11-18-97 PRRECEIPTS Park Donations 203-36230 Park Dedication Fees 203-36240 Property Taxes 203-31010 State Grants 203-33400 Total Receipts PAYMENTS Engineering 203-41560-302 Legal 203-41700-301 Licenses & Permits 203-41560-352 Appraisal Service 203-45200-395 Capital Outlay 203-45000-530 Capital Outlay 203-45200-530 Printing & Publishing 203-45200-350 Miscellaneous 203-45200-310 Land 203-45000-510 CITY OF OTSEGO SUMMARY OF 1997, 1996 AND 1995 ACTIVITY IN THE PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND (To 10/31) 1997 76,350.00 8,119.49 84,469.49 10,513.69 1996 2,262.50 9,900.00 15,192.20 11,063.00 (Otsego Prairie Park Pay Request #2) 40,413.70 42,912.12 3,155.04 915.00 8,318.19 (Otsego Prairie Park) 30,938.00 1995 705.00 5,750.00 14,185.87 33,065.00 (Otsego Prairie Park Pay Request #1) 53,705.87 17,441.01 240.00 20,466.09 (Minn. Playground) 51,735.59 (Appears to be all Otsego Park) 92.13 405.00 Total Payments 10,513.69 86,238.35 90,379.82 The cash balance in the Park Development Fund at 10/31/97 is $45,308.12. Park and Trail fees yet to be collected include Heritage Hills which will total $36,075.00 which will be collected at $975 per lot as the remaining 37 lots are sold. Rivers Glen park and trail fees will total $7,000 but will not likely be collected until 1998. The ISTEA payment to the State is estimated at $60,000 is deferred until 1998. Page 1 CITY OF OTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION ACTIVITIES BUDGET AND ACTUAL REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 The park and recreation operating activities can be divided into three general areas within the City's general fund budget. The three areas include: 1) Community Recreation The Community Recreation activity includes the annual assessment to the City by the Community Recreation Board. The annual assessment for 1997 is $18,725. The City pays the salaries of Michele and Rae Ann through the City of Otsego's payroll system and bills the School District quarterly for reimbursement of the payroll costs over and above the City's annual assessment mentioned above. The Community Recreation staff provides the oversight and management of the various recreation programs within the City. When the payroll costs are accumulated and the City bills back the salaries and benefits, the net cost to the City of Otsego is $18,725. 2) Park Maintenance The Park Maintenance activities include the maintenance of the City's park facilities, equipment, mowing, fertilizing, and weed control. The work is completed through contractual arrangements and City staff. The budget for these activities, as originally adopted, totaled $30,114. However, the City will complete much of this work on a contractual basis and the costs of those services are yet to be tabulated. 3) Local Recreation Programming and Development Acftivfties The City's Park and Recreation Commission has an annual budget for the activities planned and sponsored by the City. These activities include the maintenance of an ice rink with rink attendants, a warming house, telephone and portable facilities. Among the other activities are T -ball, bike rodeo, summer family fun day, halloween and winterfest. Costs associated with these activities are all charged to the Local Recreation Programming budget. Receipts generated by these activities are included in the Revenue budget and the 1997 total revenue anticipated to be generated by these activities Is estimated in the budget as $2,575. This primarily Includes the fees collected by Community Recreation. The Local Recreation Programming and Development budget for 1997 totals $7,875 and is classified as follows in the adopted budget: Engineering $ 2,500 Rentals (Affordable Sanitation) 675 Recreation Programming 2,800 Telephone/Communications 500 Dues & Subscriptions 200 Education & Training 500 Printing & Publishing 200 Total $ 7,375 -1- Rentals Affordable Sanitation Jan & Feb. Affordable Sanitation Recreation Programming Rink Attendants -1/15/97 Rink Attendants -1/29/97 Beaudry O 1/13/97 Propane -warming house Beaudry O 2/10/97 Propane -warming house Beaudry O 1/28/97 Propane -warming house Beaudry O 2/24/97 Propane -warming house Cub Foods 2/10/97 Winterfest Food Rink Attendants -2/8/97 Rink Attendants -2/22/97 Postage for Family Fun Day Food Sales - Winterfest Rec. Attendants 6/28/97 Menard's Fencing for family fun day Darlene Solberg Family fun day expenses Rec. Attendants PPe 7/12 Rec. Attendants PPe 7/26 Bob's shop Family fun day expenses Rec. Attendants PPe 8/9 DJ's Total Home Supplies Bannerworks Family fun day Receipts Family fun day Receipts Family fun day Terri Kohler Family fun day Jeff Barthel Halloween expenses River Valley Lumber Supplies Receipts Haunted House -2- 675.00 2,800.00 213.00 462.00 213.00 249.00 213.00 36.00 198.50 CITY OF OTSEGO 332.00 2,269.50 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2,129.60 LOCAL RECREATION PROGRAMMING AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES 2,010.31 BUDGET AND ACTUAL EXPENDITURES 1,869.41 98.48 1997 YEAR - TO - DATE 134.28 Budget Category/ 62.25 Unexpended Check & Payee Description Budget Actual Balance 1,030.90 Engineering 2,500.00 348.00 Hakanson, Anderson April services 187.50 2,312.50 Hakanson, Anderson June servoices 218.75 2,093.75 Hakanson, Anderson 312.50 1,781.25 Hakanson, Anderson 62.50 1,718.75 Rentals Affordable Sanitation Jan & Feb. Affordable Sanitation Recreation Programming Rink Attendants -1/15/97 Rink Attendants -1/29/97 Beaudry O 1/13/97 Propane -warming house Beaudry O 2/10/97 Propane -warming house Beaudry O 1/28/97 Propane -warming house Beaudry O 2/24/97 Propane -warming house Cub Foods 2/10/97 Winterfest Food Rink Attendants -2/8/97 Rink Attendants -2/22/97 Postage for Family Fun Day Food Sales - Winterfest Rec. Attendants 6/28/97 Menard's Fencing for family fun day Darlene Solberg Family fun day expenses Rec. Attendants PPe 7/12 Rec. Attendants PPe 7/26 Bob's shop Family fun day expenses Rec. Attendants PPe 8/9 DJ's Total Home Supplies Bannerworks Family fun day Receipts Family fun day Receipts Family fun day Terri Kohler Family fun day Jeff Barthel Halloween expenses River Valley Lumber Supplies Receipts Haunted House -2- 675.00 2,800.00 213.00 462.00 213.00 249.00 213.00 36.00 198.50 2,601.50 332.00 2,269.50 139.90 2,129.60 119.29 2,010.31 140.90 1,869.41 98.48 1,770.93 134.28 1,636.65 62.25 1,574.40 495.50 1,078.90 48.00 1,030.90 (77.50) 1,108.40 348.00 760.40 304.50 455.90 42.16 413.74 63.00 350.74 1,006.84 (656.10) 23.00 (679.10) 501.67 (1,180.77) 10.64 (1,191.41) 191.70 (1,383.11) (165.50) (1,217.61) (75.00) (1,142.61) 112.05 (1,254.66) 599.29 (1,853.95) 67.95 (1,921.90) (472.00) (1,449.90) Telephone 500.00 AT & T 1/13/97 5.48 494.52 AT & T 2/10/97 5.48 489.04 AT & T Phone service 5.48 483.56 AT & T Phone service 5.48 478.08 AT & T Phone service 5.48 472.60 AT & T Phone service 5.48 467.12 AT & T Phone service 5.48 461.64 AT & T Phone service 5.48 456.16 U.S. West Phone service 34.54 421.62 U.S. West Phone service 36.75 384.87 U.S. West Phone service 35.06 349.81 U.S. West Phone service 34.53 315.28 U.S. West Phone service 34.33 280.95 U.S. West Phone service 34.41 246.54 U.S. West Phone service 34.41 212.13 U.S. West Phone service 34 93 177.20 U.S. West Phone service 34.72 142.48 U.S. West Phone service 34.72 107.76 Dues & Subscriptions 200.00 200.00 Education & Training 500.00 500.00 Printing & Publishing 200.00 ECM Printing & publishing 134.38 65.62 ECM Family fun day add 17.50 (17.50) ECM 7/5 Display advertising 132.30 (132.30) Equipment Gopher Sport Park equipment - 1,044.20 (1,044.20) Gopher Sport Park equipment 320.85 (1,365.05) -3- Otsego Park and Recreation Commission Minutes of Tues. Nov. 18, 1997 Members present: Jeff Bartheld (Chair) Bill Olson Darlene Solberg Terri Kohler Guests: Jeff Ashfal (Community Recreation) Nicole Martin and Mike Day (Perspective park commission members) Merland Otto (park consultant) *Meeting called to order at 7:02 by Jeff B. Minutes- correction to Oct.14th-Terri Kohler absent. *Motion to approve by Bill O., second by Jeff B. Passed *Introduction of candidates for park and rec- Nicole Martin and Mike Day. *Merland Otto - A. Update on asphalt- won't get done this year. Council didn't get to it and then concerned if we had the money. Contractor will do it first thing in spring. Merland requests that we get an extension form the DNR until June for our grant. $6000 next spring from DNR. B. Mighty Kids Youth Sports program -may be mute because of staying with Area Recreation for $19,000. Purpose of Mighty Kids is to get more youth involved in recreation activities. This is a max grant of $20,000. **SEE ATTACH GRANT FORM FOR DETAILS. Grant request of $500-$2500 has no match requirement. $2501-$5000 is a .5:1 match, and $5001-$20,000 is a 1:1 match. -Grants could still be considered for other things such as 1) Ride the Rec ($1200). Could request $2500 without matching funds. 2) Also possible grant funds for seeding. ***Application due by Dec. 31st. -Make a wish list- and what we would like to go after. Some suggestions for use of money would be: 1) skating lessons (approx. $300 subsidized), 2) Youth volleyball ($500), 3) rink and hockey boards ($5500- 7500), 4) Buying down user fees. *Terri Kohler moved and Bill O. second to send Mighty Kids grant to the City Council. Passed. C. FY '96 for bike trails and fees-MNDOT needs right-of-way information. Bike lane to Otsego school next spring. -2 - *Christmas lighting- We have a budget of $500. Look at sales on lights after Christmas. *Motion by Bill O. and second by Darlene S. to do surface lighting at city hall this year. Passed. Some people will also donated lights to be used this year. *Jeff Ashfal- 1. Rink hours- Last year the hours were: M -Thur. 5-8, Fri. 5-9, and Sat., Sun. and non school days 1-9. *Moved by Darlene S. and second by Bill O. that the hours this year for Fridays be 5-8 and Sat. and Sun. 1-8. Passed. 2. Date of the Winter Fest will be Jan. 17th. It will include a sliding hill, chili sale, medallion hunt, frisbee golf, bonfire, tree race. Suggestions were also made that in order to get more interest in the Winter Fest we have a display of antique snowmobiles and also have an amateur snow sculpturing contest with kid and adult division. Darlene will check around with art groups and others for what is involved in snow sculpturing. 3. Recap of Haunted House- Between preregistration and what was taken in during the Haunted House we should have made about $1400. Jeff Bartheld spent $1129.24 for new materials this year. 4. Playability of fields for '98. Two softball and one soccer. There should be light disking in the spring and heavy fertilizer. 5. Community Recreation- Look at how communities were assessed for fairness. **See handouts. *Terri K. moved and Darlene S. second that we send to the City Council our recommendation that we stay with Community Recreation and the budget committee's recommendation. Passed. 6. Bill Olson reported on the subcommittee's report from him and Darlene. Report of alternatives if we did not stay with Community Recreation. Discussion that this report should have been done earlier, before council's first decision to leave Community Recreation. Discussion of alternatives if we didn't have Community Recreation. Jeff Ashfal commented that he has worked as a watchdog of our activities. The Area Recreation board gives communities a chance to rub elbows and get information from each other. Building partnerships. *Moved by Jeff B. and second by Bill O. to send to council subcommittee recommendations, plus documents A and B. Passed. -3 - "Meeting Date- *Darlene S. moved and Terri K. second to move Park and Rec. meeting date from the second Tuesday of the month to the second Wednesday of the month. Passed. This would start January 1, 1998. Items of concern - 1. Direct Merland Otto to prepare a case for the Mighty Kids Youth Grant. *Moved by Jeff B., second Terri K. Passed. 2. Historical plaque at the old town site. We will know about this by the middle of December. *Move to adjourn. Bill O., second Terri. K. Passed. Respectfully submitted by Darlene Solberg (for Tom Ballargeon) Preliminary Recommendations and Alternatives from the Community Recreation subcommittee of Otsego Park and Recreation: "Note we will be referring in this document to two pieces of information provided to us by Jeff Asfahl at our last regular meeting. They will be noted as Documents A and B, and are included in this handout. Recommendations and Alternatives Part 1 1. Stay with Community Recreation (cost at this time is being negotiated) 2. City staff take over all Community Recreation duties 3. Hire another part time staff person to coordinate activities (could be used for more than one commission). 4. Withdraw and offer nothing. Part 2 1. Stays the same (no changes) 2. City staff a. Coordinate Otsego specific events b. Other events on Document A will remain the same C. All other requirements on Document B will stay the same. "Note: The city staff will have to fulfill the requirements in Document B for the Otsego specific events. d. Increase in participation fees for residents 3. Hire part time person a. Handle Otsego specific events (Document A) 1) Possibly increasing Otsego events (Document A) b. Act as a Liaison between Otsego and Community Recreation and others. 1) Informing Otsego residents what events are available and costs of other communities events around the area. 2) Informing residents of increase in cost of Community Recreation events. C. Liaison between city staff, council and commissions. Note: This person doesn't necessarily have to be doing only park and recreation, but coordinating for other commissions also. 4. Do nothing, Otsego offers nothing in the way of Park and Rec a. Otsego specific events will no longer be offered (Document A) b. Document B would no longer be required because we don't have the events to offer. C. Prepare an explanation to the community of Otsego' about the $18,000+ savings. How will it be returned to the community? 1) Supplement to events offered by Community Recreation 2)Tax refund 3) Increase in something else people want to see improved in the community 4) How is it going to be reinvested in the community? d. Everything in Document A will still be offered (except Otsego specific events e. All programming under Document B would still go on (except for Otsego specific events). 0 1997-98 Community Recreation. Programs and Services PPPP Programs Baseball Camps - 4 offerings Beach Party Soccer fps- 8 offerings Family Hayriarty Football Camp Intramural Volleyball Sand Volleyball -3 offerings Men's Volleyball Volleyball Camps- 2 offerings Women's Volleyball Lions' Den Indoor Soccer Strength & Conditioning- 3 offerings o Hockey- 5 offerings Cross Country Running Gymnastics -105 offerings Races- 3 offerings 3 on 3 Basketball Track & Field Tournaments Youth Golf- 3 offerings Open Gyms -12 offerings Youth Golf League Indoor Walking- 3 offerings Open In Line Skating/ Tots Figure Skating- 8 offerings Roller skating Skating Club- 4 offerings "It's Finally Friday" Nights -10 offerings Hockey Skating/Puck Concerts -3 offerings Handling- 2 offerings Start Smart -2 offerings 4 on 4 Hockey Clinics- 8 offerings indoor Soccer -6 offerings 4 on 4 Hockey- 5 offerings Intramural Basketball Skills Plus Hockey School- 4 Youth Volleyball offerings intramural 3 on 3 Basketball Mites Skills Plus Clinic Team Ingemar Top Shelf 5 Star- 7 offerings Outdoor Skating Lessons -8 offerings Breakfast Club. Intramural Broomball Lunch Time Wanting/Skating Easter Egg Hunt & Basket Open Ice Skating Class -2 offerings Open Hockey Bike Rodeo and Road Ride Dance- 2 offerings Cooperative Games Termite T-Ball/T-Ball-16 Cheerleading Clinic offerings Peewee Basketball- 3 offerings Tennis -17 offerings Floor Hockey League Preschool Fun Cross Country Ski Citizens Race Short SPORT/SPORT- 9 offerings Craft Time in the Park- 9 Groups We assist / offerings Funtastic Fridays- 6 offerings coordinate efforts Penny Carnival- 2 offerings Boys Youth Basketball Entertainment in the Park w/ Elk River Hockey activity following- 20 offerings Elk River Area Youth Volleyball Basketball Camps- 8 offerings Girls' Basketball League Ells River Swim Club Elk River Tennis Assoc. Elk River Youth Football Three River Soccer Assoc. Girls Fastpitch Softball Youth Wrestling Boys Youth Baseball Girls Youth Basketball Men's Tennis League Women's Tennis League Adult Co -Ed Volleyball Elk River Area Special Olympics Skate Board Assoc. Cooperative/ Collaborative Partners ECFE Community Education Youth Initiatives Committee 2001 Committee Other Services Warming House Management -4 Field Maintenance/ Scheduling -52 Tennis Court Scheduling -14 Community_ Festivals Otsego Winter Fun lest Otsego Family Fun Day Rogers Hassan Fun Fest Rogers Old Tyme Days Total hour s of indoor facility use responsible for - 3662 hrs. Outdoor use - 880 hrs. 4118196 Wi RECRERTIONRL PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENTS The following outline illustrates the Itasks required.with the administration of recreational activities. 1. Development of programs I activities : May consist of any one, or combination of the following listed factors: * Feedback (verbal or written on evaluation) * Based on current trends * Based on needs of the community * Idea generation with the community ( park commission, individual leaders, other agencies, etc.) * Based on professional judgement and knowledge * Based on demand * Based on resources available (financial and human) II Planning and organizational requirements: * Fee determination * Facility arrangements * Equipment requirements / arrangements * Staff needs / recruitment * Determine program limits- How many participants I teams, etc. can you serve? Ill. Promotion requirements: * Determine sources available ( brochure, ads, PSA's, flyers, etc. Can be costly if poorly executed } * Determine how will it be distributed * Prepare your front line answer person (program secretary, receptionist) with the necessary info. IV Elements of the registration process: * Determine when registration begins * Determine where to hold the registration * Determine the hours and methods available for receiving registration * Determine staffing for registration * Adequate preparation of training and info. for the registrars assisting V Program implementation and operational procedures: *Staff recruitment and training * Communication and supervision of program staff * Determine process for decisions, ( cancellation due to weather, low registration, etc. ) * Determine process (who is responsible?) for dealing with troubleshooting VI. Evaluation and reporting: * How to administer the evaluation * Determine how to act on suggestions and who is responsible. * Program accounting requirements * Participant data requirements