ITEM 3.3B PSC 12.8.2015 MinutesITEM 3_3B Otsego Public Safety Commission Minutes December 8, 2015 1) Meeting called to order 6:33pm Roll Call: Mark Driste, Chuck Schauss, Tina Driste, Paul Fields, Jim Breitbach, Greg Hubbard, Mark Lucht, CM Warehime, Mayor Stockamp, Deputy Chief Surrant, Chief Bullen, ER Ambulance -Steve, Wright Cty Sherriff Absent: Chief Feist 2) Meeting agenda approved motion by Greg Hubbard, 2nd by Mark Lucht. All in favor. Motion carried. 3) November meeting minutes approved motion by Chuck Strauss, 2nd by Paul Fields. All in favor. Motion carried. 4) Open forum 5) Public safety: Elk River ambulance: reviewed RTO's, new truck expected March 2016, it was agreed that the ER ambulance will provide quarterly reports for the commission Albertville Fire: November was a slow month-2 calls, Otsego calls covered by AV in 2015 = 74, AVFD received a washing machine grant, currently hiring 4 new FF (2 ppl will go to ER Fire Academy), State fire marshal will be visiting Riverwood Friday with Chief Bullen Elk River Fire: Jump City -inspected there was some concerns re: codes, New rehab trailer — self-sufficient trailer, 2016 no hiring, Fire Academy Jan 2016-July 2016 Wright County Sherriff: Nothing much to report 6) Old business —nothing to report 7) New Business —Mark Driste suggests that the Safety Committee start offering some Public Ed in various public health capacities; CPR, water safety, etc Chuck Strauss will contact Wright County to see if there is a "CERT" that can be piggy backed off of, we have access to quarterly write up in The View 8) Nov23 City council mtg update: nothing to report 9) Future city council meetings: December 14-Chuck Strauss NEXT MEETING: January 12, 2016 6:30pm Written by: Tina Driste