04-13-11 PRITEM 3.1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL APRIL 13, 2011 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Chair Mike Brumm called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Mike Brumm; Vice Chair Krista Bean; Commission Members; Peter Torresani, Rose Cassady, and Kathy Roberts; Absent: Susan Krekelberg, Kari Menzia and Duane Lauseng; City Council; Councilmember Doug Schroder and Mayor Jessica Stockamp; City Staff. Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor, Gary Groen, Finance Director, Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing and Dan Licht, City Planner. 2. Consider agenda approval. Chair Brumm requested to move Item 6.1. Girl Scout project for Prairie Park sign planter to 4.1. and to add Item 4.2. City Administrator Lori Johnson from the City of Elk River. Chair Brumm motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Vice Chair Bean. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. March 9, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes. Vice Chair Bean motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commission Member Torresani. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: 4.1. Girl Scout project for Prairie Park sign planter. Members of Girl Scout Troop 11211 presented their proposed plans for the Prairie Park sign planter and are asking that the Parks and Rec Commission donate up to $300 for the project less other donations. They are hoping to begin planting in May. Commission Member Torresani motioned to recommend that City Council approve the donation of up to 5300 to Girl Scout Troop 11211 to offset the cost of the project. Seconded by Chair Brumm. All in favor. Motion carried. 4.2. City Administrator Lori Johnson City of Elk River City Planner Licht presented a proposal being discussed for Otsego partnering in a recreation program with the City of Elk River. Since there is a deadline of June 1St' 2012 to change this program, this needs to go to City Council by May 23, 2011 so Community Ed can be noticed. There is no action required by the Parks and Recreation Commission at this time. City Planner Licht said that Elk River City Administrator Lori Johnson attended the subcommittee meeting today to explain the program to them. City Planner Licht noted that Community Ed programs would still be available to Otsego residents. Elk River City Administrator Lori Johnson presented the Parks and Recreation Commission with an explanation of their programs and recreation department. Parks and Recreation Commission members had questions as far as programming, staffing the program and budget but were in favor of the Cities proceeding with a proposal for further consideration. 5. New Business. 5.1. Resignation Letter from Kari Menzia. City Council to accept Kari Menzia's resignation at their next meeting on April 25, 2011 and direct staff to advertise for a new commission member. 6. Unfinished Business. 6.1. Billette Field sign concepts. The consensus of the Parks and Recreation Commission is that the Ball park font be chosen for the Billette Field sign consistent with the preference of Ms. Susan Loriacas. 7. Public Works Update. Public Works Supervisor Belair said all tennis nets are up, soccer fields are set, ball fields have been drug and ready for practice as requested and the playgrounds have been inspected. All the playgrounds will be getting more wood chips as needed. A couple more weeks of fine tuning clean up and then we will be ready to cut grass. Mr. Belair will check into the safety of adding a half tire for smaller children to be able to reach certain playground equipment. 8. Pride in our Parks. 8.1. New application. Publis Works Supervisor Belair will contact Riverplace residents about what they can do to keep the park clean. Information for discussion of the proposed tennis courts at Frankfort Park will be on the agenda for the May 11, 2011 meeting. Vice Chair Bean motioned to accept the application from Riverplace residents for Pride in Our Parks. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.2. Girl Scout Troop 13514 Pride in Our Parks Monthly Report The monthly report from Girl Scout Troop 13514. Public Works Supervisor Belair will look into putting out more trash containers and recycle containers by the skate park to try to prevent trash and recyclables from being thrown on the ground. 9. Update on Citv Council actions by Council Member Doua Schroeder. Council Member Schroeder updated the commission that the splash pad drawings and concepts have been approved for preparation of plans and specifications. It was also updated that former City Administrator Mike Robertson has resigned and that City Planner Licht and Finance Director Gary Groen have taken over his duties and things are running smoothly. Council Member Schroeder and Mayor Stockamp noted that the City Council is following a process to fill the City Administrator's position. 10. Subcommittees. a. All Sports(Commissioner Torresani). Commissioner Torresani said he is getting asked when they can begin with the sports and Public Works Supervisor Belair responded that fields are being set up and are ready for use. Mayor Stockamp asked if Beaudry Meadows Park was available for soccer field use noting they do not need to be chalked, they will just be used as practice fields. Public Works Supervisor Belair noted that Beaudry Meadows Park does not drain well and to check the turf condition first but that otherwise it is available. Frankfort Park could also be used as a practice field. The consensus of the Parks and Recreation Commission was that use of these fields is acceptable provided that there is no organized play, just practice. . b. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean Discussion of the Community Ed bills for 2010 and 2011. c. Communication (Commissioner Krekelberg)). No Items d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts). Commissioner Roberts said she is planning on going with the same company as last year to get the pumpkins and is checking into it already to make sure they can get them. Discussed the date for Pumpkin Patch and the date decided on will be Saturday, October 22, 2011. e. Santa Day -(Commissioner Cassady). Discussion of the back drop for Santa Day and will look at this again. Santa Day Date was decided for Saturday December 10, 2011. f. Egg Hunt — (Commissioner Brumm). Chair Brumm said the Egg Hunt was a huge success. Commissioner Torresani said they filled 1024 bags with candy and they ran out about 12:15pm. More candy was purchased to fill about another 100 bags. Discussion of how to better control the crowd and direct them by putting up banners explaining how the egg hunt works. Possibly putting this on the website and publishing it in the Otsego View. Work on getting Teensy the Clown for next year already or maybe her backup. It was agreed that they would look into purchasing 2 bunny suits for next year, 3 to 4 gross of eggs, banners and safety vests for Commissioners and volunteers to wear so they are easier to find if people have questions. Chair Brumm will get costs for the items to be purchased and bring them to the next meeting on May 11, 2011. Egg Hunt date was set for Saturday March 31St, 2012. 11. Information. 11.1. Prairie Park Splash Pad Conceit This was just an update. Information will be at the next meeting. 12. Adj ourn by 10 PM. Commissioner Torresani motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:31PM. The next regular Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 11, 2011, 7:00 PM Otsego City Hall. Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing