05-13-09 PR„*rl I At I bw [�)fta_o CITY OF 0 T S E G 0 8899 Nashua Ave, NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Phone: 763-441-4414 Fax: 763-441-8823 Group Name (or Participant): PRIDE IN OUR PARKS"e” [: 2 L_� I W PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT OM e7Q OP Contact InformAlon for Responsible Individual (minimum 18 years of age or older): Name: KOnd 0- W"d ul� Address: V3 2-ts City: State: MfY' Zip Code :_5 f 3,W Phone(d):1(j7�17?2,4q7(e): 7&377267,297 e-mail: t e ZP77 * Please provide a separate list of all participants names, ages and contact Information. Program Proposal Park or Area to be Adopted: S�hml Ana/ AP -4 Scope of Work: -W/,// 46W;�01- "/�7 Terms and Conditions This agreement shall be in effect for two (2) years from the date of City Council approval 2. The participant(s) shall develop and follow an activity program of the property in accordance with the Pride in Our Parks policy of the City of Otsego. 3- The participant shall provide a monthly report all program activities to the Parks and Recreation Commission. 4- Each individual participating in the Adopt -A -Park program must sign a liability waiver in the form provided by the City of Otsego. 5. Participants shall follow all park and trail regulations established by the Ci ty Code and adhere to the Pride in Our Parks policy. 6. The City of Otsego may terminate this agreement at any tim e TJ WdTS:ET 600E 02 'adU SLO29LS29L: 'ON XUJ PinPREM: wo�jj