03-20RESOLUTION NO. 2003-20 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A POLICE COMMISSION AND ADOPTING BYLAWS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Otsego has determined that there is a need for a Police Commission to provide better communication regarding police service, to provide a forum for complaints and suggestions regarding police service, and to educate the public on issues related to police service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: ESTABLISHMENT: A Police Commission is hereby established to advise the Otsego City Council on police matters. MEMBERSHIP: A) Composition - seven (7) members. Councilmembers to Commission and the The Commission shall consist of There shall be two act as liaison between the City Council. B) Membership - All members of the Commission shall be appointed by the City Council and shall serve at the will of the City Council. All adult residents and business property owners of Otsego are eligible to be appointed to the Commission. The City Council may establish term lengths for Commission members service. C) Council Liaison - The Council liaisons shall be appointed by the Mayor with ratification by the City Council. The Council liaisons are neither officers nor voting members. TERMS: The terms of the Commission shall be three years. Some initial members shall be appointed for one or two years in order to set up a rotation of terms. The Police Commission may be terminated by the City Council at any time by majority vote. VACANCY: In case of a vacancy during the term of office of any commissioner, the City Council shall appoint a new member to serve the remainder of the term. A vacancy shall exist if any one of the following occur: death, disability, residence outside the City, resignation, or removal by majority vote of the City Council. LEGAL ADVISOR: The City Attorney shall serve as the legal advisor the Commission. Questions of the City Attorney shall be directed through a Councilmember or the City Administrator. MEETINGS: The Police Commission shall hold quarterly meetings. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public and comply with the State Open Meeting Law requirements. Part of each meeting agenda must include an open forum for citizen comments. OFFICERS: The Commission shall elect from its members a Chair, Vice -Chair, and a Secretary A) Duties of Chair - The Chair shall preside at the meetings of the Commission. With the assistance of City staff the Chair shall prepare the agenda of the meetings of the Commission. The Chair can call a Special Meeting of the Commission under State Open Meeting law requirements. B) Duties of Vice -Chair - The Vice -Chair shall preside at meetings in the Chair's absence. C) Duties of Secretary - The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Commission, which shall include any motions of recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may appoint a City Staff member to act as Secretary if they so chose. City staff cannot be voting members or officers. DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS: The duties and functions of the Police Commission shall be as follows: A) To develop a citizen complaint procedure on matters regarding police services. B) To promote public interest in and an understanding of police work. C) To serve as a forum for the citizens of Otsego to voice their opinions regarding community safety and police services. D) This is not a Police Civil Service Commission with those powers granted such a commission under Minnesota state law. E) The Commission is not the supervisor of the Wright County Sheriff and the Sheriff's Deputies. That authority remains with the City Council. F) The Commission does not exist to make recommendations regarding; 1) Continuing, modifying, or ending the contract with the Wright County Sheriff. 2) Whether or not to start a City Police Department. 3) Development issues. 4) Highway or reconstruction. or other growth related street design or COMPENSATION: Compensation for Commission members will be established by City Council action. AMENDMENTS: This resolution shall be amended only by majority vote of the City Council. Dated this 10th day of February, 2003 CITY OF OTSEGO � 2 � Y:::: r:: i �' Larr ournier, Mayor ATTEST: ONI - W114 R r, , .Clerk