07-14-10 PRITEM 3-1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL JULY 14, 2010 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Chair Krekelberg called the meeting to order at 7 PM. Roll call: Chair Susan Krekelberg; Commission members: Peter Torresani, Duane Lauseng, Krista Bean, Rose Cassady, Kathy Roberts and Mike Brumm. Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Vern Heidner. Staff: Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor, Tami Loff, City Clerk, Gary Groen, Finance Director and Daniel Licht, City Planner. 2. Consider agenda approval. Commissioner Torresani requested to move item 1 Oa to 4.2 Chair Krekelberg requested to add item 7.2 Prairie Park Soccer Goals. City Planner Licht requested to add item 5.4 Prairie Park Splash Pad. Chair Krekelberg motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. June 9, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Bean motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: 4.1. Steven Zoubek — Pride in our Parks Monthly Report, Soccer fields concerns and a long term request for consideration. Pride in our Parks Monthly Report -Mr. Zoubek gave an update on the Blue Bird houses in Prairie Park. There are 18 new swallows nest and 14 Blue Bird nests. Only one nest did not get used. Mr. Zoubek said his intention would be to contact surrounding residents to see if they would be interested in putting up houses. Mr. Zoubek thanked the City for their help and the Boy Scouts. Soccer fields concerns and a long term request for consideration- Mr. Zoubek said they loved having the four fields; he would like to put two full size goals on the other two open spaces. West of the basketball court and south of the parking lot seem to be large enough if the Parks & Rec agrees or any other location. It is just for practice and he is not worried about exact size. Chair Krekelberg asked how often they would be used. Mr. Zoubek said everyday of the week. Chair Krekelberg questioned parking. He doesn't need an answer today. The next season will start May 91h and end July 29th. He said they will be starting a week later and ending a month later which will give more time for soccer. Commissioner Bean said it would overlap with the Community Ed only for a couple of weeks. Commissioner Torresani asked if the area by the baseball field could be used. Commissioner Torresani said he makes that recommendation to the council. Mr. Zoubek asked about a bill. He said he is willing to pay for the use. Commissioners said other organizations provide a donation. Mr. Zoubek said in other communities he usually pays a per user fee. Parks & Rec Meeting July 14, 2010. Page 2. Mr. Zoubek said he feels the purchase of the area in the southwest corner of Public Works would be great, could have a turf field. Mr. Zoubek suggested exploring the option to partner with TRSA. He asked the Commission to consider a dome. 4.2. a. All Sports Commissioner Torresani said there will be no soccer on the fields this fall. He contacted the Football Association and they are interested in using them for practice only. Commissioner Torresani said he would like to give them permission. Commissioner Cassady asked what the start date is. Commissioner Torresani said towards the end of August and until about half way through October and would only be during the week. 5. New Business. 5.1. Otsego Festival. Commissioner Cassady asked if the Parks and Rec Commission will need a space for the Festival. Commissioner Bean said that last year brochures were handed out. Chair Krekelberg said that it would be good to provide Pride in our Park information, the current park map and Blue Bird information. There was discussion on updating the postcards with Parks & Rec activities listed. Mr. Zoubek said that he could do a summary on the Prairie Park house and some information from the National Blue Bird and some information or website link on how to build Blue Bird houses. He also said he could bring the two eggs that were abandoned. Commissioner Brumm said that there should be a map of the new Frankfort Park. Chair Krekelberg said that she will work with staff for these items. 5.2. 5 K run. Chair Krekelberg said she just read about this in the Otsego View and wanted more information. Mayor Stockamp said that is a walk for Retinal Research and is called Ava Inspired after a young girl that is going blind. This 5 K run/walk will be held August 21 St. This was approved by the City Council and staff has been working with them. 5.3. Parking Lot Funding from the Trails Fund. Chair Krekelberg said she read about this in past City Council minutes. City Planner Licht said there was discussion on Parking lot by the Public Works building that would be used for overflow election or overflow for the park. This item was tabled. 5.4. Prairie Park Splash pad. City Planner Licht reviewed his memo. City staff has recommended consideration of a splash pad in Prairie Park and the Council thought it would be worth exploring. Commissioner Cassady asked where this might be located. City Planner Licht said that the old skate park would be an option or there are a lot of other areas in the park it could be placed. Commissioner Cassady said would it be too close to the soccer fields. City Planner Licht said it is far enough away. Commissioners had discussion on the Princeton and St. Louis Park splash pads. Chair Krekelberg asked what fund this would come out of. City Planner Licht said the Community Facility Fund. Commissioner Bean said that need to create something in the city that is free and Commissioners Roberts, Cassady and Brumm agreed. Chair Krekelberg made motioned to make a recommendation to study a splash pad. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Unfinished Business. 6.1. Current Accounts Information for the Parks and Rec Fund. Finance Director Groen reviewed the funds. Chair Krekelberg said the numbers that they first saw for the park didn't include the expected fees of the SRF or TPC just so you know for the future. Parks & Rec Meeting July 14, 2010. Page 3. Public Works Supervisor said that he did ask SRF for help with negotiating and maybe next time we could look at staff or contracted staff to do that. Staff will review SRF costs. Commissioner Roberts said the meetings and everything else they did SRF was charging. Public Works Supervisor Belair said yes. Chair Krekelberg said need to look at what could we have done differently. Commissioner Roberts said this is a learning process. CM Heidner said this is the first park that we have built in this manner. Chair Krekelberg said that the Commission never seen the final park plans that it went to the City Council but Parks & Rec never saw. She is wondering what else changed and what the price change is. Commissioner Roberts asked if this amount includes putting down asphalt for the tennis courts. Public Works Supervisor Belair said no. He recommended to the City Council to put more work into the area by opening up the class five. Mayor Stockamp said this was brought to a City Council meeting and the City Council only agreed to the asphalt. Chair Krekelberg asked if the fencing is for the full court. Public Works Supervisor Belair said yes, for the full court ten feet high. CM Heidner said that it will be a tennis court someday. Commissioner Cassady said this park was built faster than any other park. 7. Public Works Update. 7.1. Lily Pond Park Sign. City Planner Licht said this was just an update on the Park Sign. Commissioners noticed that the sign was misspelled. 7.2. Prairie Park Soccer goals. Chair Krekelberg said she was out at Prairie Park and noticed that the soccer goals were not out. Public Works Supervisor Belair said he had told staff to bring in soccer goals and they must have brought in all of them. Chair Krekelberg said she would like to see them up all the time and the Commission agrees. 8. Pride in our Parks. 8.1. Cole's Martial Arts Monthly Report. Commissioners said it looks like they are doing an outstanding job. Public Works Supervisor Belair said the Woman of Today requested mulch and staff set it out but they have not picked up yet. Public Works Supervisor Belair said he will give them a call. 9. Update on City Council actions by Mayor Stockamp. Mayor Stockamp updated the Commission on recent actions. Chair Krekelberg asked if it would be possible to have Frankfort Park open the same night as National Night Out. Public Works Supervisor Belair said it could be open after next Tuesday if we could get about twenty residents with wheel barrels to load mulch under the play equipment. The mulch is located at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Chair Krekelberg said she would work on getting residents together. 10. Subcommittees. a. All Sports (Commissioner Torresani)-MOVED Parks & Rec Meeting July 14, 2010. Page 4. b. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean) - No updates. c. Communication (Commissioner Krekelberg) Chair Krekelberg said she replied to the resident that requested a splash pad. Chair Krekelberg said she wants to think of ways to utilize the bulletin boards in the parks. Maybe the map that was just updated or Pride in our Park information. Commissioners agreed to post "Please contact Public Works if there are any maintenance issues". d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts) Commissioner Roberts said she will contact the Boy Scouts. Date set for October 16, 2010. e. Santa Day (Commissioner Cassady) Date set for December 11, 2010. f. Egg Hunt (Commissioner Brumm) Date set for April 9, 2011. Commissioner Bean said she will not be able to make the Egg Hunt. Commissioner Cassady said she thought that it would be good to print a list of dates on refrigerator magnets. 11. Adjourn by 10 PM. Chair Krekelberg motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 9:24 PM. Recorded by: Tami Loff, City Clerk