06-10-09 PROTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL JUNE 10, 2009 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Chair Kumar called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM. Roll Call: Chair Beverly Kumar, Krista Bean, Rose Cassidy, Susan Krekelberg, Kathy Roberts, Peter Torresani. Absent: Mike Brumm and Duane Lauseng. Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Council Member Mark Thorsted. City staff: Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair and City Planner Daniel Licht. 2. Consider agenda approval. Chair Kumar asked to move item 7.3 to 4.1. Commissioner Cassidy motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Chair Kumar. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. May 13, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes. Vice Chair Krekelberg said that under Item 8.1 on page on Page 2, her name is spelled incorrectly. Vice Chair Krekelberg said that under Item 8.2 on page 2, the Parks and Recreation Commission also wanted to know if the Community Education booklets would be distributed with the Elk River Star News. Vice Chair Krekelberg corrected under Item 9 on page three Sgt. Walker suggested the adult games in parks be located "near" the skate park. Vice Chair Krekelberg added under Item 9 on page three that the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended that the Police Commission consider GPS systems for bicycles. Motion by Vice Chair Krekellberg to approve minutes as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Bean. Vice Chair Krekellberg, Commissioner Bean and Commissioner Cassidy in favor. Chair Kumar, Commissioner Roberts and Commissioner Torresani abstained. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: Ms. Kelly Daugherty, 17060 56 th Street NE spoke regarding the need for a neighborhood park in the River Pointe and Riverplace subdivisions. Ms. Michelle Kline, 5449 Radford Avenue NE spoke regarding the need for a neighborhood park in the River Pointe and Riverplace subdivisions. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes June 10, 2009 Page 2 Ms. Hollie Fenner, 17084 56 th Street NE, spoke regarding the need for a neighbor hood park in the River Pointe and Riverplace subdivisions. 4.1 Riverplace 3 d Addition Outlot. City Planner Licht provided the staff report. Commissioner Torresani noted that the Parks and Recreation Commission must be specific that acquisition of this parcel is a unique opportunity with changed circumstances from when buying land for a neighborhood park in this area was previously discussed. Chair Kumar motioned to recommend City Council move forward with exploring acquisition of this property and consideration of park development concepts. Second by Commissioner Bean. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. Unfinished Business. Vice Chair Krekelberg reported that the City's website has been updated per the Park and Recreation Commission's requests. Chair Kumar discussed establishing liaisons for various Park and Recreation Commission activities. The Parks and Recreation Commission discussed that the liaisons are not to take formal actions on the part of the entire group but are to provide better organization, communication and implementation for Park and Recreation Commission initiatives. Chair Kumar moved to appoint Commissioner Bean as Community Ed liaison, Commission Torresani as Sports Association liaison, Chair Kumar and Vice Chair Krekelberg as Communication liaisons, and Commissioner Roberts as Events liaison. Seconded by Commissioner Torresani. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Public Works Update. Public Works Supervisor Belair reported that recycling containers have been ordered. Public Works Supervisor Belair reported that Lilly Pond Park has been seeded and fertilized and that the irrigation system is working properly. The Parks and Recreation Commission requested copies of the Parks Capital Improvement Plan be included with the next meeting agenda. Public Works Supervisor Belair reported that the Women of Today have stained the fence at School Knoll Park and that their Pride in Our Parks program is going well. Public Works Supervisor Belair said that Mr. Steve Zobeck is interested in a Pride In Our Parks program to repair and maintain the blue bird houses at Prairie Park. The consensus of the Parks and Recreation Commission is support for the activity. Commissioner Torresani asked Public Works Supervisor Belair about maintenance of the baseball base posts at Prairie Park. Public Works Supervisor said that the agreement regarding installation of the bases was that the association was responsible for the post tubes. Mayor Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes June 10, 2009 Page 3 Stockamp added that the City Council would not support Public Works staff maintaining the base pad posts because of limits on personnel resources in the department. Chair Kumar asked about the dog ordinance and dogs (and children) entering the pond along Otsego Creek at Beaudry Meadows Park. Public Works Supervisor Belair explained the City's responsibility and construction of the pond. Public Works Supervisor Belair said he would discuss with other City staff options to limit access to the pond area. Public Works Supervisor Belair also said that Public Works would remove the gates from the tennis courts. 7. New Business. 7.1. Pride in Our Parks Monthly Report. Public Works Supervisor Belair provided the update as part of the public works report. The Parks and Recreation Commission received the report of Women of Today. 7.2. City Of Otsego Park Shelter Rental Policies. Public Works Supervisor Belair explained that the changes to the park shelter rental policies related to electric service. Discussion of the text related to more than one rental per month and adding the Wright County Sheriffs non -emergency number to the policy and forms. City staff will make these changes and resubmit for the next meeting. 7.4. Norin Landing Park. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. Commissioner Roberts asked for a clarification on the cost of the plans and specifications. City Planner Licht responded. Motion by Chair Kumar to recommend City Council direct the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the boat landing portion of Norin Landing. Seconded by Commissioner Bean. All in favor. Motion carried. 8. Other. No other business. 9. Update on City Council actions by Mayor Stockamp. Mayor Stockamp updated the Parks and Recreation Commission on City Council actions and other City related issues. 10. Adjourn by 10 PM. Motion by Vice Chair Krekellberg to adjorn at 8:42 PM. Second by Commissioner Bean. All in favor. Motion carried. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes June 10, 2009 Page 4 Respectfully submitted, 0 D. Daniel Licht, AICP