08-11-10 PRITEM 5_1 This is a proposal for a park on land that has been a wildlife sanctuary under the RIM program for the past 20 years (Reinvest In MN). A classic demonstration of wildlife habitat around wetland areas, it is home to great horned owls, sandhill cranes, trumpeter swans, herons, muskrats, ducks, geese, pheasants, blue birds, meadow larks, deer and fox. The 24.9 acre site behind 8600 Odean abuts 85th St on its south side and Hall's pond and various residential properties on the East, North and Northwest. 11.5 of these acres are under easement by the city of Otsego for storm water retention ponds. Per requirement of the RIM wildlife management team, the area surrounding these ponds was seeded with a mix that contained a good percentage of native grasses and wildflowers. It is beautiful area with the flowers in bloom. It is our hope that the community would enjoy a neighborhood park with simple amenities such as mowed walking trails, a few benches, a small playground area and off street parking at the southeast corner . We also believe that restricting the access of motorized vehicles would help to preserve the wildlife habitat and the quiet residential character of the area. We think it could provide a community education opportunity for residents to learn about ecosystems, water quality, rain gardens and wildlife. We would appreciate being given some consideration in the naming of this park as it is truly the legacy of our parents who were stewards of this land for so many years. We accept the valuation of this property which was given by city staff to be 13.4 acres at $10,000 per acre and 11.5 acres at $5,000 per acre for a total of 29.4 acres valued at $191,500. Sincerely, Chris Wilson, 8600 NE Odean Ave., Otsego, MN 55330 and Catherine A. Wilson, 15805 26th Ave N., Plymouth, MN 55447 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCTPC@ Plan ni ngCo. com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 5 August 2010 RE: Otsego —Wilson Property TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND Ms. Chris Wilson attended the staff meeting on 22 July 2010 to discuss the property at the northeast corner of Odean Avenue and 85th Street. This property is adjacent to Halls Pond and is encumbered by a 10 acre drainage and utility easement overlaying a regional storm pond. Ms. Wilson lives in the existing home/accessory buildings on the property but it is owned by her and her sister Catherine Wilson. Ms. Wilson wished to discuss the City purchasing a portion of the property to be used as City park. City staff recommended that Ms. Wilson and her sister provide a proposal for the property Exhibits: A. Site location B. Future Park and Trail Plan C. Site Survey ANALYSIS ■ The Future Park and Trail Plan identifies this property as a potential future park site. There would be opportunity for both active and natural areas with trails if any of the property were acquired by the City. Existing trails on Odean Avenue and 85th Street pass the property. ■ The property is approximately 1.5 miles from Prairie Park and one mile from School Knoll Park (by street/trail). Based on the desired service radius of one- half mile for neighborhood park facilities, this property would be ideally located for providing play facilities for surrounding existing neighborhoods. The existing natural condition of the property would be appropriate for development of an off-street trail system that provides passive recreation for pedestrians, bikers, etc. This type of recreation opportunity is an important part of the City's park and trail system as it has greater appeal and is used more by older people than active park facilities. The property owners are proposing the City acquire approximately 25 acres of the site. This includes 13.4 acres at the northeast corner of the site partially including land within Halls Pond and 11.5 acres at the southeast corner over which the City already has drainage and utility easements for a regional storm pond constructed in 2000. The property owners are proposing the City purchase the 13.4 acre portion of the property at $10,000/acre and the 11.5 acre area with existing drainage and utility easement at $5,000/acre for a total price of $191,500. The property owners determined this value based on a recent offer by the City for the purchase of property in similar condition. The City's offer for this other property was based on market information from the Wright County Assessor. Acquisition of the property wound be paid for using community facilities funds. ■ The property owners have outlined additional considerations as to the naming of the park and potential limitations on its use that should be discussed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. CONCLUSION Ms. Wilson is to attend the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on 11 August 2010 to discuss the property and her proposal. The Parks and Recreation Commission may consider a recommendation to the City Council as to whether to continue discussions with the property owner of property at this location for park purposes. C. Mayor and City Council Mike Robertson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Chris Wilson 2 CITY OF OTSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Future Parks & Trails Plan - Existing Park - Existing Recreation Area Future Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Park Service Area Community Playfield Service Area Community Park Service Area Greenway Existing Trails •�•+, Future Trails BABE MAP DATA PROVIDED BY h1AN0� Note: This map is for planning purposes only. Map Date: November 2004 Page 109 Y11 ak 1300 Acquisition Exhibit VC, City of Otsego PID 211300 PARCEL A A permanent easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the north 20.00 feet of that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota, the northerly line of which is described as beginning at a point on the West line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 712 feet north form the Southwest comer thereof,, thence East, at right angles to said West line, to Intersect the the East line of the West 625.24 of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and there terminating. EXCEPT the westerly 50.00 feet thereof. PARCEL B A permanent easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the West line of sold Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 712 feet north from the Southwest comer thereof; thence East, at right angles to sold West line, to the Intersect the East line of the West 625.24 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, said point of Intersection also being the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continue East, on the extension of the last described line, a distance of 265.00 feet; thence southerly, deflecting to the right 90 degrees QO minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 265.00 feet; thence easterly, deflecting to' the left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 190.00 feet; thence northwesterly, deflecting to the left 68 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 360.00 feet; thence easterly, deflecting to the right 68 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, to the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence southerly, along said East line, to the Southeast corner of sold Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence westerly, along the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to Intersect the East line of the West 625.24 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence northerly, along sold East line of the West 625.24 feet, to the point of beginning. EXCEPT the Southerly 33.00 feet. Subject to a permanent Ingress and egress easement over and across said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter lying 66.00 feet westerly and southerly of the following described line: Beglnning at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence northerly along the easterly line of sold Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 590.00 feet; thence deflecting 82 degrees to the left a distance of 250.00 feet and sold line there terminating. N 1 Total Parcel Area = 434,974 sq.ft. 9.98 acres Area Parcel A = 11,480 sq.ft. 0.26 acres Area Parcel B = 423,494 sq.ft. 9.72 acres 200 0 200 400 SCALE IN FEET ITEM 6_2 MEMO Date: August 10, 2010 To: Mayor & Council Park & Recreation Commission From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Frankfort Park Budget Update We have updated the Frankfort Park construction budget again based on bills received in the last month and estimated costs for the remaining work. The budget was set at $690,318, which was the cost of Beaudry Park in 2006 plus construction cost inflation since then. Purchase of the land cost $262,599.43, leaving $427,718.57 for construction. The City Council has removed several cost items from the budget because they were not truly related to constructing the park or were a cost of grading the land from its previous condition as a town home development to a site ready for park construction. This means that current costs to date are $376,356. The only major remaining items to be completed are the street lights and tennis court. Staff has estimated that costs will total $418,436, which is comfortably under the budgeted amount. A detail of all costs is attached. cc: City Clerk Finance Director Public Works Supervisor City of Otsego Frankfort Park Project Update Expenditures Incurred to August 10, 2010 Projected Expenditures Or Total Incurred Balance Incurred & To Date Remaining Projected Park Site Improvements Other Equip. & Suppli 2009 10,282 - 10,282 & Class 5 for Paths 2010 9,447 200 9,647 Less Site Preparation Time (10,282) (10,282) 20,849 9,446 200 9,646 Baseball Field 20,849 - Lime 5,719 - 5,719 Backstop 4,995 - 4,995 75,846 10,714 - 10,714 Water/Storm Sewer Impr. (Site Prep. - Supplies only) 7,070 - 7,070 Less Site Preparation Supplies (7,070) - (7,070) Signage - paid from park capital contingency fund Park Lighting - 3,693 3,693 Park Shelter Flanagan Sales 20,849 - 20,849 20,849 - 20,849 Playground Equipment Equipment 75,846 - 75,846 Wood Chips 3,721 - 3,721 Pre -K installation 1,750 - 1,750 81,317 - 81,317 Other Site Furnishings Site Furnishings 7,184 1,963 9,147 Install - - - 7,184 1,963 9,147 Concrete & Bituminous Concrete 23,096 - 23,096 Bituminous - (Bill not received) - 27,100 27,100 Less Site Preparation Costs (7,808) - (7,808) 15,288 27,100 42,388 Landscaping 16,773 5,942 22,715 Turf 420 16,240 16,660 City of Otsego Frankfort Park Project Update Expenditures Incurred to August 10, 2010 Expenditures Incurred Irrigation Subtotal Project Expenses - Direct Park Planning SRF 59,071 TPC 4,742 Engineering Legal for Site Acquisition Only Subtotal Project Management Expenses Public Works - staff time Public Works - equipment charges Subtotal Public Works Time and Equipment Charges Subtotal Project Expenses - WITHOUT TENNIS COURT Tennis Court and Fencing Tennis Court Fencing Total Project Costs - WITH TENNIS COURTS 26,674 188,665 63,813 Projected 2,000 77,744 Or Total Balance Incurred & Remaining Projected 2,000 28,674 57,138 245,803 2,000 65,813 11,931 - 11,931 75,744 2,000 77,744 37,019 - 37,019 15,790 - 15,790 52,809 - 52,809 317,218 59,138 376,356 2,334 15,506 17,840 - 24,240 24,240 2,334 39,746 42,080 319,552 98,884 418,436 City of Otsego Frankfort Park Project Update Tota I Costs Incurred Explanation of Irregular Project Costs Incurred Preliminary grading to convert from residential to park development ( all time and expenses in 2009) 28,777 Curb removal and replacement of roadway and driveway approaches (12,490) Schmidt Curb contract 7,808 Modification for water and storm sewer (relocate hydrants and catch basins) 11,468 Total Irregular Site Preparation Costs Incurred for Project 48,053 Other additional costs (10,403) Legal for park acquisition 4,436 Total Additional Costs not Part of Other Park Projects 52,489 (These Costs are not Included in the Frankfort Park Expenditures) Expenditures Incurred to August 10, 2010 City Time and Equipment Charges Park Site Improvements City Staff Time 2009 Thru 2010 To -Date (July 31, 2010) Less Site Preparation Time Equipment Rental 2009 (City Equip.) 2010 To -Date (Thru July 31) Less Site Preparation Time Projected Expenditures Or Total Incurred Balance Incurred & To Date Remaining Projected 1834.75 49,509 - 49,509 (12,490) (12,490) 37,019 - 37,019 10,403 - 10,403 15,790 - 15,790 (10,403) (10,403) 15,790 - 15,790 CITY OF O T S E G O 8899 Nashua Ave., NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Phone: 763-441-4414 Fax: 763-441-8823 ITEM 8-1 PRIDE IN OUR PARKS PROGRAM MONTHLY REPORT Group Name (or Participant): Co It s KG,����fi Month of: _ Contact Information for Responsible Individual: Name: \ Phone(d): 1 z (e) Activity Report: e-mail: Date # of Activities Participants c" e,�:ry Notes/Comments: Participant: Date: '2 Please e-mail this report to cityhall(aD_ci.otsego.mn.us by the first Monday of each month. ITEM 11-1 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCTPC@PlanningCo.com I:UL ito7:L1 Nbill ►,I TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 5 August 2010 RE: Otsego — Prairie Park; Splash pad TPC FILE: 101.01 City staff and SRF have had preliminary discussions regarding adding a splash pad at Prairie Park. The following is an update for the Parks and Recreation Commission: ■ The concept plan for a splash pad will focus on redevelopment of the previous skate park site based on the area available, access to the existing well and proximity to parking and other park features so that parents can oversee children more easily. ■ City staff/SRF will identify a number of existing splash pad facilities in other communities and encourage Park and Recreation Commissioners to visit to consider ideas for a facility at Prairie Park. When visiting these sites, Park and Recreation Commissioners should specifically observe: The number and type of water features (above ground/below ground). 2. Surface treatments (concrete, colored concrete or soft surface) and area. 3. Adjacent seating / shelter areas. We would encourage taking pictures of specific items of interest. City staff will attend a future Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to discuss these other sites and the Commissioners' ideas for a facility at Prairie Park. Discussion of these ideas will give City staff/SRF direction to prepare a concept plan. c. Mike Robertson Sandy Lindenfelser Tami Loff Ron Wagner Brad Belair Timothy Wold