03-14-12 PRITEM 3.1
March 14, 2012
7:00 PM
Call to Order. Chair Jim Kjendle called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Jim Kjendle; Vice -Chair Tristee Freeburg; Commissioners; Susan
Krekelberg, Peter Torresani and Charles VonBerg; Commissioner Mike Brumm arrived at
7:06pm and Commissioner Kathy Roberts arrived at 7:17PM.
Absent: Commissioner Rose Cassady
City Council: Councilmember Doug Schroeder and Mayor Jessica Stockamp.
City Staff: Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor, Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing
and Daniel Licht, City Planner.
1. Open Forum:
There was no one present to address the Commission.
2. Consider Agenda Approval.
Chair Kjendel requested to add Item 4.2 Park Historical Marker Signs to the agenda.
Commissioner Torresani motioned to approve the agenda as amended.
Seconded by Commissioner Krekelberg. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider the Following Minutes:
3.1. February 8, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to approve the minutes as written.
Seconded by Vice -Chair Freeburg. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business:
4.1. Recreation Programming Update.
Councilmember Schroeder gave an update on the recreation program noting that
interviews have been conducted to hire a Recreation Professional with a decision
expected at the March 26, 2012 City Council Meeting.
4.2. Park Historical Marker Signs.
Commissioner Chris Wilson, 8600 O'Dean Avenue NE approached the Parks and
Recreation Commission as a member of the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC)
along with Commissioner Tom Constant, 13776 85th Street NE, with preliminary
research the HPC has done to install historical markers at Otsego's parks. City Planner
Licht said that this project was initiated between the Parks and Recreation Commission
and HPC several years ago to promote community identity through the naming of the
City's parks. Ms. Wilson said that HPC will be applying for a Minnesota's Art and
Cultural Heritage Fund Grand to help fund this project, which would require a matching
grant of City funds. City Planner Licht said that a more detailed proposal will be put
together and an update presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission at a future
5. New Business.
5.1. 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Plan.
City Planner Licht presented the park elements of the Capital Improvement Plan as
prepared by City staff and reflecting the review by the City Council to date.
Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to recommend City Council approval of
the proposed park and trail system improvements as presented in the draft
Capital Improvement Plan. Seconded by Chair Kjendle. All in favor. Motion
5.2. 2012 Quote for Prairie Park play structure.
City Planner Licht presented quotes for play equipment in Prairie Park.
Commissioner Torresani motioned to approve that City Council purchase the
High Stepper net climber Option B along with the Primetime Swing Frame
and equipment as presented on the Quote from Minnesota -Wisconsin
Playground dated February 16, 2012. Seconded by Commissioner Brumm. All
in favor. Motion carried.
5.3. Prairie Park Shelter Policy.
City Planner Licht presented the staff report. Commissioner Roberts said they should
also consider raising the rental fee.
Chair Kjendle motioned to recommend to the City Council an amendment of
the Park Shelter Rental Policy to allow for two reservation periods seven
days a week at Prairie Park. Seconded by Commissioner Torresani. Vote was
4-1 with Commissioner Torresani apposed. Motion carried.
Commissioner Brumm motioned to recommend establishing Park Shelter
Reservation Fees of $20 per day. Seconded by Commissioner Vonberg.
Discussion of the motion. Commissioner Brumm amended his motion to
recommend the park shelter reservation fee to be raised from $10 to $20 per
time slot on weekends and holidays and $10 per time slot on weekdays.
Seconded by Commissioner Vonberg. All in favor. Motion carried.
5.4. Discussion of Tennis Lessons,
City Planner Licht presented the staff report. Mayor Stockamp asked if the individual
requesting use of the tennis court needed to be accepted as a recognized organization
under the Field Use Policy. City Planner Licht said the Field Use Policy does not apply to
the use of the tennis courts at this time. Commissioner Krekelberg suggested
advertisement for this on the City's website.
Commissioner Torresani motioned to recommend to City Council the use of
Otsego tennis courts for tennis lessons by Jim MacGibbon per his proposal
contingent upon liability release and proof of insurance by Mr. MacGibbon
with no fee. Seconded by Commissioner Krekelberg. All in favor. Motion
6. Park Maintenance Update.
Public Works Supervisor Belair said they are excited to see the snow is melting. The
Public Works Department staff is in the parks inspecting the courts making sure they
are ok to begin installing the nets. The bang board has been reconstructed in Zimmer
Park and one will be installed along with tennis court nets in Frankfort Park soon. The
Public Works Department has also received early requests from Three Rivers Soccer
Association to put up the soccer nets.
7. Pride in Our Parks Update.
Public Works Supervisor Belair said there is nothing to report at this time, but is
anticipating activity with the nice weather and reports will be coming in soon.
8. City Council Reports.
Councilmember Schroeder reported that the City Council is reviewing the proposed
Capital Improvement Plan. Council Member Schroeder also said that the City Council is
in the process of hiring for the Recreation Professional position and is hoping to
introduce the individual at the next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting.
9. Subcommittees.
a. All Sports (Commissioner Torresan�i).
City Planner Licht and Public Works Supervisor Belair will be meeting to finalize the
schedule for field usage.
b. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioners Roberts and VonBerg).
Saturday October 20, 2012
No Updates.
C. Santa Day — (Commissioner Cassady and Vice Chair Freeburg).
Saturday, December 8, 2012
No Updates.
d. Egg Hunt — (Chair Brumm and Chair Kjendle).
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Vice -Chair Freeburg gave an update on the contract and fees for the clown. Council
Member Schroeder noted that Mayor Stockamp has purchased the bags and eggs and
they have been delivered. Commissioners will meet at 6:30pm on Friday March 30,
2012 to fill bags and set up for the event. Commissioner Brumm said that the Otsego
Royalty will be volunteering along with the Boy Scout troops for this event for face
painting and tattoos. Commissioner Brumm also said that bigger signs for the event
are needed showing the number of eggs allowed per child. Commissioner Krekelberg
said that this information should also be advertised on the City's website as well as
making all City staff aware in case they receive phone calls regarding the event.
Commissioner Brumm said he received a $100 donation from the Bank of Elk River and
will use this towards the purchase of the bikes.
10. Information:
No additional information.
11. Adjourn by 10 PM.
Commissioner Toressani motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Vice -
Chair Freeburg. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.
Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing