05-13-09 PROTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL MAY 13, 2009 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Vice Chair Krekelberg called the meeting to order at 7:14pm Roll call: Vice Chair Susan Krekelberg and Commissioners Krista Bean, Mike Brumm, Kathy Roberts, Absent: Rose Cassady, Duane Lauseng, Peter Torresani and Beverly Kumar Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Councilmember Mark Thorsted Staff: Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor and Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing 2. Consider agenda approval. Commissioner Bean motioned to approve agenda as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. April 8, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Bean motioned to approve minutes as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Brumm. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: There was one student present for school project but they did not want to address the commission. 5. Unfinished Business. 6. Public Works Update. 6.1 "Pride in our Park" application update A. Amee Brumm — Brownie Troop 13514 An application came in for recommendation and approval from city council. Troop 13514 is interested in maintaining Prairie Park in and around the pavilion and the circle garden — a project that will benefit the city. They will maintain the flowers, wood chips — willing to do trimming of shrubs and raking of wood chips that have been blown around by heavy winds. Commissioner Brumm said they can expand as they go along unless it becomes too much of a job. A map with detailed areas to be taken care of should accompany the Troop as they go along and the commission would require a monthly report. Brad Belair recommends they ask the City Council's approval to adopt the Pride in the Park program for the brownie troop. Commissioner Brumm motioned to recommend approval of Brownie Troop 13514 to be passed on to City Council for approval. Seconded by Commissioner Krekelberg. All in favor. Motion carried. B. Otsego Women of Today Brad met with the Women of Today. Commissioners discussed maintaining of the park by the Women of Today. Brad will provide perennials and mulch will be ordered. Staining of the split rail fence in School Knoll Park will also be completed. Brad brought up the vandalism noted in School Knoll park. A resident notified Brad and he contacted police Sgt Pete Walker. Charges will be pursued and the city will seek restitution. Commission discussed sending a thank you letter to the resident for notifying the city of the vandalism but Brad said they want to be kept anonymous. Commissioners discussed irrigation systems and fertilization for parks. Brad noted everything is up and running and that flags are posted as to any precautions needed because of chemicals that were used. Brad also stated that spraying is usually done early enough that it is dry before children and pets are in the parks. Commissioner Roberts asked that a maintenance schedule of parks be brought up at the next meeting. Brad said he is working with the Finance department to see how much money is needed yearly for upkeep of our parks. Playground equipment, black top, tennis courts, skate park are being reviewed along with long range planning for the budget. A plan is being put together as to how and when these items will need to be replaced. Brad will bring information on parks and the budget to next meeting. Discussion of recycling bins for the parks. Brad will order a few different types to see which will work best. Commissioners discussed power for park renters in Prairie Park what it says on the contract and if it is possible for the contract to be revised. Commissioner Brumm motioned to recommend a revision that City Council allow electricity to all renters. Commissioner Bean seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. 7. New Business. 7.1 E-mail alerts Commissioners discussed using twittering for communication with residents. Mayor Stockamp said they will be having updates on Twitter on the website and noted that 1 person from each commission will be allowed to contact Tami with information. The City Council will keep the commissions updated. 8. Other. 8.1 Web -site Content Discussed changes to the web site. Mayor Stockamp will talk to Barb about adding a tab to the left that says Park & Rec. The Mayor will have Barb write up a plan as to what changes she is going to make to the website. She will recommend each commission take a look at the website and decide what needs to be changed according to their requests. Mayor Stockamp noted that Barb works on the website when she has time — this is a job on the side and needs to be monitored and kept to a minimum. Mayor Stockamp explained how Barb is monitoring this. Commissioners discussed hiring a web designer or an intern to update the website, someone that can spend more time on it. Commissioner Roberts recommends that events be put on the Park and Rec page. Recommendations should be written down by the commission and handed to Barb. Commissioner Kreckleburg will write down and email Barb information on what they would like changed on the web. 8.2 Community Ed Discussed the Otsego Recreation flyer and what changes need to be made. Events and locations need to be made clearer. Discussed the Community Ed booklet and wondering if the schools are getting different or updated booklets. Mayor Stockamp noted that one of the Commission members needs to be the liaison and work with Community Ed. 9. Update on City Council actions by Mayor Stockamp. Mayor Stockamp commented on use of the soccer fields and how wonderful it is to come here and see that the fields are being used. Discussed the labeling of soccer fields with numbers and adding arrows facing to the north showing direction to each field. Mayor Stockamp requested Steve to contact Brad on the signage. The Police Commission discussed with Mayor Stockamp that they are receiving complaints from residents that older kids are out at the skate park trying to sell illegal things to younger children. Sgt Walker will look into this. Suggested that adult games (horse shoe, etc) should be placed away from the skate park. Mayor Stockamp's son Logan requested that the local sheriff department attach GPS systems to bicycles so they are able to better track a stolen bicycle. The Commission discussed the work session after the regular meetings and would like to recommend setting up certain subcommittees, The commission would like to have this listed on the regular agenda named Task Forces/Subcommittees which would report monthly. 10, Adjourn by 10 PM. Commissioner Krekellberg motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Bean. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:46PM. By Sandy Lindenfelser The next regular Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 11, 2009, 7:00 PM Otsego City Hall.