12-09-09 PRFrEHM 3-1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL DECEMBER 9,2009 7:00 PM 1. Vice -Chair Krekelbery, will call the meetin2 to order. Vice -Chair Krekelberg called the meeting to order at 7: 05PM Roll Call: Vice -Chair Krekelberg; Commissioners: Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, Krista Bean, Mike Brumm, Peter Torresani and Kayla Block-Torgerson; City Council: Mayor Stockamp; Staff. Dan Licht, City Planner and Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing; Absent: Commissioner Duane Lauseng and Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor 2. Consider agenda qpproval. Commissioner Cassady motioned to approve the agenda as written. Seconded by Commissioner Bean. All in favor. Motion passed. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. November 18, 2009 Reizular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Roberts motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Krekelberg. All in favor. Motion passed. 4. Open Forum: Rogers Area Youth Baseball Association presented the Park and Rec Commission with a $500 check and thanked them for working with them during the year. Pat Brink, the new editor of the Otsego View told the Commission members a little bit about himself and asked members to please email him or call him if they have any ideas for him to put in the View. Mr. Brink did state that he will be at Santa day taking pictures. Commission members asked when the View coming out and Mr. Brink stated it is in the mail. Mr. Brink noted that he himself is the contact person and that items for the View should be gotten to him a couple days before going to print and it should get in that issue. It was decided that Vice Chair Krekelberg will be the contact person regarding any Park and Recreation items to be covered. 5. Unfinished Business. 5.1. River Place Park update th City Council will review the names for the park at their December 14 meeting. Ken Grieshaber of SRF was present and gave an overview of the playground equipment options from Gametime, Playworld and Big Time. Mr. Grieshaber recommended either Game Time or Big Toys Structure since both are comparable. Commission requested SRF to review options for a rail system and sunshades/roofs. Commission questioned the cost of the equipment and what can be provided with $60,000.00. Mr. Greishaber stated that can be refined once the equipment is defined. Grading and size of the ball fields was discussed. It was also discussed to revise the grading plan to allow for flooding of the ag lime area for an ice rink. Vice Chair Krekelberg motioned to recommend Game Time Equipment for River Place Park. Seconded by Commissioner Torresani. All in favor. Motion carried. Vice Chair Krekelberg motioned to recommend Kompan play for Pre K-5. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All if favor. Motion carried. 5.2. Park Signs City Planner Dan Licht explained this was for information purposes only and that the addresses on the secondary signs will be removed. 6. Public Works Update. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair was absent. 7. Pride in our Parks 7. L Monthly ReDorts Nothing 8. New Business. 8.1. Discussion of Crosswalks/Paths at HM 101, CR 37 & CR42 Vice Chair Krekelberg asked City staff to look at the crosswalk location striping and signal buttons, they don't line up to the walking path at TH 10 1 interchanges. Mr. Licht explained that this will be brought to our City Engineer Ron Wagner who contact will Wright County and MNDOT officials to look into this. Discussion of goals for next year will be on the next agenda. 9. Update on Ci1y Council actions by Mayor Stockamp. Mayor Stockamp updated Park and Rec Commission on the interviews for the vacant Councilmember seat noting that they did not come to a consensus and that she is not sure what direction the council will go with this. Stated the Building Official Harold Leonard is retiring the first of the year and that things are slow this time of year for the City. 10. Subcommittees a. All Sports (Commissioner Torresani). Commissioner Torresani will try to get the phone calls for the fields completed for January. If not, he will go with what they've done for the last three years. b. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean). Distribution of the Community Booklet was discussed. Commissioner Bean will check into how this is being done. c. Communication (Commissioner Krekelberg The new view is online. d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts). e. Santa Day — (Commissioner Cassady). Commissioner Cassady stated that they are ready to go. Commissioner Cassady will pick up anything else that is needed. Four cases of candy canes have been delivered to City Hall. Commissioner Torresani will pick up cookies and cups if they are needed. It was noted to be here Friday night at 6:30 for set up and decorating. f. Egg Hunt — (Commissioner Brumm). Commission set the date of Saturday March 27, 2010 for the Egg Hunt. 11. Adj ourn by 10 PM. Commissioner Cassady motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Chair Krekelberg. All in favor. Motion passed. Adjourned at 9:07PM. Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing