11-10-10 PRITEM 3_1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL NOVEMBER 10, 2010 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Chair Susan Krekelberg called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. Roll Call: Chair Susan Krekelberg; Vice Chair Krista Bean; Commission Members: Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, Kari Menzia and Mike Brumm. Absent: Commission Members Peter Torresani and Duane Lauseng; City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Staff. Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor and Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing. 2. Consider agenda ap rU oval. Commissioner Kathy Roberts requested to add 5.2 Play System Commissioner Rose Cassady motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Vice Chair Krista Bean. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes. 3.1. October 13, 2010 Regular Meeting, Minutes. Chair Susan Krekelberg motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Kathy Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum. No Items 5. New Business. 5.1. Park Budget Update Commission discussed Santa Day costs inquiring if there was enough money in the Parks and Rec fund to hire a Santa for that day. Mayor Jessica Stockamp noted that Finance Director Gary Groen would like any receipts from Pumpkin Patch Day to be handed in at this time. 5.2. PlaySystem Commissioner Kathy Roberts introduced a new play system she saw in the Wednesday October 20 Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper. The play system is made in Delano MN. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair noted that he has toured this factory before and that it is possible some representatives from the company could come and discuss this system. 6. Unfinished Business. No Items 7. Public Works Update. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair gave an update on the parks noting the spelling on the Lily Pond park sign will be corrected. The address for Lily Pond park was brought up. Commission would like the address to stay Kadler Avenue NE instead of changing it to 101 St Street NE. Mr. Belair stated that he will bring this up to Staff to see what can be done to keep it Kadler Avenue NE. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair gave an update on the ball fields noting weather permitting, the fencing should be up and the warning track will hopefully be installed. The project should hopefully be completed in the next couple of weeks. Chair Susan Krekelberg inquired about Waterfront East Outlot and what can be done at this time. Mayor Stockamp gave an explanation as to why nothing can be done at this time until the various owners reach an agreement. Commission discussed the future of this piece of property. 8. Pride in our Parks. No Items 9. Update on City Council actions by Mayor Stockamp. Mayor Stockamp gave an update on the Chris Wilson property and Darkenwald Landing. Mayor Stockamp noted that field usage fees were discussed at the Administrative Subcommittee meeting but there was nothing to present to the parks and rec commission at this time. Issues with rental of the pavilion in Prairie Park were discussed. Mayor Stockamp noted that since alcohol is allowed in the park, the City's insurance won't cover damage that may occur, explaining that anyone renting the pavilion must put a rider on their homeowner's insurance that would cover any possible damage. Mayor Stockamp noted that City Council accepted the agreement with IDS 728 regarding the safe route to school. 10. Subcommittees. a. All Sports (Commissioner Torresani . Mayor Stockamp questioned whether Commissioner Peter Torresani would be contacting the association to come in January to discuss the distribution of ball fields. Commissioner Mike Brumm will email Commissioner Torresani for any information he may have. Public Work's Supervisor Brad Belair gave an overview the fee schedule noting what has been discussed by staff and what they are working on. Lighting of the ball fields was discussed b. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean). Commission discussed their disappointment with the Community Ed program and what improvements are needed. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair questioned whether it would be beneficial for the Parks and Rec Commission to have a workshop to discuss what needs to be brought up to Charlie Blesner of Community Ed before he comes to the December 8a' meeting. Discussed what other options are out there, whether going through Community Ed or thru a parks and rec. Commissioner Kari Menzia brought up the idea of possibly getting "Sky Hawks" into this area noting the City gets a percentage of those earnings. Commissioner Bean will email Community Ed to get some information about the programming for spring and the numbers for fall and rational for winter. c. Communication (Commissioner Krekelberg). Chair Susan Krekelberg would like to discuss and reassess the Subcommittees at the January Parks and Rec Mtg. d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts). Commissioner Kathy Roberts gave an update on Pumpkin Patch Day noting the need for more volunteers or getting rid of the inflatables. Commissioner Rose Cassidy brought up the idea of possibly getting the snowmobile club to volunteer next year and designate them to watch over the inflatables. It was noted that the Boy Scouts did a good job again this year. e. Santa Da(Commissioner Cassadx). Commissioner Cassady handed out two different flyers for the Santa Day event. No flyers will distributed out but posters will be hung. It was agreed that only one mailbox will be put out this year for letters to Santa, this one will be put at City Hall. Commissioner Menzia will try to get a discounted tree from Seasonal Concepts where she works and a back drop as well. It was decided that no cocoa or apple cider will be served, only cookies. Commissioner Cassady will purchase cookies and will check with Wal Mart to see if they will donate candy canes. Discussed the hiring of a santa for the day. Mayor Stockamp was quoted $300-$425 for a santa for the day. f. Egg Hunt — (Commissioner Brumm). No Items 11. Information No Items 12. Adjourn by 10 PM. Commissioner Rose Cassady motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Kathy Roberts. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:08 PM.