02-09-11 PRITEM 3_1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL FEBRUARY 9, 2011 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Chair Mike Brumm called the meeting to order at 7: 02PM. Roll Call: Chair Mike Brumm; Vice Chair Krista Bean; Commission Members: Susan Krekelberg, Kathy Roberts, Peter Torresani and Duane Lauseng. Absent: Commission Members Rose Cassady and Kari Menzia; City Council: Councilmember Doug Schroeder and Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Staff. Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor, Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing and Dan Licht, City Planner. 2. Consider agenda approval. Commission Member Peter Torresani motioned to approve the agenda as written. Seconded by Commissioner Kathy Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. January 12, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commission Member Susan Krekelberg motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Krista Bean. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: Aaron Dorvinen of Eagle Scout Troop 1499 asked the Parks and Rec Commission if there were any projects he could do for the City, mainly landscaping projects for his community project for scouts. After discussion, it was decided that Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair and City Planner Dan Licht would come up with a project and bring it back to the next Parks and Rec Commission meeting. 5. New Business. No Items 6. Unfinished Business. 6.1. Randy Welch/Little League Randy Welch gave an explanation of what he is looking for and what is required to build an Otsego Little League program and field. Mr. Welch noted that he has his own excavating company that could come in and do the field work and put in a pitcher's mound as well as a contact for laying sod. City Planner Dan Licht asked if a grass infield is a requirement and Mr. Welch noted that it was. Installation of a flag pole with an American Flag on the premises is a also a requirement as the National Anthem is sung before each game played. Commission Member Peter Torresani gave Mr. Welch an explanation as to how the fields are divided for practices and games and that wouldn't be scheduled any different that it has been in the past. Mr. Welch then noted that they wanted to build a new little league field and that he was under the impression from City Administrator Mike Robertson that they could have this land. Commissioner Torresani noted that the City owned this property and that this City would have to give it to the Little League and if that is to happen, park dedication funds need to be transferred from one account to another. After discussion is was agreed that City Planner Dan Licht will call Randy to set up a time for him to come into a Staff Meeting. 6.2. Wright County Trail and Bikeway Plan City Planner Dan Licht noted that the County has started their planning process meetings and future information will be sent to commission members. Commission Member Susan Krekelberg said she took the online survey. Mr. Licht explained which trails the county would be focusing on and that they would be along the county roads. 6.3. Field Use Policy City Planner Dan Licht gave a report on the Field Use Policy. Discussion of field useage fees and maintenance of the fields. Mr. Licht stated the fields should be looked at now, make an accumulated list of improvements and a fee schedule should be drawn up to piece it all together. It was noted that a recommendation to adopt the policy is needed. Commission Member Peter Torresani recommends adopting the Field Use Policy presented by City Staff. Seconded by Commission Member Duane Lauseng. All in favor. Motion carried. Joe Haux of Rogers youth softball stated that they are willing to pay for city staff to work weekend hours for ball tournaments. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair said they are willing to work with them but to first get a schedule set up and then come and talk to him. 6.4. Prairie Park Splash Pad City Planner Dan Licht reported that City Council approved the recommendation to prepare the concept plan and cost estimate for construction of the Splash Pad. It was noted that City Engineer Ron Wagner is working on the discharge of the water from the splash pad. 6.5. Billette Sian City Planner Dan Licht explained what would be the best way to recognize the Billette family, either renaming the park itself or naming a ball field after them. A recommendation is needed. Commission Member Kathy Roberts spoke on behalf of Susan Louricas that she is fine with the naming of a ball field after the Billette family name. Ms. Louricas wanted it noted to make sure to keep the history in the future naming of parks. Commissioner Peter Torresani motioned to recommend naming the ball field in Zimmer Park "Billette Field" and placing a metal sign on the backstop. Seconded by Chair Mike Brumm. All in favor. Motion carried 7. Public Works Update. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair said that the ball field fencing is complete. Lyme installation is to be completed and they will be ready for baseball. Mr. Belair noted that there were three (3) contracts for adopt a park that have expired and he will get letters out to them to see if they want to update or extend their contracts. 8. Pride in our Parks. No Items 9. Update on City Council actions by Council Member Doug Schroeder. Mayor Stockamp said the Police Commission is interested in doing a bike rodeo and were wondering if the Parks and Rec Commission would liked to be involved. Vice Chair Krista Bean will contact the Commission. Mayor Stockamp will keep the Parks and Rec Commission updated. 10. Subcommittees. a. All SportsCommissioner Torresani� No Items b. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean). Vice Chair Krista Bean has been corresponding with Kristi of Community Ed. They are wondering if Parks and Rec Commission is interested in doing a daddy/daughter dance and a mother/son super hero training either at Rockwoods or Holiday Inn Conference Room possibly in the fall. c. Communication (Commissioner Krekelberg). Commission Member Susan Krekelberg noted the new Otsego View Schedule handout. City Planner Dan Licht said he is the main contact for the View. d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts). No Items e. Santa Day — (Commissioner Cassady). No Items. f. Egg Hunt — (Commissioner Brumm) Discussed the Egg Hunt and went over the flyer for any changes. Chair Mike Brumm will forward the color flyer to City Planner Dan Licht for the View once it is approved by the Parks and Rec Commission. 11. Information. City Planner Dan Licht is in charge of the Otsego View 12. Adjourn by 10 PM. Commission Member Peter Torresani motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Vice Chair Krista Bean. All if favor. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:42PM. Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing