01-12-15 Item 5 dictatedJanuary 12, 2015 City Council Meeting -Item 5 dictated City Administrator said this came up at the last Administrative Subcommittee meeting she believes because the City Attorney mentioned that it is the City's 25 year anniversary in November and the City Attorney was there to draft the original document. So this is discussion about whether or not we want to have some sort of celebration. Looking for some direction from the council. There is an opportunity to maybe par up with the Prairie Festival or to do multiple events throughout the year to provide more information through our newsletter; little tid bits through HPC who might have some ideas. So the subcommittee felt it was worth bringing to the full council to get some input and direction I had mentioned a committee because if to do something as a grand scale we may want to have a committee leading that, time seems to slip away as we all know so November or September for the Festival will come up quickly. So we are looking for some sort of direction from the council. Mayor Stockamp asked for input from the council. Mayor Stockamp said she thought it was pretty cool and she thought we should do something. We have the building, it could be in conjunction with the Festival we were open we just wanted to see what ever one else thought. I believe November 15 is the date and that is actually a Sunday this year. CM Darkenwald asked if there is a symbol we could come up with kind of like 25 year, so you could even put it on JamFest if they are putting on something year you could have that symbol on there. Mayor Stockamp said like a marketing tool. CM Darkenwald said yes. Mayor Stockamp said to then keep promoting it. CM Warehime said he had that same thought but that was it. CM Heidner said all the people that were on the City Council in that first group are still in the area and that would be cool to get them all together. Mayor Stockamp said yes, to have them come back 25 years later. CM Warehime said we could even have a picture of them on the website and talk about it. CM Heidner said and we do picture somewhere of the first council that used to hang on the wall. It would be cool to have them sit in theirsame spot. Mayor Stockamp asked do you guys think it's worth pursuing. Mayor Stockamp said like she said she brought it up at Admin Sub Comm meeting after Andy told me. It's an opportunity. We are a young city. CM Darkenwald said a quarter century. Mayor Stockamp said it's pretty neat actually. We have had such new families come to the area it could be a different focus then the Festival or it could be something here. We were open. CM Darkenwald said defiantly. He thinks celebrating 25 Years is a big thing. CM Warehime said maybe we could put it out to even out commission members to come up with ideas on how they can promote it through the commissions as well as us promoting it through the council level. Mayor Stockamp said so asking for other ideas on how we would celebrate? CM Warehime said just their ideas. Mayor Stockamp asked if everyone is in favor of subcommittee. City Administrator said a committee someone to lead that charge whether it's a council member or staff, or someone from one of the commissions or maybe the public that want to get involved. City Administrator Johnson said she thinks you want to keep it relatively small because you don't have a lot of time to make some of those decisions but if you want some outside input that would be fine as well. Mayor Stockamp said she likes the idea of putting something in the view for the next coming year too and talk about your ideas of the 25 year symbol and then putting that in the View all year. City Administrator Johnson said the City of Rogers has done something similar with their 100 years and it's really kind of neat what they have going so something similar would be good. CM Darkenwald said 25 Years ago he wouldn't have been here but Dan do you know if my Grandfather was around this area. Mayor Stockamp said Andy was actually here. City Attorney MacArthur said yes he was around they were very much aware of his presence. Mayor Stockamp asked if everyone is support of starting something and bring back ideas. The City Council concurred. CM Schroeder said he thinks putting it out to the Commissioners is a good idea and see what kind of info we get; Maybe one person from each Commission. Mayor Stockamp said yes good that is a good idea and also opening it up to staff if they would like to participate. CM Schroeder said yes. CM Heidner said Sandy Lindenfelser helped run the Otsego Festival back in those days. CM Warehime said I don't want to forget the Lions either make sure they stay involved with this as well. Mayor Stockamp said yes we can bring that back to them and see if they would be interested. City Attorney MacArthur said there are probably documents we could dig up, Dan's dad was a testifier at the corporation hearing and did the report and everything like that so all those documents are available. He said he thinks it's kind of interesting. Mayor Stockamp said ok. She said even just having a little history thing or luncheon would be nice it doesn't have to the Festival to recreate, just making it its own thing. CM Warehime said depending on how full the View gets we could put little blurbs in, each one have a story talking about the history tying them together. Mayor Stockamp asked if anyone would like to participate from the Council. Mayor Stockamp said she would be interested but I would gladly give it to someone else. She said she thinks planning a party sounds fun. CM Heidner said on a good day he can remember that far back so maybe you can interview me or something. Mayor Stockamp said ok I'll bring my tape recorder. Mayor Stockamp said we probably don't need a formal motion. City Administrator Johnson said no just consensus you are going to lead the committee. Mayor Stockamp said she will get the committee going I don't know if I am going 2 to lead it. We will seek input from all the Commissions and then we can report back. She said we obviously will have to have a budget and figure all that out. CM Warehime said if we are lacking in involvement I would be willing to set up and do some of that. Mayor Stockamp said ok perfect. City Administrator Johnson said so we will keep this on the agenda because yes we will need to set a budget so the committee knows how much money they have so that will be next up after Jessica reports back with the committee. Mayor Stockamp said we will work on that. City Administrator Johnson said alright excellent.