06-10-09 PRSandy Lindenfellser Prom: Beverly Kumar [beverlee.kumar@gmail.com] ent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 3:47 PM 1,0: Sandy Lindenfelser Cc: Susan Krekelberg; Thorsted, Mark B (US SSA); Jessica Stockamp Subject: Re: Park and Rec Agenda for 07-08-09 * Subcommittee updates: a * All Sports (Commissioner Torresani) b. Community Ed/IscI728 (Commissioner Bean) c. Communication (Commissioner Krekelberg and Commissioner Kumar) d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts) e. Santa Day —open f. Egg Hunt- open Tennis Court Doors Pride in our Parks: monthly report, new applications and status of current applicants River Place Park (drawings) *Otsego Festival (Saturday, September 19'h 10am-5PM located at Prairie Park) *denotes New Business Please note: Commissioner Krekelberg and Commissioner Bean will be absent. )n Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Sandy Lindenfelser <sandy(kci.otsego.rnn.us> wrote: Does anyone have anything for the Agenda for the July 81h meeting? Sandy Lindenfelser Special Licensing City Of Otsego www. pictorial gallery. co Picture yourself We picture you too! beverleea,i)ictorializallerv.com 63.742.3126 11395 77th St. NE Otsego, MN 55301 Memo To: Park Commission From: Gary Groen Date: July 2, 2009 Re: Park Commission Financial Reports The attached items are park related financial reports for your review. Briefly, the attached include the following: The park department expenditure guideline includes the 2009 budgeted amounts and the actual expenditures thru June 30, 2009. This is the park maintenance budget and is part of the overall General fund budget of the City. The next two pages detail the expenses paid in 2009 for the Easter Egg event. The circled items total $730.56. The total budget estimate for the 2009 activities is $6,000. In addition, the park commission has a capital budget of $20,000 for smaller park capital items. Very little of that has been spent as of June 30. The next three schedules include the monies set aside in the park development fund, the community facilities fund and the equipment revolving fund. All schedules are updated thru 12/31/08 with very little activity to date in 2009. The last two pages include the future park capital replacement schedules for both capital and maintenance costs. The detail of Prairie Park is attached to give you an idea what information and items have been considered for the summary schedule. While the future capital replacement indicates a required reserve of $219,224 at 12/31/08, there is no money currently earmarked to finance these future replacement needs. The City Council first discussed this in April, 2009 and I consider this a work in process. I am sure it will be discussed as part of the planning for the 2010 budget. I will attend the park meeting on Wednesday, July 8 to review this information and answer any questions that you have. Please contact me in advance of the meeting if there is some additional information that you would like. 0 Page 1 CITY OF OTSEGO Expenditure Guideline - PARKS 07/02/09 2:18 PIVI Page 1 Account Descr 2009 YTD Budget JUNE 2009 Amt 2009 YTD Amt Enc Current Balance % of Budget FUND 101 E 101-45200-101 Full -Time Empl $48,686.00 $16,863.96 $16,863.96 $0.00 $31,822.04 34.64% E 101 -45200-104 Part-time - Emp $16,000.00 $6,823.00 $6,823.00 $0.00 $9,177.00 42.64% E 101-45200-121 PERA $3,286.00 $1,598.87 $1,598.87 $0.00 $1,687.13 48.66% E 101 -45200-122 FICA AND MED $4,948.00 $1,812.05 $1,812.05 $0.00 $3,135.95 36.62% E 101-45200-123 Health $8,570.00 $4,285.00 $4,285.00 $0.00 $4,285.00 50.00% E 101-45200-126 Medicare $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-45200-130 Employer Paid 1 $630.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $630.00 0.00% E 101-45200-202 Gas & Oil $5,000.00 $0.00 $191.13 $0.00 $4,808.87 3.82% E 101-45200-204 Insurance $35,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35,750.00 0.00% E 101-45200-210 Operating Supp $10,000.00 $173.61 $653.57 $0.00 $9,346.43 6.54% E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Su $7,000.00 $3,834.38 $7,267.26 $0.00 -$267.26 103.82% E 101-45200-240 Small Tools/Eq $5,000.00 $0.00 $109.65 $0.00 $4,890.35 2.19% E 101-45200-302 Engineering Fe $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-45200-310 Miscellaneous $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% E 101-45200-322 Utilities $25,000.00 $2,097.52 $5,220.45 $0.00 $19,779.55 20.88% E 101-45200-325 Garbage Servic $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% E 101-45200-390 Contracted Ser $18,000.00 $3,910.68 $3,910.68 $0.00 $14,089.32 21.73% E 101-45200-395 Sign installation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-45200-400 Repairs & Maint $7,000.00 $370.00 $370.00 $0.00 $6,630.00 5.29% E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENE $12,000.00 $1,028.50 $2,279.50 $0.00 $9,720.50 19.00% E 101-45200-438 Pavement Man $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 100.00% E 101-45200-530 Improvements $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-45200-590 Capital Outlay - $0.00 $714.98 $714.98 $0.00 -$714.98 0.00% FUND 101 $233,370.00 $68,512.55 $77,100.10 $0.00 $156,269.90 $233,370.00 $68,512.55 $77,100.10 $0.00 $156,269.90 FILTER: (((FUND="101"))) AND ((DEPT="45200")) CITY OF OTSEGO 07/02/09 2:22 PM Page 119 Revenue/Expenditure Audit Detail Full �,7 Audit 2009 Fund 101 GENERAL FUND Expenditure E 101-45250-310 Miscellaneous Budget $0.00 Encumbered $0.00 Total Year $164.54 Balance -$164.54 Debit Credit Vendor SearchNam Invoice --Check-- Batch Name $400.00 $0.00 2FEBRUARY Comments Refer PO Begin $0.00 2 2009 Pay TROPHIES PLUS 1071046881 2/4/2009 090203PAY $164.54 $0.00 PARK & REC NAME PLATES 17 0 Total 2FEBRUARY $164.54 $0.00 Ending $164.54 ControlAct 101-2530OUnrese Tota E101-45250-310 Miscellaneous $164.54 $0.00 In Balance Total Year $164.54 Ending $164.64 E 101-45250-440 Recreation -Programming Budget $27,000.00 Encumbered $0.00 Total Year -$19,269.44 Balance $46,269.44 Debit Credit 1JANUARY 1 2009 Pay 1 2009 Pay 12009 Pay 3MARCH 3 2009 Pay Vendor SearchNam Invoice hock Batch Name Comments Refer PO WILD WOOD SLEIG 046750 lf7/2009 090105PAY SANTA DAY SLEIGH RIDES 40 0 101 MARKET 28004 046767 1/21/2009 090115PAY PUMPKIN DAY SUPPLIES 36 0 MICHAEL R BRUMM 046802 1/21/2009 090115PAY XMAS TREE FOR SANTA DAY 20 0 Total 1JANUARY Vendor SearchNam Invoice ----Check-- Batch Name Comments Refer PO BEVERLY KUMAR 047000 3/18/2009 090311 PAY EASTER EVENT SUPPLIES 29 0 Total 3MARCH Vendor SearchNam Invoice ----Check--- Batch Name 4APRIL Comments Refer PID 4 2009 Pay MICHAEL R BRUMM 047141 4/22/2009 090416PAY BICYCLES FOR EASTER EVENT 30 0 Total 4APRIL 5MAY 5 2009 Pay 5 2009 JE 5 2009 JE Vendor SearchNam Invoice ----Check- Batch Name Comments Refer PID SUSAN KREKELBE 047199 CANDY FOR EASTER EGG HUNT To reverse ap batch #1 To reverse final ap estimates ,Aj, 6,'l / , ,2- 0 0,� ReceiL/to'-- A0 -T 5/6/2009 090504PAY 7 0 053109YErev 1 0 053109YErev 9 0 P4.1zle ree- -4 ltlw le e ^j Begin $0.00 $400.00 $0.00 $4,490.42 MOO $72.42 $0.00 $4,962.84 Ending $0.00 $4,962.84 $4,962.84 $0.00 $118.98 $0.00 Ending $5,081.82 $5,081.82 $0.00 $149.08 $0.00 Ending $5,230.90 $5,230.90 $312.50 $0.00 $0.00 $4,962.84 $0.00 $20,000.00 CITY OF OTSEGO 07/02/09 2:22 PM Page 120 Revenue/Expenditure Audit Detail Full Audit 2009 Fund 101 GENERAL FUND Expenditure E 101-45250-440 Recreation Proarammin Budget $27,000.00 Encumbered $0.00 Total Year -$19,269.44 Balance $46,269.44 Refer PO BLACK RON 046772 1/21/2009 090115PAY Debtt Credit CHRIS WILSON Total 5MAY $312.50 $24,962.84 046792 1/21/2009 090115PAY 2008 HERITAGE MTGS (5) 15 0 Ending ($19,419.44) 2008 HERITAGE MTGS (3) Vendor SearchNam Invoice --Check--- Batch Name 046816 1/21/2009 090115PAY 2008 HERITAGE MTGS (5) 6JUNE Comments Refer PO Vendor SearchNam ($19,419.44) 6 2009 Pay TEENCY THE CLOW 047305 613/2009 090601 PAY 50f.) $0.00 1 0 EASTER EVENT 15 0 Total 6JUNE $150.00 $0.00 Ending ($19,269.44) Control Act 101-25300 Unrese Tota E 101-45250-440 Recreation $5,693.40 $24,962.84 Programming In Balance Total Year -$19,269." Ending ($19,269.44) E 101-45300-101 Full -Time Employees Regular Budget $500.00 Encumbered $0.00 Total Year $0.00 Balance $500.00 Debit Credit 1JANUARY 1 2009 Pay 1 2009 Pay 1 2009 Pay 1 2009 Pay 1 2009 Pay 5MAY 5 2009 JE Vendor SearchNarn Invoice ---Check-- Batch Name Comments Refer PO BLACK RON 046772 1/21/2009 090115PAY 2008 HERITAGE MTGS (7) 13 0 CHRIS WILSON 046775 1/21/2009 090115PAY 2008 HERITAGE MTGS (4) 14 0 JOAN VASSEUR 046792 1/21/2009 090115PAY 2008 HERITAGE MTGS (5) 15 0 NORM FRESKE 046806 1/21/2009 090115PAY 2008 HERITAGE MTGS (3) 16 0 SHIRLEY ISAACSO 046816 1/21/2009 090115PAY 2008 HERITAGE MTGS (5) 17 0 Total 1JANUARY Vendor SearchNam Invoice heck- Batch Name Comments Refer PO 053109YErev To reverse ap batch #1 1 0 Total 5MAY Control Act 101-25300 Unrese Tota E101-45300-101 Full -Time Employees Regular In Balance Total Year $0.00 Begin $0.00 $70.00 $0.00 $40.00 $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 $30.00 $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 $240.00 $0.00 Ending $240.00 Begin $240.00 $0.00 $240.00 $0.00 $240.00 Ending $0.00 $240.00 $240.00 Ending $0.00 E 101 -49300-720 Operating Transfers Budget $190,000.00 Encumbered $0.00 Total Year $190,000.00 Balance $0.00 Debit Credit City of Otsego Park Develc t Special Revenue Fund No. 203 Actual/Projected Fund Balance, January 1 Add: Park dedication fees Interest Income projected at 2.5% of beginning of year balance Balance and Additions Less: Park development projects Total Expenditures Actual/Projected Fund Balance, Der -ember 31 Actual Actual Actual Projected 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 $ 2,790,400 $1,285,106 $ 1,181,642 $ 1,157,697 $ 1,186,639 166,302 121,158 8,216 100,060 63,181 43,015 28,942 29,666 3,056,762 1,469,445 1,232,873 1,186,639 1,216,305 1,771,656 287,803 75,176 - - 1,771,656 287,803 75,176.00 - - $ 1,285,106 $1,181,642 $ 1,157,697 $ 1,186,639 $ 1,216,305 City of Otsego Community F �s Special Revenue Fund No. 208 Actual/Projected Fund Balance, January 1 Add: Developer fees Interest Income projected at 2.5% of beginning of year balance Balance and Additions Less: Development projects Total Expenditures Actual/Projected Fund Balance, December 31 Actual Actual Actual Projected 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 $ 817,511 $ 897,647 $ 961,718 $ 998,741 $ 1,023,710 47,158 19,567 1,644 32,978 44,504 35,379 24,969 25,593 897,647 961,718 998,741 1,023,710 1,049,302 $ 897,647 $ 961,718 $ 998,741 $ 1,023,710 $ 1,049,302 City of Otsego Equipt Zevolving Fund - Fund 206 Actual/Projected Fund Balance, January 1 Add: General Fund budget transfer Water and Sewer Fund contribution for Truck with Hoist Sale of assets Interest Income projected at 2.5% of beginning of year balance Balance and Additions Actual Actuai Actual Projected 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $ 290,930 $ 350,887 $ 366,985 $ 405,992 $ 262,242 $ 213,798 $ 74,143 $ 60,997 169,182 154,000 180,000 190,000 200,000 210,000 220,000 230,000 4,000 9,022 15,002 15,212 10,150 6,556 5,345 1,854 1,525 469,134 523,889 562,197 606,142 468,798 $ 429,143 295,997 292,522 Less: Public Works Vehicles & Equipment Tractor/roadside mower/broom 60,810 Roller 13,312 Tractor - JD4720 (replaced two others) 24,955 Landpride mower 11,580 Overseeder 7,590 Safety equipment & misc. Tools Mobile Lifts Mower (parks) Lawn mower 2006 Ford F-450 Dump Truck Sign shop equipment/software/consulting setup PW Building furnishings 2008 Sterling L8500 plus plow equipment Crane/Box for 2002 Ford Budgeted but not expended as of this date Vac & Jetter Truck (new vac jetter trucks are about $300,000) - monies will come from S & W, stormwater Backhoe, net of expected trade in Sprayer, Vacuum trailer, Aerator, and mowing trailer (for parks) S/A Dump W/Plow S/A Dump W/Plow, net of trade Toolcat (all-purpose vehicle) Used boom truck ( finance from street lighting fees) Air compressor & equipment 160,000 Hydraulic 18" mill (9,500), Walking irrigator (8,900), Harley rake (8,000) Upgrade skidster loader 140,000 Replace 2002 Ford I ton with plow (crane truck) Additional mower for the parks; replace a mower in 2014 Blacktop hot box Recondition road grader or sweeper Replace pickup Replace pickup with a one ton w/plow Purchase a sign truck 7,025 15,191 31,356 19,194 25,000 2,620 34,631 14,763 32,124 141,243 14,962 65,000 17,500 160,000 135,000 140,000 55,000 25,000 20,000 26,400 15,000 35,000 45,000 20,000 20,000 175,000 50,000 175,000 Purchase an excavator 75,000 Miscellaneous small equipment 20,000 40,000 25,000 25,000 Total Expenditures 118,247 156,904 156,205 343,900 255,000 355,000 235,000 290,000 Actual/Projected Fund Balance, December 31 $ 350,887 $ 366,985 $ 405,992 $ 262,242 $ 213,798 $ 74,143 $ 60,997 $ 2,522 C%l Z; CM —. 40). to 6v . to . 403, . to 03, 6s a C%l COD C4 a co 0) CIA W" -a q I- 40 r 't cqt q Clt C4 Si 1- 40- CD cm No 40 a 62 a 2 0 14 40 ,a w W 0 49) act LU C q Cl) C4 Ct CD 6s q V) 6s rz C6 65 co 0 ft 0 60 ft, Will 6& 40 40 40 'Cb 40 Ct vi f"L C%4 q W 4q W 't C) t- CD to q (4 94 6s ie 40 (A 40 643, 61 C Lu 0) act rl�. 0) CD act 13 Uri CD C%l q act f- Cl) C-4 0 q cr 09. wl� 69 wl� 0 C3, all ol 0, 40 40 a 6s 0 q R C4 40, 00 40 q q to to Lo to CD w m W) 4" m co C4 co K 'm C4 0; 0 fo 6& 40 ft 03� GO 93, wo, S� 2� m 0 —. m q Ci 93, 03, to N to � W iz at "Im, Ict a - G co QD W o) Im 'D 40 0) 400 cm cm 03. m 44 to V r - w q (k co Clt Ct N CD ci QD 0 0; cm "i 10 ci 01, ul lu lu lu a: Uo, a z Lu < 5 lu z LU as LU 0. all CL co LU 0 CL if (L E w IL :3 Ir P 0 :s — 0 0 c 0 E z 0 0 0 m e E z -Or- LL o. co �e 4 0. w Prairie rark Year End 2009 2009 Year End 2010 2010 Year End 2011 2011 Year End 2012 2012 Item Ropf Yr Cnst Yr Sch Arnt 2008 N 2009 N 2010 M 2011 M FUTURE CAPITAL REPLACEMENT COSjj_ Playground Equipment 2017 2002 15 $80,000 $37,333 $5,333 $0 $42,667 $5,333 $0 $48,000 $5,333 $0 $53,333 $5,333 $0 Parking Lot 2022 2002 20 $87,020 $30,457 $4,351 $0 $34,808 $4,351 $0 $39,159 $4,351 $0 $43,510 $4,351 $0 Park Trails 2022 2002 20 $54,877 $19,207 $2,744 $0 $21,951 $2,744 $0 $24,695 $2,744 $0 $27,438 $2,744 Now Skateboard Park 2022 2002 20 $8,507 $2,978 $425 $0 $3,403 $425 $0 $3,829 $425 $0 $4,254 $425 $0 Old Skateboard Park $0 Basketball Court 2022 2002 20 $6,252 , $2,188 $313 $0 $2,501 $313 $0 $2,813 $313 $0 $3,126 $313 $0 Other Fencing $0 Irrigation $0 Ballflelds $0 Year End 2009 2009 Year End 2010 2010 Year End 20il 2011 Year End 2012 2012 2008 (+) 2009 M 20110 M 20111 M REQUIRED RESE ES: 1 $92,163 $13,166 $0 $105,329 $13,166 $0 $118,496 $13,166 $0 $131,662 $13.166 $0 ANNUAL REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE Park Trails 2009 5 $15,482 $15,482 $3,096 415,482 $3,096 $3,096 $0 $6,193 $3,096 $0 $9,289 $3,096 $0 Parking Lot 2009 5 $30,007 $30,007 $6,001 -$30,007 $6,001 $6,001 $0 $12,003 $6,001 $0 $18,004 $6,001 $0 Basketball Court 2009, 5 $1,764 $1,764 $353 41,764 $353 $353 $0 $706 $353 $0 $1,058 $353 $0 Skateboard Park Year End 2009 j 2009 Year End 2010 2010 Year En 2011 2011 Year End 2012 2012 2008 (-) I (-) 2009 (+) (-) 2010 1.) 1 2011 (+) - (-) REQUIRED (ANNUAL) RESERVES: $47,253 $9,451 1 -$47,253 $9,451 $9,451 $0 $18.90 $0 1 $28,352 $9,451 $0 1-rl=—m 06--1 Sandy Lindenfelser Prom: Brad Belair [belairb@ci.otsego.mn.us] ant: Thursday, June 25, 2009 12:42 PIVI 0: 'Sandy Lindenfelser' Subject: FW: Field Usage for soccer Please add request for soccer fields to the July park commission agenda Sincerely, BradBeCair Public Works Supervisor City Of Otsego (763) 235-3175 From: Steve Zoubek [mailto:president@trsaonline.org] Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 11:50 AM To: 'Brad Belair' Cc: Trsa4x4@yahoo.com Subject: RE: Field Usage for soccer "rad We will need to use 2 of the outfields in order to get all the fields- we set up 2 u10, 2 u6, 3 u8 last year for a total of 7 fields. The 4v4 fields are much smaller than our U10 fields. If we need a 3 rd U10 field we can flow over to the one in the woods. Therefore, please move 4 U10 (6' x 12') goals to the NE ballfield. I picture a U10 goal at the fence and one at the infield for each U10 field. I can draw this out or meet someone at the fields closer to August. Fall Rec starts September 19th and ends October 28 th. We usually have 150 kids. Steve From: Brad Belair [mailto:belairb@ci.otsego.mn.us] Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:33 AM To: 'Steve Zoubek' Subject: RE: Field Usage for soccer Steve, We will store the goals and nets behind the Public Works building. Can you give me the dates for the fall rec program, the number of participants, and the number and size of fields needed. I will forward the request to the Park Commission and City Council for approval. I don't think there will be an issue but want to make sure. Everyone at the City enjoyed seeing the activity in the park and I was impressed on how the soccer groups respected the park and city facilities. I had no reports of damage to equipment and litter was always disposed of properly. ,incerely, BradBeCair Public Works Supervisor City Of Otsego (763) 235-3175 From: Steve Zoubek [mailto:president@trsaonline.org] Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 8:48 AM To: belairb@ci.otsego.mn.us Subject: Field Usage for soccer Hi Brad The U10 fields at Otsego Prairie Park worked out really well. I appreciate everyone's involvement and effort. Were the fields slit seeded in the Spring or will this be done in the fall? The goals can be moved off the fields at your convenience. However, see my question below. Do you have a location that we can store them out of the way with the anchors? Nets can remain on for now. Can we still use the outfields of baseball for our Fall 4v4 Rec program? Can we paint lines with turf paint? Can we move a set or two of the U10 goals into that area? Thanks again teve Zoubek President <MW www.trsaonline.o 2 I -r I=- m 5 -1 CITY OF OTSEGO PARK SHELTER RENTAL POLICIES May, 2009 Otsego Prairie Park Shelter Reservation System Available Days and Times Reservations will be taken for weekends only. Friday will have one time slot for 3PIVI to 8PM. Saturday and Sunday will have two time slots, 9AM-2PM and 3PM-8PM. It is acceptable for someone to reserve both time slots in a day. Priority First priority will be given to city sponsored events. The first three weekends after Labor Day are reserved for the Otsego Festival until their date is chosen. City sponsored events may schedule the park as far in advance as the City Council or Park Commission deems appropriate. All other users will be granted reservations on a first come first serve basis. Reservations can be made up to one year in advance for residents. Non-residents can register after January 1st of the year of the reservation. Fees The Rental Fee will be $10.00 per time slot. Cancellation within less than one month of the reserved date will result in forfeiture of the rental fee. No refunds will be granted for inclement weather. Making Reservations Permits may be made by returning an application to City Hall. Applications can be obtained at or faxed by City Hall, or downloaded from the City's web site. Complete applications must be received by noon of the Wednesday before weekend use. An application is not complete until payment has been received and the application is signed. A date is not reserved until a complete application has been received. Frequent rental by one individual or group will be subject to the City approval. Except. as provided for by this policy; rentals are limited to one per month by any individual or group. Any use involving a live band must obtain a Special Event Permit from City Hall. Rights and Responsibility A permit entities the holder to the exclusive use of the Prairie Park shelter for the allotted time slot. It does not provide exclusive use of any of the ball fields or other park equipment. Applicants should be aware that there are many users of the park, and that they must share these facilities. In order to enforce a reservation, the permit holder must have their copy of the receipt in their possession. If there is a disagreement about the reservation, the permit holder should contact the Wright County Sheriff's Department to resolve the dispute. Wright County Sheriff's non -emergency #763.682.1162. The park shelter has capacity for 30-40 people depending on table arrangement. City staff is not responsible for arranging tables or moving tables to accommodate larger groups, nor for cleaning the park shelter before or after use. 2 The park is a public area and a pristine condition is not guaranteed. The park shelter is equipped with electrical outlets for public use; the City makes no guarantee that electric services will be available at the shelter for a specific reservation due to power failure, circuit overloading, vandalism, maintenance or other causes. City staff will not be responsible for an immediate response to requests for assistance if there is no electric service or if electric service is interrupted at the park shelter. The permit holder is responsible for cleanup of their garbage prior to leaving the park. Future reservations will be revoked for misuse of the facility by any member of the group. CITY OF OTSEGO FACILITY USER CONTRACT I understand that I am fully responsible for the conduct of the people involved in the planned event. I also understand that I am responsible for the safe and proper use of the reserved facility as per the purpose of the request. I understand that no refunds will be issued due to inclement weather. I understand that I am responsible for any damages to the facility and for the cleanliness of the facility after use. If any damages are incurred, I understand I will be responsible to pay for the replacement of articles and or property that is damaged. I further understand that in the event of non-payment of damages the City has the right to assess my property for damages or seek other remedies as it may determine necessary. The City of Otsego reserves the right to accept or reject applications based on past performance or cooperation of the applicant based on factors such as response to deadlines, facility maintenance and following established rules. I have fully read and understand this form, all rules and regulations pertaining to Otsego facility use requirements and will abide by them. Signature Name Address— City Date State Zip Home Phone Work Phone Group/Organization Name Reservation Date Time Slot (circle one) Morning 9:00-2:00 Afternoon 3:00-8:00 4 CITY OF 0 T S E G 0 8899 Nashua Ave., NE, Otsego, MN 51-5-330 Phone. 763-441-4414 Fax: 763-441-8823 Group Name (or Partici Month of: ./,-) ,� 7�,e_ 7-1 PRIDE IN OUR PARKS PROGRAM Contact Information for Responsible In ividual: Name: Phone(d): e-mail: Activity Report: I Activities WA NoteslComments: J ka�ut MONTHLY REPORT Participant: 04'�� ��Olr - 0", 7�6,jl Date:_n('/-6� X. ILI J_0 '771_ / I Please e-mail this report to cityhah1(&cL otsego. mn. us by the firs t Monday of each mon th. Sandy Lindenfelser From: rondamn2004@aol.com Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 1:12 PM To: cityhall@ci.otsego.mn.us Subject: Pride in the Parks May 2009 report Attachments: Pride in our parks report may 2009.pdf Hello I am with the Otsego Women of Today and I am sending your our report for May 2009 regarding School Knoll Park. If you have any quesitons, please let me know. Thank you !! Ronda Waydula Otsego Women of Today A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in Jiust 2 easy steps! 7-3 Sandy Lindenfelser From: Tami Loff [tam i@ci.otsego.m n. us] Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 4:32 PM To: 'Sandy Lindenfelser' Subject: FW: P/R Agenda - River Place 3rd Outlot A Attachments: OutlotA—RiverPlace3rd.pdf; 20090526112049853.pdf; lennar—may27_ltr.pdf; OutiotAriverplace3rd—PR—mem.pdf From: D. DANIEL LICHT [mailto:dlicht@nacplanning.coml Sent: Monday, 3une 01, 2009 1:49 PM To: 'Tami Loff Cc: 'Mike Robertson'; 'Gary Groen'; 'Ron Wagner'; 'Andy MacArthur'; Brad Belair; 'Ken Grieshaber' Subject: P/R Agenda - River Place 3rd Outlot A Tami Attached are the materials for the P/R Agenda re: the River Place outlot. This is mainly just an FYI as we won't have a draft concept plan for them until their July meeting. Sincerely, D. Daniel Licht, AICP Senior Planner NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Phone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 Website: www.nacl)lanning.com E-mail: dlicht(o-)nacplanning.com May 27, 2009 City of Otsego 8899 N.E. Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 Attention: Mike Robertson, City Administrator RE: Sale of Property in Riverplace Thank you for taking the time to meet with us on the 21 st of May. Lennar is willing to sell to the City of Otsego approximately 6.9 acres of land located within our Riverplace Community known as Outlot A of Riverplace 3rd for the price of $405,000. The land shall be used by the City as public park space. As part of this proposal we anticipate the City will close within 90 days and move quickly with the planning and construction of park facilities. We value our relationship with the City of Otsego and recognize the importance of parks within a Community. I look forward to hearing from you If you have any questions feel free to contact myself or Joe Jablonski. Sincerel 4��Diune i r ".t, r 'f I rector of Land Operations U.S. Home Corporation DBA: Lennar 935 E Wayzata Blvd Wayzata, MN 55391 935 Wayzata Blvd E, Wayzata, MN 55391 - Phone: 952-473-1231 - Fax: 952-473-7401 LENNAR.COM 12r May 27, -,j9 — 9:21am K:\cod—eng\PROJECTS\MUNICIPAL\QT2306\OT2306 PARK DEDICATION,dwg 0 rTl > Fri C OD r m 0 > 0 IV- 0 1 . co )09 r— --q �P. �' '- % A 61S m 0 0 A !. -Y > C') r 0 IN - m eb. U. pt 6C.". V, Y --j FTJ aflo F— 0 0 -u FTI V > F71 A —u > CA 8 el 2 Z� RV L - .90.0w, '-r-13 Z. m LO 2 0%," -\ op 0�14 1, L - .90.0w, '-r-13 Z. m oz, 09 Z 'Z61 OE 0 z 0 v lasNi 0,06L -a 0 -V Ot' 6" tltk N.L* NOELKICIV cT\TE HDVICJI "'TIATH cl Date Created: 5/15/2009 P v upd B! Sj\Af sl Qrbdf !4,Q.,=.! Beeqpo Map Scale: 1 in = 334 ft IL hf oe Ell Parcels CitylTownship Limits Reads C&kHCL CT'YCL ,V JAUNICL /,/ PRIVATECL ,A1 TWF%CL ov kftr". 9tm* Hwy LIS Hwy Parcel ID 118243000010 Alternate ID N/A Owner Name US HOME CORPORATION Sec/Twp/Rng 1-120-23 Class 206 - RES 1-3 UNITS Owner Address US HOME CORPORATION Property Address Acreage 0.00 935 WAYZATA BLVD E WAYZATA, MN 55391 District Brief Tax Description Sect -01 Twp -120 Range -023 RIVERPLACE 3RD ADDN OUTLOT A (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) 7-,4 Sandy Lindenfelser From: Tami Loff [tam i@ci.otsego. m n.us] Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 4:33 PM To: 'Sandy Lindenfelser' Subject: FW: P/R Agenda - Norin Landing Attachments: NorinLandingPhasel_mem.pdf; aerial.pdf; norin land i ng -0601 09-ta b. pdf From: D. DANIEL LICHT [mailto:dlicht@nacplanning.com] Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 1:46 PM To: 'Ta m i Loff Cc: 'Mike Robertson'; 'Ron Wagner'; 'Andy MacArthur'; Brad Belair; Trygve. ha nson@d n r. state. mn. us; 'Ken Grieshaber' Subject: P/R Agenda - Norin Landing Tami Attached are the materials for the P/R agenda re: Norin Landing. Sincerely, D. Daniel Licht, AICP Senior Planner NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Phone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 Website: www.nacplanning.com E-mail: dlicht(a)nacplanning.com NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763,231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan nersCc�nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 1 June 2009 RE: Otsego — Norin Landing Park NAC FILE: 176.08 The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has contacted the City regarding the Mississippi River boat landing at Kadler Avenue. The DNR identified a need for an improved boat landing at this location as equidistant between existing boat facilities on the Mississippi River at Monticello and Elk River. DNR staff also noted that this stretch of the Mississippi River is a "world class" bass fishing area. The DNR would have monies available in the 2011-2012 State budget biennium to fund boat related improvements including parking, boat ramps and docks. The City would be responsible for the design and construction of the facilities as well as long-term ownership and maintenance. The City acquired 3.0 acres through dedication of land from the adjacent Norin Landing subdivision with the intent of developing a river oriented park facility in combination with 0.83 acres of right-of-way for Kadler Avenue north of 1 05th Street. SRF Consulting Group, Inc. prepared three preliminary concept plans for development of this area that were reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Preparation of detailed plans and construction of the park has been delayed until there is more housing built in the immediate area as a security measure. To date, only three of the 17 lots within the Norin Landing subdivision have been built on and none of these lots are adjacent to the park parcel. After the DNR contacted City staff, SRF prepared a composite sketch plan for Norin Landing Park incorporating comments from the Parks and Recreation Commission and City staff regarding the three previous concepts. City staff is recommending to the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council that the development of the park be divided into two phases. The first phase would be design and construction of the parking lot and boat launch ramp utilizing the DNR funding opportunity. The second phase could be development of the recreation areas of the park on the western portion of the parcel at a future date to be determined. The landing parks adjacent to the Mississippi River are considered to be community facilities. The community facilities portion of the park development funds has a current balance of $998,740 that would be used for the preparation of plans and specifications for the Phase 1 boat launch facilities and submission of the project to the DNR for construction funding. City staff is recommending the City Council authorize the City Engineer to prepare the Phase 1 plans and specifications for the parking lot and boat launch based on the SRF composite sketch plan and for City staff submit the funding request to the DNR. The Parks and Recreation Commission will discuss this issue at their meeting on 10 June 2009 at 7:00 PM. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor Ron Wagner, City Engineer Ken Grieshaber, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Trygve Hanson, DNR Date Created: 6/1/2009 Norin Landing Park Map Scale: 1 in = 234 ft iew Pafeels C I ty.1 Towns h I p L I in Its Roads CSA14CL NYCL MUNICL �'R NATEC L rwvPCL .1"al. &I.t. H�.y JS 11 -WY