08-11-10 PRITEM 3_1 CITY OF OTSEGO Park & Recreation Meeting Minutes August 11, 2010 7:00 P.M. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Chair Susan Krekelberg, Commissioners Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, Duane Lauseng, Krista Bean, Mike Brumm. Peter Torresani arrived at 7:02. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson and Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair. 1. Chair Krekelberg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. July 14, 2010 Park & Recreation Commission Minutes. Councilmember Cassady, seconded by Chair Krekelberg, moved to approve the agenda as amended. Carried 6-0. 3. Open Forum Joel Hokestrom of Youth Baseball was present to donate $500 from Youth Baseball to the City for use of the ball fields in Prairie Park. He also stated that if the City did not receive the grant they were seeking from the Minnesota Twins to construct fences on the two ball fields that didn't have them that Youth Baseball would donate $5,000 toward fence construction. Chair Krekelberg thanked him for the donation. 4. Proposed Park at 8600 Odean Avenue Chris Wilson of 8600 Odean Avenue stated she wished to sell some of her land at the corner of Odean Avenue and 85`h Street to the City for a park. She said that the land has been under a RIM easement from the State that has expired. She thought it would make a good passive park with walking trails. The land has a lot of wildlife, particularly by Hall's Pond. She said she has cut trails through the area and invited Commissioners to use the trails to look at the land. She has also tried to seed wildflowers to beautify the area. There was discussion of how the Park Commission would like to diversify City parks and that this might be a good addition. The Commission asked that this be on next months' agenda and that staff clarify exactly how much land is proposed to be donated and look at possible options for use. 5. Unfinished Business -Field Usage Fees Administrator Robertson said that staff has started to look into this issue. They will examine what fees other cities charge and if any extras are provided for the fees. There was discussion of whether the Park & Recreation Commission agreed with charging fees or whether field usage should be free to all. 6. Update on Frankfort Park Public Works Supervisor Belair updated Commissioners on the park, saying that the volunteer effort was a big success with about 30 people turning out and several hundred kids playing on the equipment afterward. He said that the subgrade has bubbled up in places under where the tennis court will be constructed. He is going to remove some of the subgrade and try and get the area dried out. If the area is dry and stable by September 1St he will pave it. Otherwise it's better to let the area settle over the winter and finish the work next year. There was discussion over some maintenance items along with the remaining work to be done. Commissioners said they would contact Belair directly with any concerns. Administrator Robertson reviewed the budget for the park. There was discussion regarding the classification of some of the expenses. 7. Update on Council Actions Administrator Robertson reviewed the Minnesota Twins fence grant application and trail construction at Otsego Elementary School. Robertson said there would be display space for the Commission at the Otsego Festival. The Commission said that it would like the map that was in the City newsletter to be available as well as a postcard with the upcoming dates for City events. Chair Krekelberg will get a price on the postcard and call Robertson. 8. Subcommittee Updates Chair Krekelberg suggested that staff obtain a schedule from Community Ed because they when they were setting up for their penny carnival the sprinklers came on. Public Works Supervisor Belair said that in order to adequately water all of the ball fields that the sprinklers run three times a day. Pumpkin Day and Santa Day were discussed. 9. Splash Pad Update Commissioners discussed the possibility of a splash pad being constructed in Prairie Park. Commissioner Brumm said that saw about 50 people using the one in downtown Elk River on a recent Tuesday afternoon. Administrator Robertson said that staff would provide pictures and locations of a variety of splash parks around the metro area. Commissioners could then view the parks to get a sense of the variety of options available. 10. Adjournment Chair Krekelberg, seconded by Commissioner Cassady moved to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Carried 7-0. Michael Robertson City Administrator