Sec 75 B-1 DistrictSECTION 75 B-1, NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSITION BUSINESS DISTRICT Section 20-75-1 Purpose 20-75-2 Permitted Uses 20-75-3 Interim Uses 20-75-4 Uses by Administrative Permit 20-75-5 Accessory Uses 20-75-6 Conditional Uses 20-75-7 Lot Requirements and Setbacks 20-75-8 Maximum Building Height 20-75-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the B-1, dTransition Business District is to provide for the establishment of integrated neighborhood centers for convenient, limited office, retail or service outlets which deal directly with the customer for whom the goods or services are furnished. The B-1 District is to provide for a transition between residential and commercial development. 20-75-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in a B-1 District: A. Adult use - accessory. B. Banks and other financial institutions. C. Funeral homes and mortuaries. 75-1 D. Essential services other than transmission pipelines and transmission or substation lines in excess of thirty three (33) kV and up to one hundred (100) W. E. Government and utility buildings and structures, City of Otsego only. F. Instructional classes. G. Offices and medical offices. H. On-site service businesses. I. Parks, trails, play fields, playgrounds, and directly related buildings and structures, City of Otsego only. J. Personal wireless service antennas located on a public structure, as regulated by Section 33 of this Chapter. 20-75-3: INTERIM USES: Subject to applicable provisions of this Chapter, the following are interim uses in the B-1 District and are governed by Section 5 of this Chapter. A. Farms, farmsteads, and farming. 20-75-4: USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter, and processing requirements of Section 20-8-2, the following are uses allowed in a B-1 District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator. A. Open or outdoor sales, rental or display as an accessory use in association with an allowed principal use provided that: 1. The area so occupied shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the principal building. 2. No storage or display of merchandise shall be permitted in required rear, side or front yards and shall be limited to the area of the customer entrances. 3. The outdoor sales, rental or display area shall be included in the calculations for parking spaces required for the use and shall not occupy space required for parking as stipulated by Section 21 of this Chapter, except as may be exempted for cause by the Zoning Administrator. B. Temporary, outdoor promotional events and sales provided that: 75-2 1. Promotional Events. a. Such activity is directed towards the general public and includes grand openings, carnivals, craft shows, flea markets, mechanical and animal rides and displays of materials that are typically not sold or serviced on the site. b. The event shall not exceed the period specified in the administrative permit and in no case shall exceed three (3) consecutive calendar days per event. C. There shall be no more than two (2) promotional events per calendar per year per property. 2. Outdoor Sales. a. Such activity is directed towards the general public and include warehouse sales, sidewalk sales, inventory reduction or liquidation sales, distressed merchandise sales, seasonal merchandise sales, and licensed transient merchant and transient product merchant sales. b. The following specific standards shall apply to all proposed temporary outdoor sales activities allowed by this paragraph and by City Code business licensing provisions in addition to other applicable building and safety code requirements as determined by the Zoning Administrator. (1) The maximum total time for temporary outdoor sales activities shall be the period specified in the administrative permit and, in no case, shall exceed sixty (60) days per calendar year per property. (2) There shall be no more sales activities than those specified in the administrative permit and, in no case, shall there be more than ten (10) sales activities per year per property. (3) Sales activities may be conducted within a required yard provided the area is paved and the activity does not interfere with parking, traffic circulation or emergency vehicle access. Temporary sales on unpaved landscaped areas is prohibited. C. General Standards (1) The event shall be clearly accessory to or promoting the permitted or conditional use approved for the site. Only merchandise which is normally manufactured, sold, or 75-3 stocked by the occupant on the subject premises on a regular or seasonal basis shall be sold and/or promoted. (2) Tents, stands, and other similar temporary structures may be utilized, provided they are clearly identified on the submitted plan and provided that it is determined by the Zoning Administrator that they will not impair the parking capacity, emergency access, or the safe and efficient movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on or off the site. (3) The submitted plan shall clearly demonstrate that adequate off-street parking for the proposed event can and will be provided for the duration of the event. Determination of compliance with this requirement shall be made by the Zoning Administrator who shall consider the nature of the event and the applicable parking requirements of this Chapter. Consideration shall be given to the parking needs and requirements of other occupants in the case of multi - tenant buildings. Parking on public right-of-way and streets is prohibited; except that parking on local streets may be allowed on Saturday and Sunday only, provided that the petitioner arranges for traffic control by authorized enforcement officers, as approved in writing by the Zoning Administrator, at the petitioner's expense. (4) Signage related to the event shall be in compliance with the temporary sign standards of this Chapter and shall be allowed for the duration of the event. Special signage for purposes of traffic direction and control may be authorized by the Zoning Administrator; the erection and removal of such signage shall be the responsibility of the applicant. (5) The approved permit shall be displayed on the premises for the duration of the event. 20-75-5: ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted uses in a B-1 District: A. Commercial or business buildings and structures for a use accessory to the principal use but such use shall not exceed thirty (30) percent of the gross floor space of the principal use. B. Off-street parking as regulated by Section 21 of this Chapter, but not including semi -trailer trucks. 75-4 C. Off-street loading as regulated by Section 22 of this Chapter. D. Radio and television receiving antennas including single satellite dish TVROs three and one-half (3.5) meters or less in diameter, short-wave radio dispatching antennas, or those necessary for the operation of electronic equipment including radio receivers, federal licensed amateur radio stations and television receivers, as regulated by Section 33 of this Chapter. 20-75-6: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in a B-1 District. (Requires a ` enditional use permit hosed un^nsubject to the procedures set forth in and regulated by Section 4 of this Chapter4. GA. Day care facilities as regulated by Section 30 of this Chapter. B. Essential Services: Essential services involving transmission pipelines and transmission or substation lines in excess of thirty three (33) kV and up to one hundred (100) kV, as regulated by Section of this Chapter. C. Fitness Centers: Fitness centers limited to two thousand (2.000) square feet of gross floor area or less provided that: 1. The total number of stations shall not exceed one per one hundred (1 00) square feet of gross floor area. 2. Hours of operation shall be limited to five o'clock (5:00) A.M. to ten o'clock 10:00) P.M. unless otherwise allowed by the city council. D. Governmental And Public Utility Buildings: Governmental and public utility_ buildings and structures: other than City of Otsego. E. Mixed Uses: Buildings combining residential and nonresidential uses allowed in this district, provided that 1. The residential and nonresidential uses shall not conflict in anymanner. 2. The residential building standards as outlined in the R-7 District are met. F. Multiple -Family Dwellings: Multiple -family dwelling structures subject to the requirements of the R-7 District. 75-5 G. Nursing homes, residential care facilities, continuing care retirement communities and senior housing with services establishments licensed by the Minnesota department of health, provided that: 1. Side and rear yards shall be screened in compliance with Section 19 of this Chapter. 2. Only the rear yard shall be used for outdoor recreational areas and said area shall be fenced and controlled and screened in compliance with Section 19 of this Chapter. 3. The site shall be served by an arterial or major collector street of sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic which will be generated by the use. 4. The use of exterior building materials shall be as required for buildings in the R-7 District. 5. All state statutes and rules -governing such uses are strictly adhered to and all required operating permits are secured. H. Personal wireless service towers and antennas not located on a public structure as regulated by Section 33 of this Chapter. O. Veterinary clinics provided that: 1. All areas in which animals are confined are located indoors and are properly soundproofed from adjacent properties. 2. Animal carcasses are properly disposed of in a manner not utilizing on site garbage facilities or incineration and the carcasses are properly refrigerated during periods prior to disposal. 3. An animal kennel is permitted as a use accessory to the veterinary clinic provided that: a. An indoor exercise area shall be provided to accommodate the periodic exercising of animals boarded at the kennel. No outdoor exercising of animals shall be permitted. b. A ventilation system shall be desianed so that no odors or organisms will spread between wards or to the outside air and will be capable of completely exchanging internal air at a rate of at least twice per hour. Air temperature must be maintained between sixty degrees (60°) and seventy five degrees Fahrenheit (75T). C. A room separate from the kennel area shall be provided of sufficient size to adequately separate animals that are sick or injured from healthy animals. 0'1. d. Indoor animal kennel floors and walls shall be made of nonporous materials or sealed concrete to make it nonporous. e. Animal wastes shall be flushed down an existing sanitary sewer system or enclosed in a container of sufficient construction to eliminate odors and organisms and shall be properly disposed of at least once (1) per day. f. All state health department and Minnesota pollution control agency requirements for such facilities are met. 20-75-7: LOT REQUIREMENTS AND SETBACKS: The following minimum requirements shall be observed in a B-1 District, subject to additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this Chapter. A. Lot Area: One (1) acre. B. Lot Width: One Hundred twenty-five (125) feet C. Maximum Lot Coverage: 1. Building and Structures: Thirty (30) percent 2. Impervious surfaces: Seventy (70) percent CD. Setbacks: 1. Front yards: Setbacks Setbacks From From Right - Centerline of-Wav Lines 65 feet 30 feet Where a lot is located at the intersection of two (2) or more streets or highways which bound two (2) or more sides of the lot, no building shall project beyond the front yard line of either street. 2. Side yards: Ten (10) feet 3. Rear yards: Twenty-five (25) feet 20-75-8: MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: A. Principal building: Thirty-five (35) feet 75-7 B. Accessory building: Per Section 20-16-4 of this Chapter.