Sec 85 I-1 DistrictSECTION 85
Permitted Uses
Interim Uses
Uses by Administrative Permit
Accessory Uses
Conditional Uses
Lot Requirements and Setbacks
Maximum Site Coverage
Maximum Building Height
27 20-85-1: PURPOSE: The intent of the 1-1, ILiaht Industrial District is to provide for
the establishment of Yiorehei icinn and light industrial deyelenment activities,
characterized by low impact manufacturing and warehousing uses, which have
adequate and convenient access to manor streets and provide effective controls
for "nuisance" and pollution characteristics. It is further the intent of this District
to encourage industrial development in a compact and orderly manner consistent
with the general locations shown in the Comprehensive Plan adjacent to the TH
101 corridor within the East Sewer District defined by the Comprehensive Plan
where urban services are provided.. The evall-Gharacter r,f the 1.1 DiGtr,iGt-
r0nteRded to have low impact munafaGWrinrv/ warehouse Ghuranter. Indust
uses allowed an this diStriGt shail be limited to these whiGh Gan GOMpatibly exist
adjaGent to both lower intensity bUSiRess uses and high intensity maRufaGWRI49
usesand whiGhhalimited amounts Of tFUGk traff r �
0 RteRSity industrial diStriGtS. it is further the intent of this diStriGt that iRdus
development GGGUF on an orderly, well planned manner at lenatiens identified in
the Gemnrehenciye Plan where urban seryines are nreyiderl
20-85-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in a 1-1 District:
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A. Adult education, trade, vocational and other public or private postsecondary
education schools.
B. Automobile repair, major and minor.
C. Breweries and small breweries.
D. Building materials sales.
E. Commercial printing establishments.
F. Compounding, assembly, packaging, treatment, or storage of products and
G. Data centers.
H. Distilleries and microdistilleries
I. Distribution centers.
J. Essential services other than transmission pipelines and transmission or
substation lines in excess of thirty three (33) kV and up to one hundred (100) M.
K. Governmental and public utility buildings and structures. City of Otsego only.
L. Laboratories, research and development facilities.
M. Manufacturing, machining and assembly.
N. Offices.
O. Transportation terminals.
P. Warehousing, including self -storage facilities.
Q. Wholesale business.
20-85-3: INTERIM USES: Subject to applicable provisions of this Chapter, the following
are interim uses in the 1-1 District and are governed by Section 5 of this Chapter.
A. Farms, farmsteads, and farming.
.. .. ..
B. Accessory_ . enclosed retail, rental, or service activity_ other than that allowed as a
permitted use or conditional use within this Section, provided that:
1. Such use is allowed as a permitted use in a Business
2. Such use does not constitute more than fifty (50) percent of
the gross floor area of the principal building.
3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading in
compliance with the requirements of Sections 21 and 22 of this Chapter is
4. All signing and informational or visual communication
devices shall be in compliance with the provisions of Section 37 of this
5. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of
occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance
with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter.
OC. Open or outdoor service, sale and rental (excluding automobile or truck
sales) as an accessory use, provided that:
1. The area of the subject site devoted to outdoor storage shall be limited to
thirty (30) percent of the gross area of the lot.
42. Outside service areas are fenced and screened from view of
the public right-of-way, neighboring residential uses, or an abutting
Residential District in compliance with Section 16 of this Chapter.
2-3. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light
source shall not be visible from the public right -or -way or from neighboring
residences and shall be in compliance with Section 16 of this Chapter.
34. The use does not take up parking space as required for
conformity to this Chapter.
45. Sales area is hard surfaced to control dust.
56. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of
occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance
with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter.
D. Open and outdoor storage as a nriRGipa' ^ran accessory use provided
1. The area of the subject site devoted to outdoor storage shall be limited to
thirty (30) percent of the gross area of the lot.
42. The storage area is landscaped, fenced, and screened from
view of neighboring uses and abutting R Districts.
2-3. Storage is landscaped and screened from view from the
public right-of-way.
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45. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light
source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring
56. The storage area does not take up parking space or loading
space as required for conformity to this Chapter.
67. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of
occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance
with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter.
GE. Physical recreation or training facilities indoor provided that:
1. Hours of operation shall be subject to review and approval of
the City Council.
2. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict
with through traffic, shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter and shall
be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.
3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading stalls are
provided in compliance with Sections 21 and 22 of this Chapter.
4. All signs and information and visual communications devices
shall be in compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter.
5. Occupancy shall be subject to and satisfy all applicable requirements of
the Building Code, subject to review and approval of the Building Official.
66. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of
occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance
with Section 5 of this Chapter.
SF. Temporary structures as a principal use associated with a permitted or
conditional use allowed within this district provided that -
1 .
1. The interim use shall terminate twelve (12) months from its
date of issuance, within thirty (30) days after a certificate of occupancy
has been issued by the Building Official for a permanent structure or the
temporary structure(s) is removed from the site, whichever occurs first,
unless a different schedule is approved as part of the permit.
2. The property owner enter into a development contract with
the City for the construction of permanent structures and site facilities to
occur by the termination date of the interim use permit and provide a
performance security as provided for by Section 5 of this Chapter.
3. Temporary structures shall be subject to and satisfy all
applicable requirements of the State Building Code.
4. The entire site other than taken up by buildings, structures or
plantings shall be surfaced with a material to control dust, subject to
review and approval of the Zoning Administrator.
5. Adequate provisions for water and sewer service for the
temporary structure are made, subject to review and approval of the City
6. The temporary structure shall be screened and landscaped
from view of adjacent residential uses in accordance with Section 19 of
this Chapter.
7. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a
minimum of conflict with through traffic movement, and shall be subject to
approval of the City Engineer.
8. Adequate off-street parking and loading facilities are
provided in approval of the City Engineer.
9. Adequate provisions for site drainage are made, subject to
review and approval of the City Engineer.
10. All signing and informational or visual communication
devices shall be in conformance with Section 37 of this Chapter.
11. All refuse shall be stored within containers that are to be
screened and enclosed within a fence or similar structure.
20-85-4: USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this
Section, performance standards established by this Chapter, and processing
requirements of Section 20-8-2, the following are uses allowed in a 1-1 District by
administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator.
A. Temporary outdoor promotional events and salessubjeGt tG the same provisions
0o rorvi id in oontion 20 75_n 13 of this Gha for ,provided that:
1. Promotional Events.
a. Such activity is directed towards the general public and includes
rand openings, carnivals, craft shows, flea markets, mechanical
and animal rides and displays of materials that are typically not sold
or serviced on the site.
b. The event shall not exceed the period specified in the
administrative permit and in no case shall exceed three (3)
consecutive calendar days per event.
C. There shall be no more than two (2) promotional events per
calendar per year per property.
2. Outdoor Sales.
a. Such activitv is directed towards the aeneral Dublic and include
warehouse sales, sidewalk sales, inventory reduction or liquidation
sales, distressed merchandise sales, seasonal merchandise sales,
and licensed transient merchant and transient product merchant
b. The following specific standards shall apply to all proposed
temporary outdoor sales activities allowed by this paragraph and by
City Code business licensing provisions in addition to other
applicable building and safety code requirements as determined by
the Zoning Administrator.
1) The maximum total time for temporary outdoor sales
activities shall be the period specified in the administrative
permit and, in no case, shall exceed sixty (60) days per
calendar year per property.
2) There shall be no more sales activities than those specified
in the administrative permit and, in no case, shall there be
more than ten (10) sales activities per year per property.
3) Sales activities may be conducted within a reauired vard
provided the area is paved and the activity does not interfere
with parking, traffic circulation or emergency vehicle access.
Temporary sales on unpaved landscaped areas is
C. General Standards
1) The event shall be clearlv accessory to or Dromotina the
permitted or conditional use approved for the site. Only
merchandise which is normally manufactured, sold, or
stocked by the occupant on the subject premises on a
regular or seasonal basis shall be sold and/or promoted.
2) Tents. stands. and other similar temDorary structures may be
utilized, provided they are clearly identified on the submitted
plan and provided that it is determined by the Zoning
Administrator that they will not impair the parking capacity,
emergency access, or the safe and efficient movement of
pedestrian and vehicular traffic on or off the site.
3) The submitted Dlan shall clearlv demonstrate that adeauate
off-street parking for the proposed event can and will be
provided for the duration of the event. Determination of
compliance with this requirement shall be made by the
Zoning Administrator who shall consider the nature of the
event and the applicable parking requirements of this
Chapter. Consideration shall be given to the parking needs
and requirements of other occupants in the case of multi -
tenant buildings. Parking on public right-of-way and streets
is prohibited: except that parking on local streets may be
allowed on Saturday and Sunday_ only, provided that the
petitioner arranges for traffic control by authorized
enforcement officers, as approved in writing by the Zoning
Administrator, at the petitioner's expense.
4) Signage related to the event shall be in compliance with the
temporary sign standards of this Chapter and shall be
allowed for the duration of the event. Special sianaae for
purposes of traffic direction and control may be authorized
by the Zoning Administrator: the erection and removal of
such signage shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
5) The approved permit shall be displayed on the premises for
the duration of the event.
20-85-5: ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted uses in a 1-1 District:
A. Commercial or business buildings and structures for a use accessory to
the principal use but such use shall not exceed thirty (30) percent of the gross
floor space of the principal use and shall be of the same material and design as
the principal use.
B. Off-street parking as regulated by Section 21 of this Chapter including
semi -trailer trucks.
C. Off-street loading as regulated by Section 22 of this Chapter.
18 D. Radio and television receiving antennas including single satellite dish
TVROs three and one-half (3.5) meters or less in diameter, short-wave radio
dispatching antennas, or those necessary for the operation of electronic
equipment including radio receivers, federal licensed amateur radio stations and
television receivers, as regulated by Section 33 of this Chapter.
20-85-6: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in a 1-1 District..
(Requires O� use ce permit based upon subject to the procedures set
`` ii""nand regulated by Section 4 of this Chapter).
A. Reid.Animal kennels, provided that:
1. An exercise area at least one hundred (100) square feet in size shall be
provided to accommodate the periodic exercising of animals boarded at
the kennel.
2. If an outdoor exercise area is provided, it shall be at least one hundred
fifty (150) square feet in size and shall be restricted to the exercising of
one animal, on leash, under the control of a handler, in the pet exercise
area, at a time.
3. Outdoor exercise areas shall be fenced. not less than six (6) feet in heiaht
with an additional at least two foot (2') security arm with an internal
orientation set at a thirty degree (300) angle, and shall be of sufficient
strength to retain kenneled animals. Said fence shall be located in a side
or rear yard and shall provide a complete visual screen from surrounding
properties in compliance with Section 19 of this Chapter. Said fence shall
be set back at least one hundred (100) feet from any side or rear property
4. Outdoor exercise areas must be cleaned at least once (1) per day to
prevent the accumulation of animal wastes and the spread of disease.
5. A ventilation system shall be desianed so that no odors or oraanisms will
spread between wards or to the outside air and will be capable of
completely exchanging internal air at a rate of at least twice per hour. Air
temperature must be maintained between sixty (60) and seventy five
degrees Fahrenheit (75°F).
6. A room separate from the kennel area shall be provided of sufficient size
to adequately separate animals that are sick or injured from healthy
7. Indoor animal kennel floors and walls shall be made of nonporous
materials or sealed concrete to make it nonporous.
8. Animal wastes shall be flushed down an existing sanitary sewer system or
enclosed in a container of sufficient construction to eliminate odors and
organisms and shall be properly disposed of at least once -a day.
9. All state health department and Minnesota pollution control agency
requirements for such facilities are met.
1*7 11.11
€B. Commercial and public radio and television transmitting antennas, and
public utility microwave antennas, as regulated by Section 33 of this Chapter.
C. Commercial, private and public satellite dish transmitting or receiving
antennas in excess of three and one-half (3.5) meters in diameters, as regulated
by Section 33 of this Chapter.
D. Convenience gasoline sales with grocery and/or food operations, provided that:
1. Convenience/deli food is of the take-out type only.
2. Outside sales and service shall be allowed on a limited basis, provided
a. Site Plan. Areas for outdoor sales and services shall be clearly
indicated on the site plan and reviewed at the time of application for
a conditional use permit. No outdoor sales or services shall be
allowed outside of those areas so designated on the approved site
plan without approval of an amended conditional use permit.
b. Location. Outdoor sales and services shall be located adjacent to
the principal building upon a concrete or asphalt surface behind a
raised six (6) inch curb, on the raised pump isIandsor otherwise
segregated from vehicle circulation under the canopy and shall not
encroach into any required principal building setback, required
parking stall, drive aisle, or minimum five (5) foot wide pedestrian
sidewalk adjacent to the principal building where head -in parking is
provided or otherwise impede vehicle and pedestrian circulation,
except as provided for by Section 20-76-6.C.2.d of this Chapter.
C. Outdoor Sales:
1) Area. The area devoted to outdoor sales shall not exceed
ten (10) percent of the gross floor area of the principal
building or two hundred (200) square feet, whichever is less.
2) Height. The height of sales displays not abutting the
principal building or located between the fuel pumps under
the canopy shall not exceed three (3) feet in height as
measured from the grade of the adjacent drive aisle to the
top of the display. All other outdoor sales displays shall not
exceed five (5) feet in height measured from grade to the top
of the display.
3) Required Parking. The outdoor sales area shall be included
in the calculations for parking spaces required for the use by
Section 21 of this Chapter.
d. Outdoor services shall be limited to the
following uses:
1) Public phones may encroach into a required yard as
Iona as they do not interrupt on-site traffic circulation,
do not occupy required parkins stalls. and are not
located in a yard abutting residentially zoned property.
(2) Propane sales limited to twenty (20) pound capacity
tanks may be located outside provided the propane
tanks are secured in a locker and meets all State
Uniform Building and Fire Codes.
3) A compressed air service or automobile vacuum
areas may be located on-site provided they meet all
principal building setbacks and do not interrupt on-site
traffic circulation and do not occupy required parkins
4) Freezers for ice products may only be located at the
front of the building subject to the area and location
requirements of Section 20-76-6.C.2.b and 20-76-
6.C.2.c of this Chapter, or shall be located in a side or
rear yard and fully screened from view from adjacent
properties as the public right-of-way with materials
consistent with the principal building.
3. The hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM, unless
extended by the City Council.
4 Motor fuel activities shall be installed in accordance with State and Cit
standards. Additionally, adequate space shall be provided to access gas
pumps and allow maneuverability around the pumps. Underground fuel
storage tanks are to be positioned to allow adequate access by motor fuel
transports and unloading operations do not conflict with circulation, access
and other activities on the site. Fuel pumps shall be installed on pump
5. A protective canopy located over pump island may be an accessory
structure on the property and may be located twenty (20) feet or more
from the front lot line, provided adequate visibility both on and off site is
6. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the buildina and site
shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause a
blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. All sides of the
principal and accessory structures are to have essentially the same or a
coordinated, harmonious finish treatment.
7. The entire site other than that taken up by a building, structure or plantings
shall be surfaced with blacktop or concrete to control dust and drainage
which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
8. At the boundaries of the lot, a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be
landscaped and screened in compliance with Section 4-619 of this
9. Each light standard base shall be landscaped.
10. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through
traffic movement, and shall be subject to the approval of the City.
11. An internal site pedestrian circulation system shall be defined and
appropriate provisions made to protect such areas from encroachments by
parked cars or moving vehicles.
12. An enclosed screened area js to be provided for rubbish and dumpsters.
E. Essential services involving transmission pipelines and transmission or
substation lines in excess of thirty three (33) kV and up to one hundred (100) kV.
F. Governmental and public utility buildings and structures: other than City of
G. Servicing of motor freight vehicles and heavy construction equipment: directly
related accessory_ materials and parts sales for such repair and servicing (not
including new or used vehicle sales): and accessory materials and parts
warehousing which is related to and dependent upon such uses, provided that:
1. All servicing of vehicles and equipment shall occur entirely within the
principal structure.
2. To the extent required by state law and regulations, painting shall be
conducted in an approved paint booth, which thoroughly controls the
emission of fumes, dust, or other particulate matter.
3. Storage and use of all flammable materials, including liquids and rags.
shall conform with applicable provisions of the Minnesota uniform fire
4. Parking, driveway, and circulation standards and requirements shall be
subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer and shall be based
upon the specific needs of the operation and shall accommodate large
vehicle equipment and semitrailer/tractor trucks.
5. The storage of damaged vehicles and vehicle parts and accessory
equipment must be completely inside a principal or accessory building
GH. Taprooms accessory to a brewery or small brewery.
HI. Tasting rooms accessory to a distillery or micro -distillery.
20-85-7: LOT REQUIREMENTS AND SETBACKS: The following minimum requirements
shall be observed in a 1-1 District, subject to additional requirements, exceptions and
modifications set forth in this Chapter.
A. Lot Area: One (1) acre.
B. Lot Width: Two hundred (200) feet
C. Setbacks:
1. Front yards:
Setbacks Setbacks
From From Right -
Centerline of -Way Lines
65 feet 30 feet
Where a lot is located at the intersection of two (2) or more streets or highways
which bound two (2) or more sides of the lot, no building shall project beyond the
front yard line of either street.
2. Side yard:
a. Corner lot: Thirtyfive/35`Thirt 30 feet
b. Interior lot: Ten (10) feet
3. Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet
A. Building and Structure: Thirty (30 foo+Fifty (50) percent.
B I-I�arfaGe inGli ding buildings and parking/driveway areas mpervious
Surfaces: Eighty-five (85) percent. T
20-85-9: MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: Thirty-five (3F)Forty-eight (48) feet.