01-13-10 PRITEM 3-1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL JANUARY 13TH, 2010 7:00 PM 1. Vice -Chair Krekelberg will call the meeting to order. Vice -Chair Krekelberg called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm Roll Call: Vice -Chair Susan Krekelberg; Commissioners: Krista Bean, Mike Brumm, Peter Torresani, Duane Lauseng and Kayla Block-Torgerson; Absent: Commissioners Rose Cassady and Kathy Roberts. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Staff. Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor and Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing; City Planner Dan Licht arrived at 7:48PM. 2. Consider agenda approval. Vice Chair Krekelberg requested to add 5.1 Elect a new Chair for Parks and Rec Commission. Commissioner Torresani motioned to move Item 8.1 to 9.2. Seconded by Commissioner Bean. All in favor. Motion passed. Commissioner Torresani motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Lausang. All in favor. Motion passed. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. December 9, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Bean. All in favor. Motion passed. 4. Open Forum: 5. Unfinished Business. 5.1. Elect a new Parks and Rec Commission Chair Commissioner Brumm nominated Susan Krekelberg for Chair, seconded by Commissioner Torresani. Commissioner Torresani nominated Commissioner Krista Bean for Chair. Commissioners voted 4-2 electing Susan Krekelberg as the new Chair of the Parks and Rec Commission. Commissioner Torresani nominated Commissioner Krista Bean for Vice Chair. Commissioner Brumm nominated Commissioner Duane Lauseng for Vice Chair. Commissioners voted 4-2 electing Krista Bean for Vice Chair. 6. Public Works Update. 6.1 Request for snow removal on Park Paths Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair gave an update on snow removal complaints in the City. There have been some requests to maintain Zimmer Park for the winter. Mr. Belair gave an overview as to the costs of winter park maintenance taking into consideration the damage it can cause to the parks due to the different types of soils. 7. Pride in our Parks 7.1. Monthly Reports No report given Commission members discussed the process of recognizing individual and group volunteers in the City by putting a write up in the Otsego View, sending an individual thank you or inviting them to a meeting to be recognized. They would also like a list of volunteer opportunities. 8. New Business. 8.1. 2010 Potential Projects Moved to Item 9.2 9. Update on City Council actions by Mayor Stockamp. 9.1 Frankfort Park update Mayor Stockamp gave an explanation as to why the City Council chose the name Frankfort Park. Chair Krekelberg questioned why there was no info from SRF given for this meeting. Public Works Supervisor Belair explained that they will be bringing the information to the February meeting. Mayor Stockamp gave an update on the snowmobile complaints in the city and that signs were made for 85th Street NE and Odean Avenue NE with arrows pointing to the road indicating to snowmobilers they are not to be riding their sleds on the paths. A request has been made to Wright County Sheriff's Office to increase their patrol in this area. 9.2. 2010 Potential Projects City Planner Dan Licht gave an overview of the list of projects that City Staff has come up with for the Park and Rec Commission to decide on for 2010. City Planner Licht stated that there is a pool of money dedicated for these purposes and the Parks and Rec Commission needs to start using the money towards these projects. Commission members discussed possible projects including soccer fields, skating rink for Prairie Park, adding benches and smaller shelters in the parks and lights in for the ball fields. City Planner Licht mentioned the ball field lighting was brought up before but the cost was very high. City Planner Licht explained current projects that are in play at this time including the plans for the Darkenwald property along State Highway 101 and County Road 42, a 300 foot strip of land behind Cold Stone Creamery, that runs along the River and a boat launch at Norin Landing on Kadler Avenue. The Commission is to prioritize these projects after City Staff brings back additional information. 10. Subcommittees a. All Sports (Commissioner Torresani) Field scheduling was discussed. Commissioner Torresani thinks it would be easiest and work best if no changes are made and it was left the same as last year. Discussed chalking of the fields and it was noted that the chalker is available but rarely used. b. Community ED/IDS 728 (Vice Chair Bean). Julia of Community Ed sent an email requesting Community Ed events be listed on the web site. Commissioners discussed Community Ed events and experiences in the signups. Vice Chair Bean will look into the possibility of having Community Ed attend the February 10th Parks and Rec meeting. c. Communication (Chair Krekelberg) Chair Krekelberg gave an overview of the email she received from Otsego View editor Pat Brink. d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts) - Commissioner Roberts was absent. e. Santa Day — (Commissioner Cassady) The Commission agreed that Santa Day was a success. Commissioner Torresani requested the Park and Rec Commission look into the possibility of purchasing a Christmas theme backdrop for Santa Day. Commissioner Block-Torgerson will search Fantastic Backdrops to get some ideas and prices and bring them to the next meeting. Chair Krekelberg motioned to purchase the new back drop for Santa Day. Seconded by Vice Chair Bean. All in favor. Motion passed. f. Egg Hunt — (Commissioner Brumm) Discussed hiring Teensie the Clown again and ask her if she knows of another clown the Parks and Rec Commission could hire. Commissioner Brumm will check with Target to see if they would be willing to donate candy for the Egg Hunt event. Commissioners all agreed to have the Easter Bunny moving around. Commission members agreed to not have a photographer present. This will be on the flyer noting to parents to bring your own camera. Chair Krekelberg will email Beverly Kumar to see if she is interested in doing the flyer. Also copying this email to Commissioner Brumm. 11. Adjourn by 10 PM. Chair Krekelberg motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Lausange . All in favor. Motion passed. Adjourned at 8:35pm Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing