ITEM 4.2A & 4.2B Water Tower #1/Water Tower #3Ot STe F o MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Utilities REQUESTOR: City Utilities Manager Neidermeier MEETING DATE: January 25, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Utilities Manager Finance Director Flaherty 4.2A) Water Tower 1 Neidermeier Engineering and Specifications 4.2 B) Water Tower 3 Mixer and Exterior Cleaning AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of: A.) KLM Engineering for Water Tower 1 Engineering and Specification for a total proposal cost not to exceed $59,948.00. B.) KLM Engineering for Water Tower 3 exterior cleaning and mixer addition for total proposal cost of $28,875.00. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BAC KG RO U N DM U STI F I CATI O N: Staff has met with KLM Engineer in preparation for upcoming Water Tower work based on discussions from the January 11th Special Council Meeting as summarized below. Tower Interior Cleaning: KLM Engineering has provided proposals for Water Tower 1 disinfection and Water Tower 3 cleaning for a total of $4500.00. The amount is within the 2016 scheduled Water Operations Budget of $6000. Staff has reviewed the proposals and will proceed with interior tower cleaning spring of 2016. Water Tower 1 Coating Replacement: Tower inspections conducted in 2015 recommended coating replacement for Water Tower 1. KLM Engineering has provided proposals for Engineering and Construction Specifications necessary to bid the 2017 project. The 2016 Capital Improvement Plan identifies $428,600.00 the recoating. A portion of this funding will be used in 2016 for the Engineering and Specification as it relates to the rehabilitation of Tower 1, supports Tower 3 mixer installation and exterior cleaning. The remaining Capital Funds will be available in 2017 to complete Tower 1 coating replacement and mixer installation. CIP Funded Proposal Summary: 2016: Water Tower 1 Engineering and Specification —April completion $9,500.00 Water Tower 3 exterior cleaning - April $9,875.00 Water Tower 3 mixer addition - April $19,000.00 +electrical and SCADA connection 2017: Construction Management and Observation Not to Exceed $50,448.000 Water Tower 1 Mixer addition - Estimate $21,000.00 Water Tower 1 Repairs — Estimate $320,000.00 Antenna Inspections are included in the proposals however the dollar values are expected to be escrowed and funded by the Antenna Providers. Per Cellular Provider $7,000.00 Nextera Antenna inspections Fixed $2,000.00 KLM Engineering has provided the City services for tank and antenna inspections, has a strong team of qualified and knowledgeable inspectors providing excellent experiences to date. Staff recommends entering into agreements of included proposals. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: (X) ATTACHED List: KLM Proposals MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) A.. Motion to approve KLM Proposals for Water Tower 1 Engineering and Specification for a total proposal cost not to exceed $59,948.00. B.) Motion to approve KLM Proposals for Water Tower 3 exterior cleaning and mixer addition for a total proposal cost of $28,875.00. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: (X) YES 601— Water Capital Fund $88,823.00 - - ICTInN TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: January 13, 2016 Mr. Kurt Neidermeier Utility Operations Supervisor City of Otsego 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330 P.O. Box 897 ® 3394 Lake Elmo Ave. N. e Lake Elmo, MN 55042 ('651) 773-51 I1 C Fax (65I) 773-5222 By Email Only RE: Proposal to Prepare Specifications and Provide Inspection Services During the Reconditioning of the 400,000 Gallon Elevated Water Tower Located in Otsego, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Neidermeier: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal for specification preparation and inspection services during structural repairs, surface preparation and coatings application for the interior and exterior on the above referenced tank. Potential Benefits to the City of Otsego We propose to prepare a specification package specifically designed for water storage tank reconditioning. Our experience has shown that the more comprehensive the specification is, the more likely the project is completed on time, on budget, and with quality workmanship. The KLM specifications will reduce the occurrence of contractor requests for change orders during reconditioning. Without complete information, contractors can claim that unknown conditions are present that were not included in the bidding specifications. • Today's protective coating systems are designed to last 20-30 years with only minor maintenance. Tight project specifications and full-time inspections give the coating systems the opportunity to realize their intended service life. Inspection by KLM Certified Welding Inspectors during structural repairs and NACE Coating Inspectors during coating reconditioning ensures that the work performed by the contractor is in conformance with the specifications, so that it can maximize its life expectancy. KLM's inspectors monitor workmanship during all phases of work and approve the contractor's work. Utilizing this process, maintenance costs will be reduced by decreasing the number of reconditioning cycles over the life of the tank. Our project administration and inspection services provide a buffer between the project specifications and the real world challenges that can negatively impact project performance. To initiate the project correctly, KLM project management ensures that bids are advertised correctly, bidders are qualified, proposals are evaluated for conformance to contract documents, and that the low qualified bidder(s) is recommended. City of Otsego, MN 2 • Prior to and during the project, we will work with you to tailor a customized approach to project management that fits your requirements. For some clients, a "turnkey" approach is appropriate and we provide complete project management from start to finish. Other clients prefer to perform one or more of the project administration duties as this fits their system. We can derive a balanced approach to project management that suits you. Proposal Cost Summar 1. Design Services Fixed Fee $9,500.00 Total Estimated KLM Cost in 2016 $9,500.00 2. Construction Management 2017 Not to Exceed $2,620.00 3. Construction Observation 2017 Not to Exceed $47,828.00 Total Estimated KLM Cost in 2017 $50,448.00 4. Warranty Inspection 2019 Fixed $2,400.00 5. Antenna Inspections Per Provider $7,000.00 6. Nextera Antenna inspections Fixed $2,000.00 City of Otsego Project Work Plan Upon execution of a contract for Engineering and Inspection Services, KLM Engineering, Inc. proposes the following schedule to perform the proposed work utilizing the listed project team. City of Otsego order to proceed: 1. Preliminary Specifications Completed by April 4, 2016 2. Design Services Completed by April 18, 2016 3. Construction Management Spring Construction: Completed by June 30, 2017 4. Inspection Services Spring Construction: Completed by June 30, 2017 City of Otsego, MN Scope of Work: Project Specifications The project specifications will include: Section A Advertisements for Bids This section provides a detailed description of the project and meets the requirements for legal advertisements. Section B Instruction to Bidders This section provides precise instructions to bidders including the scope of work, insurance, payments, time of completion, bidder qualifications, taxes and permits, legal requirements, performance and payment bonds and other important project information. Section C Proposal This section contains the bid proposals; construction time frame alternate bid proposals, legal requirements, and the bidder and subcontractor qualification forms. Section D Project Requirements This section includes a complete description of the project, project schedule(s), execution of contract documents; notice to proceed, project meetings, quality assurance, liquidated damages, and legal and technical requirements for executing the scope of work. Section E Technical Specifications This section details the technical specifications for structural modifications, surface repairs, interior and exterior surface preparation, exterior abrasive blast containment, disposal of spent abrasives, dehumidification, lettering and logo, submittals, workmanship, unfavorable weather conditions, surface coating and material, repair work, health and sanitary facilities, clean up, ventilation and safety requirements, superintendent, inspection of work, sterilization of tank interiors, and containment plan. Section F Supplemental Conditions This section supplements or amends the General Conditions and/or other provisions of the Contract Documents. Section G General Conditions This section includes all the General Conditions designed for water tank reconditioning, such as authority of the Engineer, engineering inspection, modifications, additions and subtractions of scope of work, extensions of City of Otsego, MN time, insurance and other appropriate items. Section H Contract Documents This section provides the form of agreement to be used between the Owner and Contractor. Section I Payment and Performance Bond As of July 31, 1994, Minnesota State Law requires separate bonds for payment and performance. Section J Inspection Report This section includes enclosure of past inspection reports with copies of color photographs. This provides the bidders with a clear perspective of the interior conditions of the tank(s) and the scope of work involved. Section K Drawings This section includes drawings, which define structural repairs or modifications and welding definitions. Section L Surface Preparation Requirements This section references excerpts from NACE Standard Practice SP0178- 2007 Standard Practice: Design, Fabrication, and Surface Finish Practices for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion Services for defining welding and grinding requirements of the structural repair or modifications. Section M Existing Paint Test Results This section contains paint chip test results for lead and chromium used to calculate the risk factor and classification of containment required for conformance with Federal and State Environmental Regulations. Section N Lettering and Logo (optional) If required, this section includes drawings of any required lettering and logo. Section O Additional Owner Specification Requirements (optional) This section is available for additional Owner Specification requirements. City of Otsego, MN Design KLM will also perform at a minimum, the following related specification services: 1. Meet with the city to review plans and specifications. 2. Produce one (1) preliminary and seven (7) completed copies of the specifications for the city and bidders. 3. Advertise the project to meet state bid requirements. 4. Issue the specifications to prospective bidders. 5. Respond in writing to bidder questions, which require formal clarifications. 6. Issue addenda to the specifications as required to the Owner and plan holders. 7. Attendance at bid opening and tabulate results at the Owner's facility. 8. Evaluate the contractors bid proposals for conformance to specifications. 9. Recommend in writing to the Owner the low, qualified bidder(s). 10. Prepare Notice of Award and contract Agreement and forward to Contractor. Specification and Related Services KLM proposes to provide the project specifications and to perform related services listed above, in conformance with the enclosed Terms & Conditions for a fixed fee of $9,500.00. This fee includes two (2) copies of the specifications for the Owner; all listed related services, and the attendance of a qualified project manager at the bid opening in the City of Otsego, MN. Eighty (80) percent of the Specification and related services will be bill after the preliminary specification has been approved and the remaining twenty (20) percent will be billed after the bids are received and tabulated. Construction Services Construction Administration The project manager and project supervisor work together on managing the project. The project supervisor does the review of the submittals from the contractor. The supervisor communicates with the inspector on a daily basis. The supervisor will enforce the project specifications as necessary. The supervisor is the main contact between the contractor representative and the Owner. The manager does the final review of the submittals and pay requests. Construction management will include: 0 Send notices for, attend and facilitate preconstruction conference City of Otsego, MN 6 • Periodically perform on -site review of project's work status and report to the city • Coordinate progress meetings as necessary • Review meeting minutes • Scheduling of inspections • Prepare monthly payment request forms • Processing change orders • Project close out administration • Establishes warranty date • Review of inspectors daily documentation on a weekly basis • Review of the contractors submittals: 1. Drawing reviews 2. Welder Certifications 3. Welder Qualifications 4. Welding Procedures 5. Coating Materials Submittal 6. Containment Plan 7. TLCP Sampling Plan 8. Spent material collection and disposal 9. Lettering and logo KLM reserves the right to submit for additional fees for any contractor change orders approved by the Owner. Construction Observation The inspector assigned to this project will be a NACE Trained Coating Inspector and/or AWS Certified Welding Inspector. All of our inspectors have extensive practical experience and knowledge of water storage tank reconditioning. They are experienced sandblasters, painters, climbers, riggers, coating inspectors, welders and welding inspectors which allow the inspector to perform inspections alongside the contractor to ensure conformance to the project specification. At a minimum, the field inspections will include the following: • A preconstiuction meeting with the client and contractor to clearly define the role of the Engineer and Inspector and to discuss the intent of the specifications. City of Otsego, MN 0l • Monitoring and approval of the structural repairs and modifications for conformance to the specifications. • Inspection of the abrasive blasting media and equipment for conformance to the specifications and to prevent contamination of surfaces during surface preparation with moisture and oil or other contaminants. • Monitoring the paint removal and abatement process for conformance to the specifications and environmental regulations. • Monitoring the contractors mixing and application of the coatings for conformance to the specifications and the coating manufacturer's recommendations. • Approving surface preparation samples. • Recording the contractor's progress for adherence to the construction schedule. • Submittal of daily and weekly inspection reports. Prepare and file copies of the reports on construction activities. • Review progress payments. • Coordinate and review testing of materials for conformance to the specification and environmental regulations. • Work directly with residents and property owners to answer questions and respond to Construction related issues. • Monitor punch -list items and -subsequent corrective action by the contractor. • Final inspection, substantial completion, and project acceptance. The duration of the field inspection depends upon the construction schedule alternate selected during the bid evaluation process and on the time it takes the contractor to perform the structural repairs and coating work. City of Otsego, MN 8 Documentation of the Project KLM will provide electronic documentation of the following: • Project Specifications • Submittals • Daily Logs • Weather Logs • Surface Preparation • Daily Digital Photo's • Weekly Summary • Weekly Meeting Minutes • Project Acceptance Certificate The city owns and retains this documentation. KLM also retains these records for future reference. Construction Service Administration and Inspection Fees Based on the project duration of (8) weeks, a 2017 construction and coating schedule, KLM's current Fee Schedule, and Terms & Conditions, and an anticipated 48 hour work week, our construction management and field inspection services will be charged on a time and material basis with an estimated average of $6,306.00 per week. Fees are subject to change if proposed work extends beyond the 2017 construction season. This cost estimate includes the attendance of a qualified and assigned Inspector at the preconstruction conference in Otsego, MN. Warranty Inspection We propose to perform a Warranty Inspection on the referenced tank prior to the expiration of the performance bonded two- (2) year warranty for a Fixed Fee of $2,400.00. This fee includes one (1) copy of the warranty inspection report for the Owner and one (1) copy of the report for the contractor. Prior to the expiration of the warranty period, KLM will request verification to proceed with the warranty inspection under the terms of this contract. This phase of the project will be billed upon submittal of the Warranty Inspection Report. This fee does not include any necessary inspection(s) should warranty repair work be required. Antenna Inspection KLM recommends the owner to set up an escrow account for the antenna providers for any antenna related work on this project. KLM recommends $7,000 per carrier and $2,000 for any city or Nextera antennas. City of Otsego, MN 9 Proiect Team KLM Engineering, Inc. Team Members • Engineering Manager: Matt Erickson, PE • Marketing Manager: Shawn Mulhern • Office Manager: Laurie Sylte • Wisconsin Sales Manager: Michael Olesen • Minnesota Sales Manager: Dewey Prinzing • Marketing Assistant: Kimi Grandt • Project Field Supervisor: Scott Kriese • Report Writer: Rodney Ellis • Operations Coordinator: Michelle Nelson • Telecomm Supervisor: Chad Beyer • Field Inspectors: Curtis Parison David Montgomery Eric Duncan Devin Severson Josh Fletcher Gabe Roeder Terms & Conditions The attached Terms & Conditions are part of the agreement between KLM and the City of Otsego, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties. The Fee Schedule used by KLM while our personnel are working on the project is the current Fee Schedule and will not be changed during the project duration. Services performed by KLM Engineering, Inc, for this project will be conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in this area under similar budget and time restraints. Additional Information Additional information can be found at KLM's website at: www.klmengineering.com City of Otsego, MN 10 Agreement This proposal is valid for sixty (60) days from this date of January 13, 2016. If the City of Otsego finds this proposal acceptable, please sign and return this page by mail, fax, or email. We can begin work immediately once a contract has been executed. Preliminary specification should be ready for submittal to the Owner in four (4) to six (6) weeks after the receipt of a signed contract. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please call me at 651-773-5111 or email me at smulhern a,klmen ing eering.com. This agreement, between the City of Otsego and KLM Engineering, Inc. of Lake Elmo, Minnesota is accepted by: (Name) (Date) (Name) January 13, 2016 (Date) We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Shawn A. Mulhern Marketing Manager KLM Engineering, Inc. Samba (Shared) 2016 Proposals/City of Otsego Recon (Title) (Title) City of Otsego, Minnesota KLM Engineering, Inc. Lake Elmo, Minnesota L r Y G ; LVC or`v ._ RO, Box 897 3394 Lake Elmo Ave. N. * Lake Elmo, MN 55042 January 14, 2016 By Email Only Mr. Kurt Neidermeier Utility Manager City of Otsego 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330 RE: Proposal to Install a New GridBee GS-12 Mixer and Provide a SCADA Control Box in Tower 3, the 1,000,000 Gallon Hydropillar Located in the City of Otsego, MN. Dear Mr. Neidermeier: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal to install anew GridBee GS-12-120v Electric Mixer. Scope of Work • KLM will provide and install a GridBee GS-12-120v Electric Mixer. 51 • KILM will provide a SCADA Control Box for the electrician to install. • KLM Engineering, Inc. will submit the documentation on behalf of the City of Otsego as - - required by the Minnesota Depatrment of Health for the mixer installation. The city will - receive a copy of the approval of the mixer installation when received from MDH. I • KLM will have a licensed electrician complete the electrical installation as required by code. Fees The fee for submitting the required documentation to the Minnesota Department of Health, installing a GridBee GS-12 mixer, providing a SCADA Control Box and completing the electrical installation is $19,000.00. The City of Otsego needs to exchange a minimum of 15% of the water in the tower for the mixer to be effective. If the tower exchange rate is less than 15%, additional mixers may be needed. A licensed electrician is required to complete the electrical installation. Owner's Responsibilities The Owner's personnel shall be responsible for: • Providing access to the reservoir for the mixer installation. • Providing power to control box. (electrician) 0 Provide Instrumentation communication for SCADA inclusion City of Otsego, MN 2 Agreement This agreement, between the City of Otsego and KLM Engineering, Inc. of Lake Elmo, Minnesota is accepted by: Otsego, (Name) (Title) Minnesota (Date) Sales Manager KLM Engineering, Inc. g (Name) (Title) Lake Elmo, Minnesota JanuM 14, 2016 (Date) We look forward to working with you. - - - Sincerely, KI M ENGINEERING, INC. f Duane K. Priming Sales Manager Phone: 651-773-5111 Fax: 651-773-5222 Email: dprinzing2cklmengineering.com Proposal 2016/ Otsego, MN mixer I'.O. Box 897 ® 3 394 Lake Elmo Ave. N. ® Lake Elmo, MN 55042 (651) 773-51 I 1 • Fax (651) 773-5222 December 3, 2014 By Email Only Mr. Kurt Neidermeier Utility Operations Supervisor City of Otsego 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330 RE: Proposal for Chemical Cleaning and Inspection of the Exterior of the 1,000,000 Gallon Hydropillar (Tower #3) Located in the City of Otsego, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Neidermeier: KLM is pleased to submit this proposal to clean the exterior of the 1,000,000 gallon elevated water tower in Otsego, Minnesota. KLM proposes to perform a detailed cleaning of the exterior of this elevated water tower in conformance with AWWA. By choosing KLM Engineering, Inc. the City of Otsego is investing in the knowledge and r expertise of a consultant who can perform a thorough cleaning and inspection of the exterior of your water tank. KLM's knowledge and experience in the field of water tower structural examination and coating evaluation can be confirmed by checking our enclosed references. Chemical cleaning of the exterior mold, mildew, dirt and debris can be technically difficult at times. The chemical treatment as well as washing the tank to make it aesthetically pleasing is not always an easy process. Our experience with coating types and manufactures give KLM a competitive edge of how to effectively remove the existing film. Coatings have adhesion strength to the substrate and to each layer of coatings. Coatings are adhered to the substrate by an anchor profile. This primer should have a minimal pull off adhesion. The intermediate coating is bonded to the primer by a chemical bond. The top coating is also bonded to the intermediate coating by a chemical reaction. Each layer of coating should have a minimum adhesion pull off. This is all good when the coatings are new. However, the type of coating, the age of the coating and environment the tank is in may affect the overall system. The biggest factor in the gloss retention is the UV from the sun. KLM knows and understand what will work to remove the debris and bring the tank coating back to new like condition. This work is based on years of experience and the correct chemical treatment and washing ratio. The experience of KLM's staff in water tower inspections has been enhanced by our training as National Association of Corrosion Engineers (MACE) Certified Coatings Inspectors and American Welding Society (AWS) Certified Welding Inspectors. This training, plus the years of experience in abrasive blasting (surface preparation) painting, rigging, welding, and inspecting has given this company a competitive edge for performing this type of work in a safe and professional manner. City of Otsego, MN 2 Scope of Work Exterior Pressure Washing The complete exterior of the tank (roof, upper torus, shell, lower torus, bowl, and cone) and riser/lower cone shall be cleaned by power washing. Power wash and clean water rinse surfaces shall be completely dry inspected and approved by the Owner. This work explicitly includes all work and operations, including but not limited to those necessary for: the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to and from the project site; the establishment and subsequent removal of all offices, Contractor's buildings, and other facilities necessary for work on the project; clean up of the tank and site and all other work and operations which must be performed or costs incurred prior to beginning and after completion of work on the various items on the project site. KLM is responsible for the protection of all antennas, cables, and associated equipment from damage during reconditioning. Protection may include the temporary removal of antennas and/or cables from their support mounts in order to blast and paint behind or beneath these items. All equipment cabinets and buildings must be adequately protected and vented to prevent dust contamination and overheating of equipment. Contractor shall coordinate all work with the antenna owners. The complete exterior of the tank shall be cleaned by power washing with 140 degree F. biodegradable detergent/water solution (1 to 2 oz. detergent per gallon of water) at 2,500 to 3,500 psi. Power washing/cleaning shall employ a rotating nozzle using 3 to 5 gpm delivery. Rinse with clean tap water. If mildew is present apply the following procedures before power washing. Wet mildewed surfaces with a chemical solution consisting of 3 parts warm water and 1 part chemical solution. Allow the chemical solution to remain on the surface until dry. Power wash and clean water rinse surfaces. Following, or in conjunction with, power washing of the tank and riser, rinse the support structure to remove any dirt streaking, water, soap or other debris which may accumulate from the washing operations. Inspection Fees The cleaning will be performed in accordance with this proposal for a fee of $9,875.00 Fees are subject to change if proposed work exceeds 12 months from this bid proposal. Owner's Responsibilities The Owner's personnel shall be responsible for: • Providing a live fire hydrant for fresh water to the pressure washer • Approving the cleaning at the start up and when it's completed City of Otsego, MN 3 Terms and Conditions KLM has attached our standard Terms and Conditions. The attached Terms and Conditions are part of this agreement between the City of Otsego and KLM Engineering, Inc. unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties. Time Frame This proposal is valid for sixty a (60) days from December 3, 2015. If the City of Otsego finds this proposal acceptable, please sign and return. When KLM receives the signed proposal, we will call the city to coordinate a cleaning schedule. When the cleaning is done to the satisfaction of the Owner, KLM will bill the Owner according to this agreement. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please call me at 651-773-5111 or fax this proposal back at 651-773-5222. This agreement, between the City of Otsego and KLM Engineering, Inc. of Lake Elmo, Minnesota is accepted by: City of Otsego, (Name) (Title) Minnesota (Date) 4. Marketing Manager KLM Engineering, Inc. (Name) (Title) Lake Elmo, Minnesota December 3.2015 (Date) We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, KLM ENGINEERING, INC. Shawn A. Mulhern Marketing Manager Enclosure: KLM Terms and Conditions Insurance Certificate UA2014 Proposals\2014 Proposal Masters\Cleaning\ City of Otsego Tower 3