02-11-09 PRPOLICY 1 ADOPT -A -PARK Section: 1.01: Purpose 1.02: Participation 1.03: Program 1.04: Park and Trail Rules 1.05: Agreement 1.06: Waiver of Liability 1.01: PURPOSE: The purpose of the Otsego Adopt -A -Park program is to encourage business, civic groups or individuals to assist, on a volunteer basis, in improving and maintaining City parks and trails to provide for a welcoming and safe recreation experience for all users. 1.02: PARTICIPATION: A. Eligible Participants: All persons eighteen (18) years of age or older. 2. Persons ten (10) years old, but under the age of eighteen (18) years may participate provided that at least one person eighteen (18) years of age or older is present as the primary responsible person to supervise any work or service performed under the Adopt -A -Park program. 3. The number of persons within a group participating in the Adopt -A - Park program shall be sufficient to complete the activities set forth by the approved program the group has committed to. B. Application: Requests to participate in the Otsego Adopt -A -Park program shall be submitted to the City Clerk using the form provided by the City and shall include the following information: a. Name of organization. b. Name, address and phone number of a primary contact person at least eighteen (18) years of age or older. C. Names and addresses for all participants; ages for any participants under the age of eighteen (18) years. d. Choice of park or trail facilities to adopt. e. Proposed activity program. Other information requested by City staff, the Parks and Recreation Commission or City Council. 2. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall review the application and proposed program activities and make a recommendation to the City Council as to approval of the application taking into consideration the capabilities of the participants and scope of the activity program in relation to the facility to be adopted. 3. Upon receiving a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission, the City Council shall consider the application with approval requiring a majority vote. C. Participant Commitment: Participants will be a positive representative of the City of Otsego and a good role model for public service within the community. 2. Participants agree to a two (2) year commitment to the Adopt -A - Park program; a two (2) year commitment shall not be required for special projects approved under this Policy or as otherwise recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approved by the City Council. 3. Participation in the Adopt -A -Park program may be renewed at the end of the commitment period upon recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approval of the City Council. 4. The City Council may terminate a participant in the Adopt -A -Park program at any time. D. City Support: The City Council will award a certificate of appreciation to participants at a regular City Council meeting. 2 2. A sign identifying the participants will be placed for individual adoptions after acceptance of at least two (2) activity reports by the Parks and Recreation Commission. 3. Public works staff will coordinate and oversee participant activities. 4. The City will provide: a. Trash bags and trash pick-up/disposal. b. Other hand tools or safety equipment as determined by the Public Works Supervisor. 1.03: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: A. Areas to adopt may include entire parks or particular areas within specific parks including the following: 1 . Neighborhood parks. 2. Playgounds, picnic areas, sports fields/courts within community parks. 3. Trail segments. 4. Trees, shrubs, flower beds. 4. Undeveloped park land. B. Adopt -A -Park program activities may include: Inspection of the adopted park facilities a minimum of one (1) time per month to pick up trash, identify needed repairs, light replacement and report graffiti or vandalism. 2. Park maintenance a minimum of two (2) times per year for trash pickup, rake grass or sand to remove leaves, sweep shelters, sidewalks and trails and clean picnic tables and benches or other activities as approved by the Public Works Supervisor. 3. Planting of flowers, shrubs and/or trees. a. Plants to be installed must be of a type and size approved by the Public Works Supervisor. b. Participants are required to maintain and water installed plants for a minimum of one growing season. 3 C. The scope of work may be limited to adoption of one or more planting beds within a given park. 4. Other activities subject to review by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approval of the City Council. C. Participants shall submit a monthly report of activities to the Parks and Recreation Commission on the form provided by the City. D. Activity Rules: Work or service shall be limited to the approved activity within the designated area upon City property. 2. Work or service is encouraged to occur during daylight hours and in no case shall extend beyond the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM. 3. There must be at least one (1 ) person eighteen year of age or older present or each five (5) persons under the age of eighteen (18). 4. Participants shall wear gloves and closed toe shoes while doing the work or service. 5. The use of power tools, equipment and machinery by participants is prohibited, unless approved by the Public Works Supervisor. 6. Participants shall not attempt repair of City owned property and will report any needed repairs to the Public Works Supervisor, unless set forth as part of a participant's approved Adopt -A -Park program. 7. Participants shall not attempt removal of any hazardous or unreasonably large or heavy items and will report any such material to the Public Works Supervisor. E. All activities shall be coordinated with the Public Works Department: The date and time work or service is to be performed shall be approved by the Public Works Supervisor at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the scheduled activity. 2. The Public Works Supervisor will review any safety procedures and special instructions with participants before each activity. 4 1.04: PARK AND TRAIL RULES: Participants in the Adopt -A -Park program shall comply with all rules and regulations for City parks and trails established in Chapter 6, Section 7 of the City Code. 1.05: AGREEMENT: Participants shall enter into an informal agreement with the City of Otsego for volunteer services to maintain and make improvements within City parks and trails in accordance with a work program reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approved by the City Council and agreeing to waive liabilities as set forth by this Policy. 1.06: WAIVER OF LIABILITY: All participants in the Otsego Adopt -A - Park program engaged in any work or service performed under this policy shall s agreeing to the following: A. All participants shall assume liability for and save the City of Otsego, its agents and employees, harmless from and fully indemnify the City for any and all claims for damages, actions or causes of action of any nature arising out of the work or service to be done under the Adopt -A -Park program. B. All participants shall not be considered employees, agents or contractors of the City of Otsego and any and all claims made by the participants or other party engaged in work or services to be done under the Adopt -A - Park program shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City of Otsego. C. All participants shall provide a signed waiver of liability in the form provided by the City prior to any work or service activity being performed under the Adopt -A -Park program. 5 CITY OF 0 T S E G 0 8899 Nashua Ave., NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Phone: 763-441-4414 Fax: 763-441-8823 Adopt -A -Park Group (or Participant): ADOPT -A -PARK PROGRAM PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT Contact Information for Responsible Individual (minimum 18 years of age or older): Name: Address: City: State: - Zip Code: Phone(d): (e): e-mail: * Please provide a separate list of all participants names, ages and contact information. Program Proposal Park or Area to be Adopted: Scope of Work: Terms and Conditions 1 . This agreement shall be in effect for two (2) years from the date of City Council approval. 2. The participant(s) shall develop and follow an activity program of the property in accordance with the Adopt -A -Park policy of the City of Otsego. 3. The participant shall provide a monthly report all program activities to the Parks and Recreation Commission. 4. Each individual participating in the Adopt -A -Park program must sign a liability waiver in the form provided by the City of Otsego. 5. Participants shall follow all park and trail regulations established by the City Code and adhere to the Adopt -A -Park policy. 6. The City of Otsego may terminate this agreement at any time. Participant: Date: CITY OF 0 T S E G 0 8899 Nashua Ave., NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Phone: 763-441-4414 Fax: 763-441-8823 Adopt -A -Park Group (or Participant): Participant Information: Name: Address: City: Phone(d): (e): Release of Liability and Waiver Agreement: ADOPT -A -PARK PROGRAM LIABILITY WAIVER State: Zip Code: e-mail: In consideration of myself or my child's participation in the City of Otsego's Adopt -A -Park program 1, the undersigned, agree that: A. All activities undertaken by me or my child are at my or my child's own risk and that the City of Otsego, its employees, agents, contractors and volunteers shall not be liable for any claim, demand, injury, damage, action, or causes of action whatsoever to myself or my child, my property or my child's property do to the negligence or failure to act of the City of Otsego, its employees, agents, contractors and volunteers arising out of or connected with my or my child's participation in this program. I expressly forever release and discharge the City of Otsego its employees, agents, contractors and volunteers from any such claim, demand, injury, damage, action, or causes of action whatsoever. B. I understand that my signature is required before my or my child's participation is allowed. I have read this agreement carefully and know and understand its contents. I agree to participate or allow my child to participate in the Adopt -A -Park program sponsored by the City of Otsego. I understand that participation in the program is completely voluntary and that the program is being offered as an optional activity for the benefit of the participants and that there is no requirement to participate in the program. Participant: Date: If participant is under eighteen (18) years of age: Pare nt/G uard ian: Date: CITY OF 0 T S E G 0 8899 Nashua Ave., NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Phone: 763-441-4414 Fax: 763-441-8823 Adopt -A -Park Group (or Participant): Month of: Contact Information for Responsible Individual: Name: Phone(d): Activity Report: Date # of Activities Participants Notes/Comments: Participant: (e): ADOPT -A -PARK PROGRAM MONTHLY REPORT e-mail: Date: Please e-mail this report to cityha1lCa)_ci.otseqo.mn.us by the first Monday of each month. City of Otsego Summary of 2008 Park Commission Expenses Payee Jessica Stockamp Jessica Stockamp Jessica Stockamp Newman Traffic Beverly Kumar Jessica Stockamp Michael Brumm Beverly Kumar Jessica Stockamp Kathy Roberts Teency the Clown Beverly Kumar Beverly Kumar Beverly Kumar Rose Cassaday Rose Cassaday Peter Torresani Rose Cassaday Pete r To rresa n i Wildwood Sleigh 101 Market Michael Brumm Sign shop -2007 Pumpkin Sign shop -2007 Santa Day Check Easter Pumpkin Number Amount Description Event Day 45386 $ 12.67 Supplies $ 12.67 $ 45443 228.00 Supplies 228.00 45482 108.09 Santa Day Posters - 2007 45488 449.66 Material for Easter Signs 449.66 45518 101.02 2 Bikes for Easter Event 101.02 45539 103.00 Pizza for Easter Event 103.00 45543 94.37 2 Bikes for Easter Event 94.37 45578 76.41 Supplies 76.41 45666 10S.87 Laminate Easter posters 105.87 45668 249.10 Candy for Easter 249.10 45684 150.00 Easter Event 150.00 46463 122.63 Supplies 122.63 46463 43.93 Supplies 46463 35.29 Save the date posters - assumed even split 17.65 46467 341.51 Supplies 341.51 46467 59.97 Supplies 46622 121.24 Supplies 121.24 46659 33.66 Mailbox supplies 46697 248.00 Supplies 46750 400.00 Sleigh rides 46767 4,490.42 Purnkin day supplies 4,490.42 46802 72.42 Xmas tree 470.19 470.19 793.17 Santa Day 108.09 43.93 17.64 59.97 33.66 248.00 400.00 72.42 793.17 $ 8,910.62 $ 1,570.10 $ 5,563.64 $ 1,776.88 Elk River Municipal Utilities ............ (763) 441-2020 CenterPoint Energy ............. (612) 372-4727 e Qwest .............. 1 (800) 244-1111 Northstar Access ............. Qf I !sS 63 672 22 6754 j447 Ions We 1) 581-0081 ...(763) 633-4672 or 1 (877) 225-6754 .............. (651) 454-0002 or 1 (800) 252-1166 JP �; *�, � 11 YA P A Applications are available on the city's website at www.ci.elk-river. mn.us or by calling the Parks and Recreation Department at 763-635-1150. The City sponsors the Adopt - A -Park program, which was implemented to obtain volunteer assistance for the Parks and Recreation Department staff in the maintenance and improvement of park areas throughout the city. The Adopt -A -Park program involves recruiting and organizing individuals, community groups, and businesses to care for areas that need extra attention, such as city parks. The Adopt -A -Park program is a partnership between the City and individuals or groups. The individuals and groups who become involved in the Adopt -A - Park program are contributing to the betterment of the community by making park areas cleaner, safer, and more attractive. Citizen ideas and suggestions about park area improvements are appreciated. The City of Elk River will place a sign in your park crediting you or your organization for your assistance. * is NER I The adopting individual or group commits to a one-year period of adoption. At the end of that year an individual or organization can renew, change parks (if available), or terminate. Monitoring of the park is to be done on a regular basis, usually at least once a week during the warm season, and as weather permits in the cold season. The adopting individual or groups will be asked to assist with litter and debris removal, reporting vandalism, and identifying any hazards in their adopted areas. of ver Elk River Parks and Recreation is located in Lions Park Center at 1104 Lions Park Drive. Phone number ........ (763) 635-1150 Fax number ............ (763) 635-1155 Hotline number ....... (763) 635-1160 Email: recreation@ ci.elk-river.mn.us City Website: www.ci.elk-river.mn.us Online Registration Website www.erpr.org We are committed to providing services, programs, and facilities that enhance the lives of all residents. We offer programming for all ages and include a wide variety of opportunities. Here is a sampling of what's available: Leagues Open gyms Introductory athletics Teen programming Sports camps and lessons Family events Adult fitness Annual community garage sale Firearm safety Safety camp Babysitting courses Girl Power Upcoming Elk River Parks and Recreation Program Guides will be mailed to current program participant mailing list. Please call (763) 635-IISO to be added to our mailing list. Guides will be available: February 4 March -April Programs April I May -August Programs August 5 September - December Programs December 2 January -February Programs The City of Elk River has over 40 parks totaling over 800 acres in various stages of development. While many of these parks are neighborhood parks, there are also community parks available. Tlirn to page 74 to review the citywide park map. Lions Park is centrally located south of School Street. It is 34 acres and includes four picnic shelters with tables and two without, a trail system, band shell, skating rinks, playground equipment, a sliding hill for winter use, skate park, 9 -hole disc golf course, and an indoor facility with a meeting room, and more. Seating is available in the meeting room for 170 people and overall capacity is 250. Coffee pots, portable PA, overhead projector/ screen, TV/VCR, and more are all available for use to make this a full service facility. The city also has a variety of baseball, softball, and soccer fields available at the Youth Athletic Complex, the Adult Softball Complex, and at Oak Knoll Park. The shelters, fields, Rout Brook Barn, and Lions Park Center are available for use and require a reservation, fee, and deposit to be paid. Organized activities and groups of 15 or more are permitted at the various parks and also require a reservation, fee, and deposit to be paid. For use application or more information, please contact Elk River Parks and Recreation at (763) 635-1150. Forms are also available on our website at www.ci.elk-river.mn.us Elk River has many neighborhood parks which include open green space, playground equipment, basketball courts, and more. Additionally, there are community parks available for your enjoyment. To receive a Parks and Rails Map by mail, call (763) 635-1150 or email us at recreation(& ci. elk -river. mn. us. 7717--T009 dit Elk River Communiftyie�w;'#te & ResidentsGuliie 3 � (OMMUMITY! Hilliide Chy Fark Hillside City Park located south of County Road 12 is home to six miles of challenging mountain bike trails. Minnesota BLAST/DirtWirx built and maintains these trails, which travel through 80 acres of oak forest. There is a daily fee of $4.00 to ride the trails, or you may purchase an Annual Pass for $25.00 by calling (763) 635-1150. Riders are asked to follow the posted rules. The trails may be closed from time to time due to wet conditions. Lions Park is a centrally located park south of School Street. The park is 34 acres and includes six picnic shelters, a trail system, band shell, hockey rink, skate park, disc golf, fenced dog park, and playground equipment. The building at Lions Park may be reserved for indoor activities such as weddings, receptions, dinners, and meetings. Many of the City's recreation programs are held at Lions Park including Safety Camp and Entertainment in the Park. This park has good access to a number of multi -family units as well as the junior and senior high schools. Woodland Trails Park Woodland Trails Park is located east of County Road 1 and north of the Elk River Country Club. The park is 164 acres of woods, prairies and wetlands. The park includes parking, paved biking trails and unpaved walking and hiking trails. In the wintertime, cross-country ski trails are maintained by the local ski club. This park is ideal for family picnics, natural interpretation and walking. This park is also a favorite site of many local fundraisers such as the annual Crop Walk. Orono Park is located on the west shore of Lake Orono south of Highway 10. This park is 45 acres in area and includes a fishing pier, swimming beach, sand volleyball court and playground equipment. There are mature oak trees on the property, as well as a row of pine trees, which screens the north end of the park from Highway 10. From Orono Park you can launch your boat to enjoy fishing, water skiing and jet skiing on the lake. There are four picnic shelters with electricity that can be reserved through the Recreation Department at (763) 635- 1150. Grills are also available in the park for barbecuing. Each year on the 4th of July, a large community festival sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce is held at Orono Park. Trout Brook Park is located within the Trout Brook development on the east side of town. This park has playground equipment, tennis courts, open field space and an indoor facility with a capacity of 60 which is available for rent. This facility has all the charm of a rustic barn with modern conveniences. There are also trails planned for future development. River.'s Edge Commens Park This riverfront park in downtown Elk River has spectacular views of the Mississippi River, an amphitheatre, splash fountain and picnic gazebo. During the summer there are weekly evening concerts. WINEWOOD A, 44.�, N1%IiiA(,30ILFF COURSE PINIVOOD GOLF COURSE 18150 Waco St. Elk River, MN 55330 (763) 441-3451 www.ci.elk-river.mn.us Hours: Sunrise -Sunset Pinewood Offers: * Open Golf • Men's League • Senior's League • Women's League • Youth League • Memberships • Gift Certificates • Punch Cards • Golf Lessons • Banquet Facility • Food • Pro -shop • Golf Cart Rental • Golf Club Rental I ou 00 is swnr ov aN 00 awovMW Ef Ell El ,�W,z 11 �1_40 AW 03 E), E3 Q ri, , � j I 1___1 j ft ~ I wolook T -b OL / Lq,�_ 0 u 00"m V P-9 -1 j u Pl 11 M (D X M U, 0 M X z VI (A 0 (A 9) < —4 V, 0 0 03 3 :1 UD (A M 0 A n 0 M 10 :) X 0 .0 cr 3. 3 41 Cr -X, r OQ M 0 0 7'r X 0 13. 0 .0 rn C 6- a. 0 City Parks 0 3 3 n M :3 go Babcock Memorial Park X X X Baldwin Park X X Barrington Park X 1/2 Big Tooth Ridge Park Camp Cozy Park X Country Crossing X X I Deerfield Hill Park X X X 1/2 1 Fresno Park X Great Northern Trail X Hillside City Park X Highlands East Park X Highlands West Park X X X 1/21 1 Miever Lake Fields X X U2 Kliever Point Park X I 1/2 Lions Park 6 X X X X X X X X X X 1 2 1 X X X M�ado- Park X X Meadowvale Heights X Mississippi Oaks Park X X North Terrace Park Oak Knoll Complex X 2 3 Oak Savannah Park X Orono Athletic Complex 4 Orono Park 4 X X X X 1 3 X Oxbow Park North Ridgewood Fast Park X X X 1/2 1 River's Edge Commons X X X Riverplace Park X X I X Royal Valley Park Sedge Meadow Park Top of the World Park X Trott Brook Farms I X X X 2 West Oaks Park I X 1/2 )Xrindsor Park I X X Woodland Trails Park X X X Youth Athletic Complex 2 1 6 1000 School St. NW (Between VandenBerge Jr. High and Elk River High School) Public Open Skating (Ice and Rollerblading) Open Hockey for Adults and Youth Ice Skating Lessons Ice Rentals Dry Floor Events and Rentals (Craft Fairs, Trade Shows, Weddings, etc.) Indoor Walking Track Home Site for Elk River Skate Club Home Site for Elk River Skating Academy Home Site for Elk River Boys and Girls Varsity Hockey General Information: (763) 635-1140 Office: ... (763) 635-1141 or 635-1145 Fax: ........................ (763) 635-1144 Skating Director: ..... (763) 635-1143 Elk River Youth Hockey: ................ (763) 441-4415 ACADEMY Sanctioned by the USFS (United States Figure Skating), Elk River Skating Academy is a multi-level skating program designed for skaters of all ages and abilities. Whether you're interested in figure skating, boys or girls hockey, ice dancing, hockey cheerleading, or recreational skating, E.R.S.A. can help you achieve your on -ice goal. Classes begin in September; sign up early to guarantee a spot in the fall session. • Community Information • Business Directory • Community Calendar • Restaurants Around Town- • Movie Times • Free Classifieds • Free Employment Listings • Free Real Estate Listings • Free Coupons & Much More ELK FIVER ARENA IN�ORMA-r 10N LINIE BREAKFAST CLUB (763) 635-1140 Open Skating, Open Hockey Varsity home game schedule Directions to Arena Private Open Skating Parties Walking Track Schedule ELK RIVER ARENA'S 2039 SPRIN� ARTS, CRAFTS, ANTIQUE AND HOME bUSINESS SHOW Saturday, May 2nd, 9:00am - 4:00pm Interested vendors should call the Arena at (763) 635-1145. FREE ADMISSION' ELK RIVER AREINA'5 FALL HWAF DUS0 , NESS AND (RAFT FAIR 2009 Saturday, September 19th, 9:00am - 4:00pm Sunday, September 20th, 10:00am - 3:00pm FIRLE ADMISSHON! 00 guidexem "ilog on, fjk.k, iwArn, Iii;v" The Breakfast Club is a free walking and skating program for seniors. We meet from 9am - llam Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays throughout the fall, winter and spring. Bring your favorite treats to share; the Arena will provide the coffee. This is a great way to meet new friends. Programs begin approx. October 15. I- R EL ARENA WAtK!N(j TRACK The walking track is open 8:00am - 9:00pm seven days a week. The walking track is not open during paid events such as tournaments and high school hockey games. If you have any other questions regarding the walking track, please call (763) 635-1145. I'll, � 'Er. rrEM 6-1 Memo To: Park Commission From: Brad Belair Date: February 6, 2009 Re: Recycle containers I have attached some examples of recycling containers that are available. We can discuss which parks you would like them located in and costs at the meeting. 0 Page 1 Recycled Plastic Lumber Specialty Recycling Receptacles Home Company , Recycling Containers Street Smart Site Furnishings Environmentally Preferable Playgrounds Contact Us Re( (11119 Envircidesign Recycled NO( C011flers Lumber Speciality Receptacles "FIBI;X To inquire or order any of these items, Call En�irod.vg. Recycled The new recycled plastic lumber recycling depots hold Plostm Lumber Recycling most standard 65 or 95 gallon wheeled refuse carts, The Centers unit comes standard with a full size lockable door through 95 gallon which you can remove the Interior 65 or 95 gallon roll cart. Recycling Containers The drop-in openings can be placed on the top or side of Pl-fic Lurril., Recycling the depot. Mobius Recycling & Waste 40' x 20" x 33' Sled... The Envirodesign recycled plastic lumber recycling and 3x 25 gal. waste receptacles can be customized to that specific look Molnus Designer Series that best represents your organization. We can match your RL4101 government, educational or corporate Image with custom M.M., Indoor Recycling stati... colors and logo's. Since we manufacture the Envirodesign Spotswood waste receptacle recycled plastic lumber receptacles ourselves we can offer Mobws Custom Designs very affordable custom color combinations. We will also 23"dia x 31' design and apply your four-color vinyl logos. All M.N.. Recycle, Pod custornization is done in-house at affordable prices. 148 lbs. Searching for that unique impression that sets you apart Profile 6 Compartment from the masses? Call us and we'll create it for you. Recycling Contaionrs Profile 3 Compartment code Recycling Containers weight dimension To inquire or order any of these items, Call En�irod.vg. Recycled Toll Free: Plostm Lumber Recycling 31' x 32' x 42' Centers R9895 95 gallon 1-800-346-4458 EnOmdesig. Recycled Two mmpartment receptacle Pl-fic Lurril., Recycling 2. 25 gal. Receptacle. 40' x 20" x 33' En.ir.de.ign Recycled Pla.fi. Lumber Waste Receptacle. For Government and Wholesale pricing, ZEnvirodesign Recycled please call 1-800-346-4458 .0. Lumber Specialty Receptacles Office & Curbside Recycling Bin. Clear View Recycling Sm Commercial Recycling Bins Stat.k.hi. Special E-nt Recycling Bin. Recycling Ca n" , Front & Re., Leaders lglo. Re.yling Contain— Profile Used Oil Recycling containers & Used Fill., Receptacles Color Chart model code capacity weight dimension Roll cart recycling depot R9865 85 gallon 220 lbs. 31' x 32' x 42' Roll cart recycling depot R9895 95 gallon 295 lbs. 36' x 37' x 46' Two mmpartment receptacle RL2501 2. 25 gal. I 10 lbs. 40' x 20" x 33' Three compartment receptacle RL3751 3x 25 gal. 145 lbs. 54' x 20' x 33' Four compartment receptacle RL4101 22x225.8,. 0 155 lbs. 54- x 20' x 33' Spotswood waste receptacle A-030-25 25 gal. 126 lbs. 23"dia x 31' A-032-32 32 gal. 148 lbs. 24*dia x 35" Page I of I ........ .. — G-1 View Cart! Contact Us Toll Free: 800-346-4458 Mobius Recycling& Waste Stations I Mobius Designer SOH03 I Mobius Indoor Recycling Station I Mgbiug Custom Designs I Mobius Recycle Pod I Profile 6 Compartment Recycling Contains lProfile3 Compartment Recycling Containe I Envirodesign Recycled Plastic Lumber Recycling Centers I Envirodesign Recycled Plastic Lumber Recycling Receptacle I Envirodesign Recycled Plastic LumberWaste Receptacles I Envirodesign Recycled Plastic Lumber Speciaft Receptacles I Offloo & Curb3ide Recycling Bins I Clear View Recycling Bin I Commercial Recycling Bins I Stackable Special Event Recycling Bins I Recycling Carts, Front & Rear Loaders I Igloo Recycling Containers I Profile Used Oil Recycling Containers & Used Filter Receptacles I Color Chart Copyright 2006-2008. Fibrex Group, Inc. Suffolk, VA I REGISTER I LcG IN Site hosting, maintenance and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by WSL http://www.fibrexgroup.comlEnvirodesign-Recycled-Plastic-Lumber-Specialty-Receptacles... 2/9/2009 Stackable Special Event Recycling Bins Home Company o Recycling Containers Street Smart Site Furnishings Enyirommentally Preferable Playgrounds ContactUs Recycling Contain- 1A.bl', Recycling & Waste Sta(kohle Specials Station. Moblus Designer Series Event Relcyding Bins M.W.. Ind—, R..yci U station. The Stackables recycling bins can be easily stored when not in use and are sturdy enough to be permanent Mobius Custom Design$ fixtures. Its unique ergonomic design makes it very easy to empty. The heavy bag is not lifted out of the receptacle, M.biuis Recy.l. Pod but the outer casing itself. One simply lifts the outer shell and then has easy access to the full plastic liner. Tops and Profile 6 Compartment decals can be customized for all types of recyclables. The Recycling Containers removable dome-shaped top is 12" high with a concave cavity, which helps to channel office papers into the drop Profile 3 Compartment slot In the center of the cavity. The drop slot is 12" x 21/2" Recycling Container. deep . A round 7" or 9" drop -hole is also available for collecting drink cans, bottles or cups. Envirodesign Recycled Plastic Lumber Recycling Centers E;wirodesign Recycled P astic Lumber Recycling Receptacles For Government and Wholesale pricing, please call 1-800-346-4458 Envirodesign Recycled Plastic Lumber Weat. Receptacles EM,.cle.ign Recycled model description dimension capacity P;astic Lumber Specialty F12200 Stackable Recycling & 22" Die x 46" H 49 Gallons I m Receptacles Special Event Bin Olfice & Curb.lds Recycling Bin. Clear Vi— Recycling Bin Commercial Recycling St.. Strickable Special Event Recycling Bins Recycling Carla, Front& Rear Loaders Igloo Recycling Containers Page I of 1 I _ _ � __ — Gol View Cwt I ContarA Us ToR Free: 800,W4458 Profile Used Oil Recycling Container, & Used Filter Receptacles Colo, Chart Mobius Recyding & Waste Stations I Mobius Designer Series I Mobius Indoor Recycling Stations I Mobius Custom Design I Mobius Recycle Pod I Profile 6 Compartment Recycling Containe I Profile 3 Compartment Recycling Contains, I Envirodesion Recycled! Plastic Lumber RecyrAing Centers I Envirodesign Rewded Mastic Lumber Recycling Receptacles I Envimdesign Recycled Plastic LumberWaste Receptede I Envirodeslon Recycled Plastic Lumber Specialty Rectiplacle I Office & Curbside Recycling Bin I Clear View Recycling Bin I Commerdal Rwycling Bins I Stackable Special Event Recycling Bins I RmrAina Carts, Front & Rear Loade I Igloo RoWing Containers I Profile Und Oil Rewding Containers & Used Fitter Receptacles I Color Chart Copyright 2006-2008. Fibrex Group, Inc, Suftlk, VA I REGISTE I LOG IN Site hosting, maintenance, and Search Engine Optirnization (SEO) by WSL http://www.fibrexgroup.com/stackable-special-event-recycling-bins-.aspx 2/9/2009 Clear View Recycling Bin Home Company - Recycling Containers Street Smart Site Furnishings Environmentally Preferable Playgrounds Contact Us Recycling Containers Clear View Recy(ling Bins M.bvus R'.Y.Img & Wast. stations capacity B1 0260 The Clear View Recycling System Is an Mobius Designer Series attractive and economical solution for public area, commercial, retail and Institutional M.bi- Indoor Recycling public area recycling programs. It comes In Stations a convenient 26 gallon size, various colors 17.25'xl7.25*x28*H and has a special clear view recycling lid. Molnus Custom Designs The clear recycling lid reduces contamination and promotes participation. M.N.. Recycle Pod It Is clearly marked and can be fitted with 17.25"x17.25'48"I-I rubber baffles. We offer four standard drop - Profile 6 Compartment In openings with imprint. Opening Options: Recycling Containers Round - Cans, Bottles, Plastic, Glass, Brown, Clear, Green, Commingle, Metal Profile 3 Compartment Recycling C.ntirte— (3.75' or 5.75") Rectangle - Newspaper, Plastic, Waste, Paper, Junk Mail, White Errvirod.sign R cycled Paper (3" x 13' or 6' x 10') Plastic Lumber Recycling C-te. E.virad..ign R-ycled Plastic Lumber Rucy. hog Receptacle. Emvirod..ig. Recycled Plastic Lumber Waste Receptacl.. Ervirod..ig. Recycled Plastic Lumber Specialty Receptacles Office & Curb.ida Recycling St.. Cl-, Via. Recycling Bin Commercial Recycling Bin. St-kable Special Event Recycling Bins Recycling Carts, Front & Rear L.M.. Iglo. Recycling Containers Profile Used Oil Recycling Containers & Used Filter Receptacles Color Chart Page I of I I — C1011 mew Cart I Contact Us Toll Free: 800-346-4458 For Government and Wholesale pricing, please call 1-800-346-4458 model description dimension capacity B1 0260 Clear Vi" Nmspaper 17.25'xl7.25'x28'H 26 Gallons AW*OW Recycling Bin B1 0261 Clear View Bottles & 17.25'xl7.25*x28*H 26 Gallons 0410law Cans Recycling Bin B1 0262 Clear Viev; Waste Bin 17.25"x17.25'48"I-I 26 Gallons Mobius Recycling& Waste Stations I Mobius Designer Series I Mobius Indoor Recycling Station I Mobius Custom Designs I Mobius Recycle Pod I Profile 6 Compartment Recycling Containers I Profile 3 Compartment Recycling Containers I Envirodesion Recycled Plastic Lumber Recycling Centers I Envirodesign Recycled Plastic Lumber Recycling Receptacle I Fnvirodesign Recycled Plastic Lumber Waste Receptacle I Envirodesign Recycled Plastic Lumber Specialty Receptacles I Office & Curbside Recycling Bin I Clear View Recycling Bin I Commercial Recycling Bins I Stackable Special Event Recycling Bins I Recycling Carts Front & _Rear Loaders I Igloo Recycling Containers I Profile Used Oil Recycling Containers & Used Fifter Receptacles I Color Chart Copyright 2006-2008. Fibnex Group, Inc. Suffolk, VA I REGISTIER I LOG IN She hosting, maintenance, and Search Engine Optimization (SEC) by WSI. http://www.fibrexgroup.com/clear-view-recycling-bin.aspx 2/9/2009 Rubbermaid(K Brute(K Roll Out Recycling Container - US Plastic Corporation Page I of 1 Home I FREE Catalog I Log In Help I View Cart I Checkout ILUSP� Unhd Win Plastic Co% Search: "lliftlWA. ft'WUWCmemiaiNdConsumvgWcftductilI Tanks RubbermaidO Buckets Barrels Bottles Bins Labware Tubing Bags&Packaging Sheet&Rod UtilityCarts Containers Clearance Home Cart Contains: Items = 0 Total - $0.00 Rubbermaid@ Brurt&D Roll Out Recycling Container Rubbermaid(& BruteO roll out recycling container with "We Recycle" symbol and lid. Industry leader in UW CW uppore waste and material handling applications. Can serve as central collection containers or shipping containers, reducing the amount of handling. Heavy-duty wheels roll easily, even over steps or curbing. Transport recyclable waste with ease and efficiency. 38 3/4" x 23 5/8". 50 gallon capacity, Product Categodes: Bags & Packaging Barrels & Drums Bin Racks & Bins Bottles Carts & Trucks DVD Cases Food Industry Labware Nalgene(ID Labware Outdoor Products Pipe, Duct & Blowers Plastic Buckets Plastic Fittings Pumps Rubbermaid(D Safety & Tools Sheet, Rod & Shapes Tanks & Accessories Totes & Containers Trash Containers Tubing & Fittings TygonO Tubing Valves Express Order Form ltemF_� Qty Bulk Express Order Form Other Information Catalog Page Number: P-222 This product is available in following variations: Item No. Description 7011 RubbermaidS Bruteilli Roll Out Container and Lid Oty 2: 5% off; City 4: 10% off; Oty 12 15% off, Page Tools (5 Print This Page F� Email This Page Sold By In Stock List Price Qty Each Yes $131.25 Fo_ -.!1' You may also be Interested In these other products: RubbermaidS Slim JimID Ruboermaidilli Desk -Side Ru b bermaidg) Containers Recycling and Station Recycling Untouchable4D Recycling System Containers Can and Tops Can't find what you need? Let us know, so we can help: _j -1 Your Email: I Send Message Your Ontions and Resources: F_7� Rubbermaidilti Slim Jirfv& Confidential Document Containers w/ Lids ourAccount Y ur Orders Resources Contact US Plastic Create a New Account View Your Order History/Status Request Literature Contact Information Edit Your Account Profile View Your Past Items View Our Help Pages Corporate Information Manage E-mail Subscriptions Search Our Knowledgebase Search for Products: Customer Contact Number: 1-800-809-4217 Top of Page 1390 Neubrecht Rd. Lima, Ohio 45801-3196 Phone: 1-800-809-4217 Fax: 1-800-854-5498 Copyright Q 2009, United States Plastic Corporation (M. I Privacy Policy I Terms and Conditions ............................ . . MM I'm Product Displayed: Rubbermaid(& BruteO Roll Out Recycling Container http://www.usplastic.comlcataloglproduct.asp?catalog%5Fname=USPlastic&category%5Fn... 2/9/2009