10-14-97 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING October 14, 1997 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Jeff Bartheld (chair) Tom Baillargeon - Secretary Merland Otto Sue Kroll Jeff Ashfal Bill Olson Sue Ackerman Tom Constant Mark Berning Terrie Kohler Elaine Beatty Michelle Tarka Larry Fournier Darlene Solberg Vern Heidner 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Jeff Bartheld called meeting to order and continued with roll call. 3. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE SEPTEMBER 9, 1997, MEETING Motion by Tom Constant to defer review of September meeting until November. Seconded Sue Kroll. Motion passed. 4. OPEN FORUM Nothing 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: PAT BURCH, ZIMMERMAN - LIVIONA AREA RECREATION a. QUESTIONS, FROM COMMISSION Pat explained his procedure which includes soccer, gymnastics and touch football. The brochure is prepared and sent to their paper by city staff. The budget for '97 is not available but budget for '98 is $23000.00. Zimmerman and Livoina each contribute $6,000.00 The registration fees contribute and a LPA Grant and donations will make this budget possible. The city staff manages the money and registrations. Upon this discussion Jeff thanked Pat for his time and help. 6. CITY COUNCIL a. RECOMMENDATION FROM PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION ON THE COMMUNITY RECREATION ISSUE. A motion to form a sub -committee to review the option of staying or leaving Community Recreation and it's offerings. Motion passed. Michelle, Darlene and Bill formed the sub -committee. Jeff Ashfal passed documents of what Community Recreation Board does and it's programs offered. Sue kroll asked what on this list does Otsego get. Jeff went over the list for all the commission. Elaine asked what the cost of these events would cost if the CRB Community Recreation Board) contract was not renewed. Jeff reported that it would increase the cost about 30% to each participant. Remaining issues will be looked into by the sub -committee. 7. RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEE AND COMMITTEE RECREATION REPORT. Pre -registration is about 63 families about 265 people. Three tractors and wagons will be used. Saturday 6:15PM will be the pumpkin patch. Haunted house is Friday and Saturday 7:OOPM. Otsego Lions will donate candy and help. 6:30 Friday will be a special viewing for city staff and innovations will be sent. A burning permit will be needed. Recreation staff will do something for refreshments. Help is still needed each night and the days of the event. 7 b. Tabled until November meeting. 8. MERLIN OTTO Quotes on 620 feet for the new path have been received and sent to the council. Council has not approved the low quote and wondering if the $5800.00 would be reimbursed from the grant and will this complete this grant. Special meeting of the City Council Oct. 15 to consider the finishing of this grant. The second bike rack is ordered and has already be shipped. Nothing else. 9. BUDGET SUB -COMMITTEE $45,000.00 to the good in the capital development fund. 1998 budget for engineering and programs is $8,500.00. Mark reported the PRC is within budget of 1997. Mark also reported that all purchases must be checked by staff first. Motion was made to create a liaison for Gary. motion passed. Tom Constant will fill this position. 10. OLD TOWN HALL PROJECT Meeting will be set in November to return to this project. 11. NOVEMBER MEETING November meeting will be November 18, 1997, 7:00pm. 12. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN Nothing 13. ADJOURN Motion Darlene to adjourn, passed. Submitted ,76rrW,& ajaAYWI, Secretary