09-08-10 PRITEM 3-1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 8:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Vice Chair Krista Bean called the meeting to order at 7:46PM after an on-site inspection of the proposed park at 8600 O Dean Avenue NE. Roll Call: Vice Chair Krista Bean; Commission Members: Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady and Mike Brumm: Absent: Chair Susan Krekelberg and Commission Members Duane Lauseng and Peter Torresani; City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Staff: Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor, Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing and Dan Licht, City Planner 2. Consider agenda approval. Vice Chair Bean requested to add 6.2. Darkenwald Park. Vice Chair Krista Bean motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Rose Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. August 112010 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Mike Brumm motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Kathy Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: 5. New Business. 5.1. Kari Menzia Interview for Park Commission Vacancy Commission Members interviewed Kari Menzia for the Parks and Rec Commission vacancy. 5.2. Charles F VonBerg Interview for Park Commission Vacancy Commission Members interviewed Charles Von Berg for the Parks and Rec Commission vacancy. Vice Chair Krista Bean recommended City Council appoint Kari Menzia to the Parks and Rec Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Kathy Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Unfinished Business. 6.1. Proposed Park at 8600 O Dean Avenue NE City Planner Dan Licht gave an overview of the property at 8600 O Dean Avenue NE stating that the proposed purchase cost is consistent with other property in the area but it may be negotiable. There is the 2'/z acres adjacent to the property that is also for sale. City Planner Dan Licht noted to commission members to keep in mind the money would come from the Community Facilities Fund to purchase the land. City Planner Dan Licht hoped to get a recommendation from the Parks and Ree Commission for City Council to discuss next Monday. Vice Chair Krista Bean motioned to recommend City Council to negotiate the purchase of the Wilson property. Seconded by Commissioner Rose Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Kathy Roberts motioned to recommend City Council and those involved to look into the purchase of the 2 V2 acres adjacent to the Wilson property. Seconded by Vice Chair Krista Bean. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.2. Darkenwald Park Discussion. It was agreed to add the proposed dog park to the next agenda. City Planner Dan Licht noted to the commission that the plans and specs for Norin Landing are completed and it is shovel ready. Staff is still talking with the DNR about a possible grant. The splash pad for Prairie Park will also be discussed at next month's meeting. 7. Public Works Update. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair gave an update on the progress in Frankfort Park noting lights are being installed at this time and he is hoping to have the bituminous on the tennis court completed next week. Regular maintenance is also being done. 8. Pride in our Parks. 8.1. Coles Martial Arts Monthly Report. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair commented that Joel Coles takes good ownership in taking care of this area and contacts him whenever he has issues. 9. Update on City Council actions by Mayor Stockamp. Mayor Stockamp gave an overview of what has been happening in the City noting the 5K walk/run was a success and that they were very pleased with the help of city staff. A meeting was held regarding the possible installation of Little League Fields behind City Hall. Discussion of the Otsego View publication dates. Mayor Stockamp noted that the next Otsego View will have room for pictures from the festival and will be out before Pumpkin Patch Day. 10. Subcommittees. a. All Sports (,Commissioner Torresani� No Items b. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean No Items c. Communication (Commissioner Krekelberg) No Items d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts). Commissioner Kathy Roberts updated the commission on Pumpkin Patch Day stating everything will stay the same as last year and is all in order at this time. The Boy Scouts will be helping out again this year. Vice Chair Bean will send an email to the Star News to get this published. Mayor Stockamp inquired about the inflatables and Commissioner Roberts stated that they will need three people, one to supervise each one of these. Signage for the day was discussed. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair will get the sign made and also get a hay wagon. Commissioners Roberts and Cassady will go over supplies. Mayor Stockamp will notify Mike at Target to see if they will be willing to donate again. Flyers will be hung in the parks. e. Santa Day — (Commissioner Cassady). Commissioner Cassady inquired as to whether or not the commission wants the horse and sleigh for Santa Day as he will need to be booked immediately. They do and she will contact him. £ Egg Hunt — (Commissioner Brumm). No Items 11. Information. No Items 12. Adjourn by 10 PM. Commissioner Mike Brumm motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Rose Cassady. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:55PM. Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing