04-14-10 PRITEM 3-1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL April 14, 2010 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Chair Krekelberg called the meeting to order at 7:OOPM Roll Call: Chair Susan Krekelberg, Vice Chair Krista Bean; Commission Members Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, Peter Torresani, Mike Brumm, Duane Lauseng and Kayla Block- Torgerson; City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; City Staff. Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor, Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing; Dan Licht, City Planner 2. Consider agenda approval. Under New Business Chair Susan Krekelberg requested to add 8.1 Property Discussion Chair Susan Krekelberg motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Peter Torresani. All in favor. Motion passed. 3. Consider the following; minutes: 3.1. Marchl0, 2010 Regular Meeting; Minutes. Commissioner Kayla Block-Torgerson motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Chair Susan Krekelberg. All in favor. Motion passed. 4. Open Forum: Joel Coles, 15613 901h Street NE, is interested in cleaning up garbage in Riverfront East and asked that the Parks and Ree Commission recommend accepting his application and moving forward to the City Council for approval. City Planner Dan Licht noted that the City Council is having a special meeting on April 19th and could approve the application at this time. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair stated that he is happy to work with them. Chair Susan Krekelberg motioned to recommend the School of Martial Arts application for Pride in our Parks. Seconded by Commissioner Peter Torresani. All in favor. Motion passed. Scott Reimer, 6841 Packard Avenue NE is requesting to reserve the tennis courts at School Knoll Park to teach private tennis lessons Thursday mornings late in July thru August of this year with possible rain makeup days to follow. Mr. Reimer noted that groups are in agreement to compensate the City to rent these courts. City Planner Dan Licht stated if the Parks and Rec Commission is comfortable with the request to make a recommendation to the City Council, if not, Mr. Reimer can work with Public Works Supervisor Belair and bring it back to the next meeting. After discussion, it was agreed to make the recommendation and waive any fees. Commissioner Peter Torresani motioned to recommend that Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair work out a schedule and decide on which tennis court with Mr Reimer and to recommend that City Council approve the reserving of the tennis courts with no fee. Seconded by Commissioner Rose Cassady. All in favor. Motion passed. 4.1. Kari Strunc - Reserving Fields for Homeschooled Youth Baseball League Kari Strunc was not present at the meeting. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair gave an explanation of Ms. Strunc's request to reserve ball fields to start a baseball league for home schooled youth throughout several area communities. Ms. Strunc is a resident of Big Lake. Commission discussed this request but would like more information. Chair Krekelberg noted that some families in her neighborhood home school their youth and will check with them to see if this is something they would be interested in. Public Works Supervisor Belair stated to Ms. Strunc that reservations are taken in January and that Community Ed reservations come first. 5. Unfinished Business. 5.1. Potential 2010 Park Projects City Planner Dan Licht gave an overview of the planning report. Parks and Rec Commission discussed and prioritized the potential 2010 park projects. Commissioner Peter Toresani motioned to recommend City Council authorize proceeding with the following park projects for 2010: 1. Preparation of plans and specifications for Norin Landing. 2. Preparation of a concept plan for Darkenwald Landing. 3. Addition of benches at School Knoll Park using Parks and Recreation Commission discretionary funds. 4. City installation of plantings and improvements at Waterfront Park consistent with the Developer's obligations and using held securities. Seconded by Commissioner Duane Lauseng. All in favor. Motion passed. 6. Public Works Update. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair said the well issue in Prairie Park could be a serious problem. Mr Belair will report back next month what it will take to get this operable. Discussed the irrigation of the ball fields and gave an explaintion of the Pride in our Parks adoption of the island planter at SunRay Farms enterance. Mayor Jessica Stockamp explained that this was initially to be taken care of by the development's association which was never developed. Public Works Supervisor Belair noted that there has been some damage done to some playground equipment again in Prairie Park and what it will take to fix this. 7. Pride in our Parks 7.1. Girl Scout Troup 13514 Contact Change Dana VanDenBerg, 8574 Ogren Avenue NE noted that she is now the new contact person for Girl Scout Troup 13514 and if the City is in need of community service (except for road cleanup) to please contact her. Chair Susan Krekelberg motioned to make an approval to accept the application from Girl Scout Troup 13514 for pride in our parks. Seconded by Commissioner Rose Cassady. All in favor. Motion passed. 7.2. Bluebird House Monthly Report Commission requested a link on the website to the Bluebird House monthly report. 8. New Business. 8.1. Property Discussion City Planner Dan Licht gave an explanation of the property to the North of City Hall that is for sale by Randall Begin. The property is approximately six acres in size. Mr. Licht explained how this area could be layed out to make for better use of this including soccer fields and parking. Chair Susan Krekelberg motioned to recommend City Council pursue acquisition of the parcel offered for sale by Randal Begin. Seconded by Commissioner Rose Cassady. All in favor. Motion passed. 9. Update on City Council actions by Mayor Stockamp. 10. Subcommittees a. All Sports (Commissioner Torresani) Commissioner Peter Torresani noted that the fields have been allocated. b. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean) Commissioner Krista Bean has nothing to report. Chair Susan Krekelberg stated that she was upset with the overlapping of options and scheduling for younger children in the Community Ed noting that this may be the reason enrollment was so low c. Communication (Commissioner Krekelberg Commission noted the map in the View. Commissioner Block-Torgerson requested the map include the park addresses next year. Chair Krekelberg questioned if the HPC is back up and running and inquired as to whether they could do a write up noting the history of each park. Commission also discussed the wording be changed to park supported by instead of adopted by. d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts) e. Santa Day — (Commissioner Cassady) f. Egg Hunt — (Commissioner Brumm) It was noted that the Egg Hunt was very successful again this year. Discussed advertising more next year and the need for signage. Extra candy was donated to C.A.R.E. Commissioner Rose Cassady brought up that volunteers should not park in front of City Hall but maybe over at Public Works. 11. Adjourn by 10 PM. Chair Susan Krekelberg motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Duane Lauseng. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9: 36 PM. Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing