12-08-15 Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes 12-8-15 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes Present: Gail Anderson, Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko, Mayor Jessica Stockamp Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm. Agenda was revised to consider archiving at a future meeting, and tonight to discuss whether and how we want to participate in the Santa event. Minutes were considered and one spelling revision was made by spelling "Walter" correctly which is "Welter." Motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the corrected minutes of the October meeting. Discussion of OHPC presence at City events for families: (Santa Event, Easter Event, Pumpkin Patch.) For Santa event the room for congregating events is decorated and staff needs to have people moving through per Jessica. (The Silver Celebration posters will be hung in Prairie Center for the Commissioner's dinner.) For Easter we will use the cutout made by Zonja and Chris last year. We may have the historical facts Zonja had prepared stored but are unsure. We need to be thinking about the Pumpkin Patch event and what we might want to do there. We discussed a possible cemetery event. Book Binding: Jessica brought Lisa Fahey's proofs for the rebinding of The Farm Years. Gail and Toni will check the proofs and get them back to Lisa as soon as possible so the budgeted cost can be included in this year. We discussed the Gifts Anonymous program. Deadline is December 18 and Jessica is the contact. Grant reimbursement for State Preservation Conference was discussed. Jessica Toni, Zonja and Gail clarified the questions still remaining. Commissioner recruitment: Chris will look for names from the Otsego Prairie Festival of those who might be interested. She brought in another list of attendees from the community talk a couple of years ago. We agreed to have a theme of Native American history in the Otsego area before white settlement in the New Year, 2016. Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 7pm. Submitted by Gail Anderson