06-09-10 PRITEM 3_1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL JUNE 9, 2010 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Chair Susan called the meeting to order at 7:02pm Roll Call: Chair Susan Krekelberg; Vice Chair Krista Bean; Commission Members Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, Peter Torresani, Mike Brumm and Peter Torresani; City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; City Staff: Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor and Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing 2. Consider agenda approval. Chair Susan Krekelberg requested to change Item 8.1. to read Otsego East Landing and to add Item 8.2. Kittredge Park concerns. Commissioner Rose Cassady requested to add Item 8.3. Park Funding. Item 3.1. date correction to read May 12, 2010. Chair Susan Krekelberg motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Peter Toressani. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. May 12, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes. Vice Chair Krista Bean motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Rose Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: 4.1. Community Ed Kristi Waite of Community Ed gave an overview of Otsego Recreation and the registration summary, giving an explanation as to why classes were cancelled. Chair Krekelberg stated that adding a minimum and maximum number of registrants for each class would make it easier to determine whether the class would be cancelled. Commission commented on the Community Ed booklets and the fact that if you don't have school age children there is no way to find out what is being offered unless you sign up on their website and that it is not clear on the Adult and Early Childhood Booklet that there is another booklet out there for Youth Programs. Chair Krekelberg requested that Community Ed hand out postcards on the last day of summer events noting when fall classes are being offered. 5. Unfinished Business. 5.1. Agreement between the City of Otsego and Independent School District No. 728 Regarding the Otsego Recreation Program. Commission members discussed the corrections to the agreement and noted that under the Service Responsibilities number 2 should read, ISD 728 shall handle all scheduling of all Otsego recreation events per City direction. Chair Susan Krekelberg recommended to approve the changes to the Agreement between the City of Otsego and Independent School District No. 728 Regarding the Otsego Recreation Program as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Rose Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Public Works Update. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair gave an update on the progress of Frankfort Park noting that if the numbers come in under budget that the Parks and Rec Commission could recommend going ahead with the installation of the tennis courts and adding this to the Monday, June 14, 2010 City Council meeting agenda. Public Works Supervisor Belair noted to the commission that a student from the Minnesota School of Business requested to do a project building a retaining wall planter. A request has also been made from and Eagle Scout to do a community project. Public Works Supervisor Belair gave an update on the park signs noting to the Commission to take a look at the sign in Prairie Park stating he is open to any suggestions. Commissioner Peter Torresani motioned to move forward with the tennis courts if the numbers come in under budget. Seconded by Commissioner Kathy Roberts. All in favor. Motion passed. 7. Pride in our Parks 7.1. Otsego Women of Today Monthly Report Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair will contact Otsego Women of Today about putting down mulch. 7.2. Otsego Girl Scout Troop 13514 Monthly Report Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair will let Girl Scout Troop 13514 know where to put trash bags. 7.3. Bluebird House Monthly Report 8. New Business. 8.1. Otsego East Landing Capt Plans Tim Wold of SRF gave an overview of Otsego East Landing Park noting the differences between concept plans A & B. After discussion, the Parks and Rec Commission decided they would go with Concept Plan A. Chair Susan Krekelberg motioned to recommend Concept Plan A to City Council for their approval. Seconded by Commissioner Peter Torresani. Motion carried 5 to 1. Commissioner Bean opposed. 8.2. Kittredge Crossing Concerns Commissioners discussed the email from a resident regarding the safety of the playground equipment in Kittredge Crossings Park. Public Works Supervisor noted that monthly inspections are done and the safety guidelines have been gone over and meet federal and world guidelines. Commission also discussed the possible splash pad again. Mayor Stockamp will bring this up to the City Council at the June 14th City Council meeting. Chair Susan Krekelberg will contact the resident with this information. 8.3. Park Funding Commissioner Rose Cassady brought it up to the Commission's attention how much money is left in the Parks and Rec Fund for parks. Commissioner Cassady noted that there is *866,000 left. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair will as Finance Director Gray Groen to put together current accounts information for the Parks and Rec Fund and have it at the next Parks and Ree Meeting. 9. Update on City Council actions by Mayor Stockamp. Mayor Stockamp noted that the City Council accepted Kayla Block-Torgerson's resignation. Mayor Stockamp noted that the empty seat for the Parks and Rec position was discussed at the City Council Workshop and will be posted. 10. Subcommittees a. All Sports (Commissioner Torresani) Commissioner Torresani was concerned about ballgames being played on the wet fields. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair noted that as long as they don't shovel or squeegee any lime onto the grass it will be fine to play on the wet fields. b. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean) Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair noted that the posters have been put up. c. Communication (Commissioner Krekelberg Chair Susan Krekelberg noted that she will respond to Melody Corrick's email regarding the play equipment in Kittredge Park. d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts) Commissioner Kathy Roberts contacted Bob & Judy's regarding Pumpkin Patch stating that the cost will stay within reason. Commissioner Roberts noted that if everyone is in agreement, she will order thru them again and they will be set to go. e. Santa Day — (Commissioner Cassady) No Items. f. Egg Hunt — (Commissioner Brumm) No Items. 11. Adjourn by 10 PM. Chair Susan Krekelberg motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Rose Cassady. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:15PM. Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing