07-14-10 PRfiY OF PRIDE IN OUR PARKS TSEGOPROGRAM YCON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD MONTHLY REPORT Group Name (or Participant): Zoubek Family Month of: June Contact Information for Responsible Individual: Name: Steve Zoubek Phone: 612-247-7119 email: uresidentPu-saonline.org Activity Report: House # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Table Kev: 6/10 6/16 3F - 6/21 6/28 7/6 7/12 NR - NR - NR - NR - all dead - NR - on nest on nest 12 4E on nest - . - - - - NR - NR - BB Bluebird Nest Bluebirds Tree Swallows P Partial Nest Nestboxes 12 12 N Complete Nest Active Nestboxes 6 5 BB Bluebird Nest Nesting Attempts 7 5 SN Swallow Nest m. Clutch Rate (Eggs / nest) 6.43 5 NR Nest removed Eggs 4S 25 E # Eggs Young 36 22 Y # Young Hatch Rate 80% 88% F # Fledges from nest Fledges 23 18 Fledge Rate 64% 0.8180 Participant: ,Steve Zoubek. Date: 7/12/10 Please email this report to cityhall@ci.otsego.mn.us by the first Monday of each month. barb@ci.otseRo.mn.us ITEM E_1 Memo To: Park Commission From: Gary Groen Date: July 8, 2010 Re: Park Commission Financial Report The attached item is a summary of Park Development Fund expenditures and the remaining fund balance available as of June 30, 2010. It is important to note that the Frankfort Park project is well under way with nearly all expenditures to be paid by the end of August. The report to the Council in June will be updated in August and September for your review. The park lighting estimate was $35,000 on that summary but instead the City with pay monthly usage fees rather than pay for the park lighting up front. That summary also did not include City time and equipment time totaling slightly more than $50,000 with additional work to be completed throughout the summer. The General Fund park department expenditure guideline includes the 2010 budgeted amounts and the actual expenditures thru June 30, 2010. This is the park maintenance budget and is part of the overall General fund budget of the City. The recreation programming budget for 2010 includes $31,000 for ISD 728 recreation programs and $6,000 for local programming including the Easter Egg, Pumpkin and Santa Claus events. The Easter Egg expenditures total $645 thru June 30, 2010. There has been no expenditures from the capital expenditure account this year. The 2009 capital expenditures budget was used to purchase park entrance signage. I will attend the park meeting on Wednesday, July 14 to review this information and answer any questions that you have. Please contact me in advance of the meeting if there is some additional information that you would like. 0 Page 1 City of Otsego Park Development Fund Summary of Activity For The Years Ended December 31, 2003 through 2009 Thru June 30, 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Totals Revenue Park dedication fees $ 478,631 $ 2,140,540 $ 1,861,463 $ 166,302 $ 121,158 $ 8,216 $ - $ 8,760 $ 4,785,070 Interest income 9,510 20,911 76,766 100,060 63,181 43,015 26,592 - 340,035 Total Revenue 488,141 2,161,451 1,938,229 266,362 184,339 51,231 26,592 8,760 5,125,105 Expenditures Park development 1,284,192 517,067 1,344,118 1,771,656 287,803 75,176 317,661 165,331 5,763,004 Excess Revenue (Expenditures) (796,051) 1,644,384 594,111 (1,505,294) (103,464) (23,945) (291,069) (156,571) (637,899) Fund Balance, January 1 1,347,956 551,905 2,196,289 2,790,400 1,285,106 1,181,642 1,157,697 866,628 1,347,956 Fund Balance, December 31 $ 551,905 $ 2,196,289 $ 2,790,400 $ 1,285,106 $ 1,181,642 $ 1,157,697 $ 866,628 $ 710,057 $ 710,057 From 2003 thru 2007 the City completed work on the following park projects: Prairie Park, School Knoll Park, Lilly Pond Park, Beaudry Meadows Park, Kittredge Crossings Park and Zimmer Farms Park. In 2008 the park projects included Lilypond lighting and irrigation and the Ohland bike path 2009 and 2010 are primarily work done at Frankfort Park park development 203.xls Page 1 CITY OF O T S E G O 8899 Nashua Ave., NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Phone: 763-441-4414 Fax: 763-441-8823 Group Name (or Participant): Month of: C_ o 1 eS M or� I w L JuNfe Contact Information for Responsible Individual: Name: Joe ( Phone(d): 763 2W ,U) 2-S (e): Activity Report: ITEM 8-1 PRIDE IN OUR PARKS PROGRAM e-mail: I MONTHLY REPORT 1eS Owes%pe7 Date # of Activities Participants I- 1 a.0 14 C1 totg=ej U 10 6 M I SS1 55tI l„er Notes/Comments: Wz,q aVLarokI bra 44,4� ak cu I ., .v - S-eu4 eid GF 1parcc Participant: '?(ZC'jt'CA Date: '� � J %-� N F Please e-mail this report to citvhall(fti.otsego.mn.us by the first Monday of each month.