03-09-11 PRVrEm 5-1 TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC(KPP1anningCo.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 2 March 2011 RE: Otsego — Play Field Use Policy TPC FILE: 101.01 — 11.01 The City Council at their meeting on 14 February 2011 approved the Play Field Use Policy and fee schedule as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission. In adopting the Play Field Use Policy, the City Council requested staff prepare a resolution recognizing those youth associations defined by the policy as being exempt from payment for basic use of City facilities. A draft resolution recognizing the youth associations currently utilizing Otsego's play fields is attached. The Parks and Recreation Commission will consider the resolution at their meeting on 9 March 2011. City staff recommends the Parks and Recreation Commission approve the draft resolution as presented. Exhibits: A. Draft Resolution 2011 -XX POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of the draft resolution establishing recognized youth associations. B. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor RESOLUTION NO.: 2011 - XX CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RECOGNIZED YOUTH RECREATION ASSOCIATIONS RELATED TO THE PLAY FIELD USE POLICY. WHEREAS, the City has adopted a policy and a schedule of fees regarding use of play fields within City parks; and, WHEREAS, the play field use policy makes provision for Non-profit (501 3C) youth organizations recognized by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approved by the City Council as providing necessary services to Otsego residents; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the following organizations are so recognized by the City of Otsego as providing necessary services to Otsego residents: 1 . Northwest Diamonds Girls Fast Pitch 2. Rogers Youth Baseball Association 3. Rogers Youth Football Association 4. Three Rivers Soccer Association MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 14 th day of March 2011. CITY OF OTSEGO L--- UV Jessica Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk I_rEM 6-2 January 25, 2010 Wright County Beings Trail and Bikeway Planning Process For more information: Marc Mattice, Wright County - (763) 682-7693 Marc.Matticeg_co.wright.mn.us Wright County has begun the process of creating a Trails and Bikeways Master Plan to improve county- wide connectivity and to foster active living. The community is invited to attend any one of four community meetings to kick-off the master planning process. The meetings will allow the public to provide input on county -wide trail and bikeway needs, opportunities and priorities. The master planning process is expected to last six months, when complete, the Wright County Trail and Bikeway Plan will be a clear guide to future bikeway and trails development, policies, funding, operations, and implementation. For more information, visit the County website http://www.co.wright.mn.us/departrnent/parks/parkprojects.asp Community members are also encouraged to provide input by filling out an on-line Pedestrian and Bicycle questionnaire. To fill out the questionnaire visit hiip://wrightcotrailsbikewgys.questionpro.com/ The open houses will held jointly with separate, but concurrent, City Park and trail planning projects in Buffalo, Howard Lake, and Albertville. Residents are encouraged to drop in anytime during the open house to provide input to the planning team and learn more about the project. There will be a short trails and bikeways best practices presentation at each open house. All four open houses will have the same format and information. Meetine 1 Location: City of Buffalo City Hall 212 Central Avenue, Buffalo, MN 55313 Date/Time: Tuesday, February 8, 2011 6:30-8:30 PM A brief presentation will be held at 7:00 PM Meetina 2 Location: Ney Nature Center 5212 73rd Street Northwest Maple Lake, MN 55358 Date/Time: Wednesday, February 9,2011 6:30-8:00 p.m. A brief presentation will be held at 7:00 PM Two additional meetings will be held in Howard Lake and Albertville, time and dates to be determined. Marc Mattice Wright County Parks Administrator 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone (763) 682-7693 "Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience" I-rl=—M 6-2 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCTPC@PlanningCo.com M I =1 J, ED] ;?_,I 011 Bill M TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 3 March 2011 RE: Otsego — Prairie Park; Splash pad concept plan TPC FILE: 101.01 — 11.02 BACKGROUND City staff and SRF have worked to develop two concept plans for construction of a splash pad facility at the location of the former skate park within Prairie Park. The City Engineer is finalizing the cost estimate for the drainage component for the splash pad, which is not included on the plans or cost estimate. This information will be forwarded to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The concept plans and related cost estimates are provided for review and discussion by the Parks and Recreation Commission at their meeting on 9 March 2011. Exhibits: A. Concept A and cost estimate B. Concept B and cost estimate C. Spray Features ANALYSIS Concept A. Concept A provides for more full use of the available space with the splash pad features and includes 18 spray elements. Some of the elements to be discussed by the Parks and Recreation Commission include: City staff recommended no turf be installed surrounding the splash pad as the small area would be more difficult to mow. Also, people walking over the turf between the splash pad and play containers would create wear issues. This change is an estimated $8,000.00 cost increase. City staff also asked for a cost estimate for modular seating walls at the perimeter of the splash pad to provide a space for parents to observe their children and also create a barrier for people cutting through the landscape area. One change from the concept plan would be to put the seating wall shown to the south (right) of the splash pad on the opposite side closer to the toddler water features. This element is shown on the optional list of improvements for an estimated cost of $6,000.00 Concept A shows an optional pavilion on the north side of the splash pad for a cost of $22,000. Tables for the pavilion would also be an additional cost of $3,000. Shade could also be provided in the same area by using three of the "Funbrella" shades for $15,000. Concept B. A second concept plan for a reduced scale splash pad with smaller surface area and fewer water features was prepared as a lower cost alternative. The approximate $21,450 difference in base costs between Concept A and B reflect: 0 $3,500 less in concrete costs. 0 $9,000 less in splash pad features 0 $7,000 less in landscaping 0 $500 additional cost in irrigation The benches, Funbrellas and tables shown on Concept Plan B are optional improvements not included in the base price. The grass areas shown on Concept B would present maintenance issues but would also provide an area for people to sit on the ground in proximity to the splash pad. Colored Concrete. City staff discussed the likelihood that the water used for the splash pad may stain the concrete. The costs for both Concept A and Concept B assume use of gray concrete. Use of colored concrete as an aesthetic consideration and to mask potential stains from the water would be a $6,300 option for either concept plan. Drainage. The City Engineer has provided a memorandum outlining options for handling the water discharged from the splash pad. A cost estimate for the recommended option of piping the water to the wetland complex as the west side of Prairie Park will be provided for the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION City staff believes that Concept A is a better utilization of the space and the greater concrete area would be easier to maintain. City staff is requesting the Parks and Recreation Commission provide direction as to whether Concept A or B should be pursued to a plans and specifications stage for construction. If a decision is made to proceed the Parks and Recreation Commission should provide specific preference as to the following: IN Concept A or B. 2. Use of colored concrete. 3. Installation of a pavilion, Funbrellas and tables. 4. Installation of the modular block seat wall (Concept A) or benches (Concept B) POSSIBLE ACTIONS Motion to recommend City Council approval of a concept plan and preparation of plans and specifications for a splash pad at Prairie Park. 2. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor Ron Wagner, City Engineer Timothy Wold, SRF Prairie Park Splash Pad Preliminary Cost Estimate Otsego, IVIN Prairie Park Splash Pad Concept A - Preliminary Cost Estimate City of Otsego SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 3/3/2011 Removals/Earthwork $3,500.00 -Rernoval of Existing Pavement -Site Grading/Erosion Control Site Utilities $7,500.00 -Water Service to Splash Pad -Electrical Service to Controller Pavement $22,000.00 -6" Concrete Splash Area (Gray) -4" Concrete Walks/Pads -8' Bituminous Trail Replacement Splash Pad $62,000.00 -Spray Features -Controller and Manifold -Installation Landscaping/Turf Establishment $13,000.00 -Trees -Landscape Plantings Miscellaneous Site Amenities $2,500.00 -Information Sign Lighting $6,000.00 Irrigation $4,500.00 Estimated Subtotal $108,000.00 10% Construction Contingency $10,800.00 Total Estimated Construction Costs $118,800.00 Optional Enhancements -Colored Concrete Splash Area -14'x 20' Pavilion and Concrete Plaza -Modular Block Seatwall Jables $37,800.00 $6,300.00 $22,500.00 $6,000.00 $3,000.00 Prarie, Park Splash Pad Concept A Pavilion with Seating Area and Concrete Plaza (Optional) 5'Wide Dry Zone Concrete Splash Area (Colored Concrete Optional) om Existing Play Container o D =F41 L KI�SA?qY Existing Bituminous A Trail A�, 1 O'Wide Landscape Buffer 7 - Spray Feature Key A Ground Geyser B Directional Water Jet C Water Tunnel No. 2 D Foot Activator E Jet Stream F Fountain Spray G Power Volcano H Team Spray No. 2 Modular Block Seatwall (Optional) tilts Modular Block SRF Project No. 5521 10 Rid March 3, 2011 com"huig , . Seatwall (Optional) City of Otsego Prairie Park Splash Pad Preliminary Cost Estimate Otsego, IVIN Prairie Park Splash Pad Concept B - Preliminary Cost Estimate City of Otsego SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 3/3/2011 Removalls/Earthwork $3,500.00 -Removal of Existing Pavement -Site Grading/Erosion Control Site Utilities $7,500.00 -Water Service to Splash Pad -Electrical Service to Controller Pavement $18,500.00 -6" Concrete Splash Area (Gray) -4" Concrete Walks/Pads -8' Bituminous Trail Replacement Splash Pad $53,000.00 -Spray Features -Controller and Manifold -Installation Landscaping/Turf Establishment $6,000.00 -Seed and Sod -Landscape Plantings Miscellaneous Site Amenities $2,500.00 -Information Sign Lighting $6,000.00 Irrigation $5,000.00 Estimated Subtotal $88,500.00 10% Construction Contingency $8,850.00 Total Estimated Construction Costs $97,350.00 Optional Enhancements -Colored Concrete Splash Area -Funbrella Shade Structures -Benches Jables $21,500.00 $6,300.00 $10,000.00 $3,200.00 $2,000.00 'Prc FIN 'Who Existing Existing Bitumin( Trail SRF Project No. 5521 March 3, 2011 IL� 11 p I A-%-% I I - 1811111 1 FAIG4%filts of sic; Ri as GMLP� Im. City of Otsego '-:V. Y. A14 Water Tunnel NO2 Family Bay The shorter Water Tunnel provides the same cross -generational active play opportunity as the larger WaterTunnel No 1, scaled down for a smaller space. Splashpadders can run under the arch to enjoythe mist or experience the feelingfrorn the powerful waterjets spraying up compared to the softer sprays falling down. Water Tunnel N12 Product H IW/ L 24-72 36-120 70i� 61-183,91-3051178c� Material: Stainless steel, Brass Water Effect: Stream sprays Pressure Flow Smart Flow Spray Zone W/L 5 - 10psi 10-206pm B-12GPm 6! 12ft 0.3 - 0.7 BAR 38 - 76 LPM 30 - 45 LPM 1,8 ' 3,7 � Vortex International WWW.VORTEX-INTL.COM 1.877.5.VORTEX eAVORTEX Splashpad" Power Volcano Interactive ground sprays allow Splashpadders to control the water pressure in the Power Vol- cano, encouraging team play. Blocking sprays gives more force to the Volcano, causing water to erupt in a powerful blast. Releasing blocked ground sprays reduces the pressure. Power Volcano Product H/W1 L Pressure Flow Smart Flow Spray Zone W/ L 24-60,66-90 66-90in 3 -8psi 15-20GPm 013ft 61-1521168-2291168-229cm 0. 2 - 0.6 BAR 57 - 76 LPM 04� Material: Stainless steel, Brass, EPDM Action: Interactive pad sprays Water Effect: Stream sprays Vortex International WWW.VORTEX-INTL.COM 1.877.5.VORTEX **VORTEX SplashpadO" Issue: 05.11.10 lip Al Directional Water Jet Family / Toddler Bay A versatile design element, the Directional Water Jet can be angled to create the perfect arc of water. A lower arc is ideal for little ones while a high arc adds energyto any play area. Directional Water Jet Product H IVVI L Pressure Flow Smart Flow Spray Zone WIL 24-72 6 36-120in 5 - 10 Psi 3 - 5 cp,�i 2 - 3 GPm 3 12ft 61-183115191-305cm 0.3 - 0.7 BAR 11 - 19 LPM 8 - 12 LPY 0,9 3,7 m Material: Stainless steel, Brass Water Effect: Stream sprays Vortex International WWW.VORTEX-INTL.COM 1.877.5.VORTEX 4.,VORTEX Splashpad@ I Fountain Spray Family Bay Multiple streams spray out in varying heights from a concentrated center at varying heights, formingan elegantfountain effect. The fountain provides a variety of water experiences from the gentle streamsfalling down, mistfrom tinder the water arcs and higher pressure atthe core. k� Fountain Spray ProdUct H 1VJ1 L 24-60�24-48 24-48,� 61-152161-122161-122cm Material: Stainless steel, Brass Water Effect: Stream sprays Pressure Flow Snnaft Flow Spray Zone WIL 1 —4psi 3 —7GPM 012ft 0.1-0.3 BAR 11— 26LPM — 0 3,7 rn Vortex International WWW.VORTEX-INTL.COM 1.877.5.VORTEX **.VORTEX Splashpad@ 4 Y Team Spray NO2 Teen Bay Interactive ground sprays encourage Splash padders to work together. Jump in the middleto acti- vate the control on the Gusher and instantaneously, the multiple sprays forming the ring on the outside will go! Release the control and the Gusher will once again spray higher from the center. Team Spray N12 Ij Product H /W/ L Pressure Flow Smart Flow Spray Zone W/L 24-72, 48-60, 48-60 in 5 - 15 Psi 20-486pm 015ft 61-183/122-152/122-152cm 0.3 - I BAR 76 - 182 LPM 04,6 m Material: Stainless steel, Brass Action: Interactive pod sprays Water Effect: Stream sprays Vortex International WWW.VORTEX-INTL.COM 1.877.5.VORTEX 4VORTEX Splashpad@ Prairie Park Splash Pad Preliminary Cost Estimate Otsego, VIN Prairie Park Splash Pad Concept A - Preliminary Cost Estimate City of Otsego SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 3/8/2011 Removals/Earthwork $3,500.00 -Removal of Existing Pavement -Site Grading/Erosion Control Site Utilities $7,500.00 -Water Service to Splash Pad -Electrical Service to Controller Pavement $22,000.00 -6" Concrete Splash Area (Gray) -4" Concrete Walks/Pads -8' Bituminous Trail Replacement Splash Pad $62,000.00 -Spray Features -Controller and Manifold -Installation Landscaping/Turf Establishment $13,000.00 -Trees -Landscape Plantings Miscellaneous Site Amenities $2,500.00 -Information Sign Lighting $6,000.00 Irrigation $4,500.00 Estimated Subtotal $108,000.00 10% Construction Contingency $10,800.00 Total Estimated Construction Costs $118,800.00 Optional Enhancements -Colored Concrete Splash Area -14'x 20' Pavilion and Concrete Plaza -Modular Block Seatwall Jables $40,500.00 $6,300.00 $22,500.00 $8,700.00 $3,000.00 Prarie Park Splash Pad Concept A Existing Play Pavilion with Seating Container Area and Concrete Plaza (Optional) 5'Wide Dry Zone-----\ Concrete Splash Area — (Colored Concrete Optional) Modular Block — Seatwall (Optional) Existing Bituminous Trail 10' Wide — Landscape Buffer C I F'RFrc!roje--III No. 5521 M r March 3, 2011 C"whing Cfmp, tar A OD A '6000 P', Modular Block Seatwall (Opfioiia',) Spray Feature Key A Ground Geyser B Directional Water Jet C Water Tunnel No. 2 D Foot Activator E Jet Stream F Fountain Spray G Power Volcano H Team Spray No. 2 Modular Block Seatwall (Optional) City of Otsego 0 Prairie Park Splash Pad Preliminary Cost Estimate Otsego, IVIN Prairie Park Splash Pad Concept A-2 - Preliminary Cost Estimate City of Otsego SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 3/8/2011 Removals/Earthwork $3,500.00 -Removal of Existing Pavement -Site Grading/Erosion Control Site Utilities $7,500.00 -Water Service to Splash Pad -Electrical Service to Controller Pavement $22,000.00 -6" Concrete Splash Area (Gray) -4" Concrete Walks/Pads -8' Bituminous Trail Replacement Splash Pad $62,000.00 -Spray Features -Controller and Manifold -Installation Landscaping/Turf Establishment $11,800.00 -Trees -Landscape Plantings Miscellaneous Site Amenities $2,500.00 -information Sign Lighting $6,000.00 Irrigation $4,500.00 Estimated Subtotal $106,800.00 10% Construction Contingency $10,680.00 Total Estimated Construction Costs $117,480.00 Optional Enhancements -Colored Concrete Splash Area -Modular Block Seatwall Jables $18,000.00 $6,300.00 $8,700.00 $3,000.00 Prarie Park Splash Pad Concept A-2 Seating Area with Tables (Optional) Concrete Splash Area (Colored Concrete Optional) 5'Wide Dry Zone Modular Block Seatwall (Optional) Existing Play Container Existing Bituminous Trail 10' Wide Landscape Buffer 40 LJ—L Spray Feature Key A Ground Geyser B Directional Water Jet C Water Tunnel No. 2 D Foot Activator E Jet Stream F Fountain Spray G Power Volcano H Team Spray No. 2 Modular Block Seatwall (Optional) SRF Project No. 5521 p pk4 � I at-,, %-,%, i , -*! , - \-- Modular Block March 3, 2011 c4mWIlIng GrEn4k Inc. D I to r % I a S Seatwall (Optiona;) City of Otsego Tv, 7k., kff V.0 -w -W-0 �4 . I IL.". � I-, vi� 0 AL, 0 t -, * R -In Hakanson Main Office: 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 35 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 Anderson www.haa-inc.com MEMORANDUM TO: Dan Licht, City Planner FROM: Ron Wagner, P.E., City Engineer CC: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor Tami Loff, City Clerk DATE: March 3,2010 RE: Splash Pad Effluent In regards to the effluent of the splash pad, I have three options they are as follows: 1) Pump the used water in a shallow forcemain to the wetland bank. This would require a sump — large mh or tank to hold the water — then the water would be pumped once every 2 hours or so during continual use. For this, we would need to know the max rate of water usage. I know SRF has talked about 20k gal per day, however, we would need to know the max flow in gallons per minute into/out of the park with all appurtenances discharging. 2) Another option is to gravity drain the effluent to the pond north of the City hall. We could possibly line the pond and use a pump to irrigate soccer fields. 3) A third option is to gravity drain the effluent to the west into the 90th St. ditch. I prefer Option I — it may cost a little more but it is a done deal as far as issues with kids playing in areas they should not be and provides water to the wetland bank, and has a positive outflow if needed to the creek. Option 2 sets up potential problems with kids gravitating toward playing in the pond and not the splash pad. I am reluctant to use this as a rapid infiltration basin unless percolation tests are completed that confirm it can handle the 20k gal per day. Otherwise, it could be lined to a certain elevation to hold the water and then use to irrigate ball fields. Before we go through any major design analysis of the site, it may be better to see if the park commissioners want to pursue that option. Fencing around the pond to keep kids out might be required. There would be significant design issues in order to create a useable irrigation/storm pond. Some preliminary numbers regarding Option 2. A check of the capacity of the pond shows that it was designed to handle exactly a 100 -year event. The pond is approx. 1.5 acre -ft in size as is the volume of a 100 year event Also 20,000 gallons (0.06 acre -ft) does not make a dent in the pond. To truly make the 20,000 gallons per day useful for irrigation may be very difficult using this size of a storm pond. Option 3 is likely the cheapest but water will be running down the 90th Street road ditch all summer behind the skate park. This again sets up potential issues with kids gravitating toward the flowing water and playing near the road. Also of concern, are issues for public works department to maintain the ditch as it will always be wet making mowing impossible. Hakanson Anderson I -r EE M 6-3 TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 65303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC0ZP1anningCo.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 2 March 2011 RE: Otsego — Little League TPC FILE: 101.01 — 11.01 City staff met with Mr. Randy Welch on 17 February 2011 following the Parks and Recreation meeting to discuss his efforts to establish a Little League organization in Otsego. City staff reviewed a comprehensive list of issues that must be addressed both at a City level regarding development of a Little League specific field on City property, practical requirements for the proposed construction including the need for plans and specifications, funding, qualified labor and operational considerations. Based on the discussion at the Parks and Recreation Commission, Mr. Welch indicated that he was taking additional time to organize this effort and would present a more complete proposal to the City, including addressing the issues outlined by City staff. Mr. Welch's goal would be to complete this organizational effort during 2011 with play beginning on existing fields in 2012 along with construction of a Little League specific field. City staff will meet again with Mr. Welch as needed and advise the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council accordingly of progress. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney 1 -r IH M G - TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763,231.6840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC(�� Plan ni ngCo. com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 2 March 2011 RE: Otsego — Billette Field TPC FILE: 101.01 — 11.01 BACKGROUND The City Council at their meeting on 14 February 2011 approved designation of the baseball diamond at Zimmer Farm Park as Billette Field. City staff is seeking additional direction from the Parks and Recreation Commission as to the font to be used for the sign. Examples of two traditional baseball style fonts are attached for review by the Parks and Recreation Commission at their meeting on 9 March 2011. Exhibits: A. Example Sign Fonts POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to use of the BoSox / Ballpark font for the sign at Billette Field. B. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor Font = Ballpark 0 Billette Field Font = BoSox FrEM 9-1 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCTPCCZDP1anningCo.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICIP DATE: 2 March 2011 RE: Otsego — Safe Routes to School Trail TPC FILE: 101.01 — 11.01 The City Council at their meeting 28 February 2011 approved plans and specifications for construction of the following trail segments: 0 Adjacent to CSAH 42 from Quaday Avenue to Otsego Elementary School. E Within Otsego Elementary School bypassing the school playground. Extending the trail adjacent to Nashua Avenue from the south entrance of City Hall to 91't Street. The trail adjacent to CSAH 42 is funded in full by a Federal grant for the Safe Routes to School Program. The cost of the trail within Otsego Elementary is being paid equally by the City of Otsego and ISD 728. The trail along Nashua Avenue is being paid in full by the City of Otsego. All of the City of Otsego's direct costs, which equal$56,000, are to be funded by the Park Development Fund. Construction of all three trail segments is anticipated to start in as soon as May and take approximately a month to two months to complete. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor Ron Wagner, City Engineer 0 z 0 M r OTSEGO ELEMENTARY AND C.S.A.H. 42 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL TRAIL, OTSEGO ELEMENTARY CITY TRAIL, AND MEADOWLANDS CITY TRAIL CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR GRADING, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, AND MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION SP # 86-591-02 CITY OF OTSEGO PROJECT NO. 10-02 LOCATED ALONG C.S.A.H. 42 (N.E. RIVER ROAD) FROM OTSEGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND ALONG THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF OTESGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND EAST SECTIONS 20, 22 & 27, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 23 TO QUADAY AVENUE N.E. SIDE OF NASHUA AVENUE Hakanson Anderson Assoc.,Inc. Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3501 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-51360 FAX 763-427-0520 =_CT 'ION MINN PROJ NO. WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA END S.P. 86-591-02 STA 27+35.67 1 DOO 0 1 DOO 21300 !!S�� SCALE IN FEET BENCHMARKS: 868.BB = TNH @ SW SIDE OF C.S.A.H. 42 0 ENTRANCE TO OTSEGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL B65.05 = TNH 0 SW SIDE OF C.S.A.H. 42 0 COUNTY DITCH (NEAR HOUSE #8115) 867.57 = TNH 0 NW CORNER OF OUADAY AVE & C.S.A.H. 42 9013.77 = RR SPK. PP, EAST SIDE OF NASHUA AVE. NE, 5DD' + SOUTH OF CITY HALL DATUM: NAVD 1929 PROJECT STA. TO STA. GROSS BRIDGE NET DESIGN SAL R TON DESIGN FUNCTIONAL SCHEDU ES 4 LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH 5 (�9�2n�d I L-1 52�d SL I CLASSIFICATION <1 1+00 TO 27+35.67 2635.67 FT N/A 2636.67 FT 0.499 MILES D MILES 0.49� MILq N/A 50 N/A 20 MPH MULTI–USE 7+00 TO 13+50 NO CURB N.E. 9111 ST. 'i" S", i 1M CIR. "is 0 0, F WE 90th ST. —E,,n NE 90th ST. 9J-,,, KC r N NF 59th NE I ST, Li L] _j NE 89th E�r. 5 �R C N.E. 85 �181�h Beth STREFT UIL) )0 R. F N E Bav sT. _h F99t T. 87th NE 1111h CT. NE L4 N.E. 87th ST. EM CITY DO TRAIL L [ON NE EA (LQCAL FUN D rr A r z 5th Rr-L TREET NE 3 NI 111tl In!w TFU IL L 11 0 (LO�,-AL r�e Kd R J B3RD C I 821d ST �u U 0 J pt A 13 N_E_ IDII 51* 79 0. L3 78 - NE 78th ST. p th _��EET TE 781h 11T F WAY N '.E. 8TH STREET 14E 1') 7) THE SUBSURFACE UTILITY INFORMATION IN TH�S PLAN IS UTILITY QUALITY LEVEL D. TH S QUALITY LEVEL WAS DETERMINED ACCORDING TO THE GUIDELJNES OF Cl/ASCE 38-02, ENTITLED "STANDARD BEGIN S.P. 86-591-02 GUIDELINES FOR THE COLLECTION AND DEPICTION OF EXISTING SUBSURFACE STA 1 +00 UTILITY DATA." SEE PROJECT MANUAL. Hakanson Anderson Assoc.,Inc. Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3501 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-51360 FAX 763-427-0520 =_CT 'ION MINN PROJ NO. WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA END S.P. 86-591-02 STA 27+35.67 1 DOO 0 1 DOO 21300 !!S�� SCALE IN FEET BENCHMARKS: 868.BB = TNH @ SW SIDE OF C.S.A.H. 42 0 ENTRANCE TO OTSEGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL B65.05 = TNH 0 SW SIDE OF C.S.A.H. 42 0 COUNTY DITCH (NEAR HOUSE #8115) 867.57 = TNH 0 NW CORNER OF OUADAY AVE & C.S.A.H. 42 9013.77 = RR SPK. PP, EAST SIDE OF NASHUA AVE. NE, 5DD' + SOUTH OF CITY HALL DATUM: NAVD 1929 PROJECT STA. TO STA. GROSS BRIDGE NET DESIGN SAL R TON DESIGN FUNCTIONAL SCHEDU ES 4 LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH 5 VALUE DESIGN SPEED CLASSIFICATION S.P. BS -591-02 1+00 TO 27+35.67 2635.67 FT N/A 2636.67 FT 0.499 MILES D MILES 0.49� MILq N/A 50 N/A 20 MPH MULTI–USE 7+00 TO 13+50 NO CURB S.P. 86-591-02 SCHOOL PARKING LOT: SPEED LIMIT <30 MPH TRAIL 3 86 -591-02 FEDERAL PROJ NO. SRTS 8610 (185 GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS THE 2005 EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION" SHALL APPLY. ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND ORDINANCES SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND SIGNING SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE M�NNESOTA MANUAL,ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVISES, INCLUD NG THE LATEST FELD MANUAL FOR TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE LAYOUTS. WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARD UTILITY SPECIFICATIONS AS PUBUSHED By THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA, 1999 REVISION. ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT MANUAL FOR THE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL TRAIL, OTSEGO ELEMENTARY CITY TRAIL, AND MEADOWLANDS CITY TRAIL (S.P. 86-591–D2 AND CITY PROJECT NO. 10-02). SHEET INDEX THIS PLAN CONTAINS 24 SHEETS SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL TRAIL SHEET NO. DESCRIPTIO 1 TITLE SHEET 2 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 3 SCHEDU ES 4 TYPICAL SECTIONS 5 DETAILS 5 EASEMENTS 7 EROS I ON CONTROL PLAN B TOPOGRAPHY & REMOVALS 9-10 CONSTRUCTION PLANS Xi_X5 CROSS SECTIONS LOCALLY FUNDED TRAILS SHEET NO. DESCRIPTIO 11-12 CONSTRUCTION PLANS (OTSEGO ELEMENTARY TRAIL) X6_X 1 0 CROSS SECTIONS (OTSEGO ELEMENTARY TRAIL) 13 CONSTRUCTION PLANS (MEADOWLANDS TRAIL) X11 CROSS SECTIONS (MEADOWLANDS TRAIL) SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL TRAIL (S.P. 86-591 DATE APPROVED: WRIGHT COUNTY ENGINEER ,/,V Y. �z /,— __ 26052 DATE 9/15/10 J. A "Ar, E R, P. E. --;/ LIC. NO. �N/At�DERSON 4_58OCIATES. INC. DATE DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER: REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AID RULES/POLICY DATE APPROVED FOR FEDERAL AID FUNDING: STATE AID ENGINEER SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL TRAIL AND LOCALLY FUNDED TRAILS I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer und'� the laws of the State of Minnesota. RONALD J.XI�GNER, P.E--7- HAKANSON/WERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. DESIGN �NG[NEER DATE REVISION 10/13/10 REVISED ALL SHEETS PER 12/3/10 STATE AID REVIEW #1 1/4/11 STATE Ain REVIEW COMME PATH SEPARATION FROM ROAD BASED ON: HORIZONTAL CURVE RADIUS BASED ON: TRAIL CLEAR ZONE: TRAIL STOPPING SITE DISTANCE BASED ON: CSAH 42 SPEED LIMIT = 50 MPH 15—DEGREE LFAN ANGLE 2 FT. MINIMUM 4.5 Fr. HEIGHT OF EYE 13+50 TO 27+35.67 NO CURB —2% CROSS SLOPE 3 FT. TO POWER POLES, TREES, AND NEAR 0 FT. HEIGHT OF OBJECT SCHOOL DRIVEWAY: SPEED LIMIT <40 MPH 0.25 COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION EDGE OF SIGNS 0.25 COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION 7+00 TO 13+50 NO CURB S.P. 86-591-02 SCHOOL PARKING LOT: SPEED LIMIT <30 MPH CITY PROJECT 10-02 1 +00 TO 7+OD HAS CURB 26052 DATE 9/15/10 LIC. NO. STATE AND FEDERAL AID C SHFFT 1 OF 1A RHFFTq