on their own. Roche Martin found that this is true they do spend more and it does take more time from the park commissions. He likewise wondered if PRC has this time to give. Roche mentioned that with the growth of a community the costs are going to rise. Larry Fournier read the minutes from the council meeting. He went on to explain the budget and sees a need to talk about it. He as other council members questioned the large increase. Vern Hiedner commented that the Joint Powers Agreement Otsego has is ether an in or out position. Further after the decision to drop out takes six months and negotiating will take place during this period. Also he found that participants have not increase where the cost have risen steadily since the contract was first signed. Darlene Solberg asked how can the increase that occurred be reduced. Jeff Ashfal reported that the numbers Vern was referring to are not accurate where service and support cannot be measured such as teen center, communities festivals etc. Jeff Bartheld asked what is going to be done with out Community Recreation. Virgina Wendal asked is it possible to have participants pay a larger fee. Terrie Kolher reported that there is a large need for recreation events in Otsego. Darlene feels that it takes a long time to make growth and wants to see Otsego a strong community. Larry would like to meet with the Community Recreation Board. Tom Constant would likewise keep taxes down. Tom Baillargeon made motion to continue negotiating with the Community Recreation Board and keep PRC informed. Darlene seconded and the passed. 6. COMMUNITY RECREATION AND SUBCOMMITTEE Committee met and discussed the up coming haunted house and hayride. Help is needed each night now until the event 7:00 to 10:00pm and Saturday 2:00 to 3:00. Saturday is the only day for the hayride. Todate 38 families have registered. 7. MERLAND OTTO The ISTEA grant for FY'96 construction phase in all likelihood will be started spring of 1998. The money is already set aside for this project. The expansion of Otsego Prairie Park trail is ready to be sent out for quotes. There was a discussion about a second bike pad and rack and money is available for this. Tom Baillargeon made motion to purchase a second bike rack and pad, Bill Olson seconded motion passed. Bill Olson motioned to send requests for quotes of the blacktop, second by Tom Constant, motion carried. 8. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE Again lots of confusion about the budget. After a lengthy discussion a motion was made by Tom Baillargeon for the sub -committee to meet Sept. 24, 1997 at 7:00pm. Seconded by Darlene Solberg and motion passed. 9. CONSIDER LEASE OF TRACTOR Tom Baillargeon's tractor is available to lease to the PRC for the year. A lease agreement is being drafted. Sue Kroll motioned to table until lease agreement is completed, seconded Ton Constant. Motion passed. 10. Moved to Item six on this agenda. 11. HOCKEY BOARDS Jeff Bartheld will talk to John Peternell about purchasing some lumber to start the project of making a hockey rink. 12. METAL BUILDING Mark Berning reported that the repairs from the storm damage will be completed in time for the haunted house. Likewise Mark saw no problem in storing any thing in this building, but will check with council. 13. TOWN HALL RESTORATION Jeff would like to see this project started again. He will contact Ron Black for help. 14. HOLIDAY LIGHTING Tom Constant motioned to table, seconded by Sue Kroll, motion carried. 15. STORM DAMAGE IN PARK It was reported that there could be a real danger in the park with all the limbs hanging from the trees. Bill Olson motioned to look at the liability issue in this park seconded by Terrie Kohler. Motion was amended to include closing of the park until liability is cleared and storm damage is removed. Both motions passed. 16. ITEMS OF CONCERN Tom Baillargeon asked about the Bike Trail Plan should this plan be finished? Jeff would like to see it completed. A motion was made to ask council for direction and it passed. 11. ADJOURN Darlene motioned to adjourn, Terrie Kohler seconded and motion carried. Respectfully submitted d/1l9Mab &A�qa Secretary