09-09-09 PRFrEM 3-1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 9, 2009 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Chair Beverly Kumar called the meeting to order at 7:06PM Roll Call: Chair Beverly Kumar, Commissioners Susan Krekelberg, Krista Bean, Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, Mike Brumm and Peter Torresani. Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp . City Staff: City Planner Dan Licht, Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair and Special Licensing Sandy Lindenfelser. 2. Consider agenda approval. Commissioner Krekellberg motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. August 12, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes. Vice Chair Krekelberg said that under Item 5.2. that she questioned how future use of the ball field/soccer fields would impact neighborhood recreation use when associations use the fields for practice/games. Soccer nets would prohibit neighborhood "pick-up" ball games due to location of the nets. Vice Chair Krekelberg said she supported residents request for tennis courts stating that the concept plan does not support any "life-long" sports (tennis, golf, ice skating). Commissioner Torresani corrected under Item 5.2 that he disagrees with City Administrator Robertson's reason of why the City does not have an ice rink stating that he has flooded rinks before in the afternoon with a garden hose. Vice Chair Krekelberg added under Item 5.2. page 2 they will not duplicate what is in school playgrounds. Vice Chair Krekelberg added under Item 5.2. page 2 the Neighborhood Open House to be scheduled late October or early November. Vice Chair Krekelberg corrected Item 6.1 as being Pride in our Parks. Vice Chair Krekelberg commented under Item 7. 1. page 4 that she supports a park in this area but did not support the plan as proposed in the motion and that she voted against the motion. Vice Chair Krekelberg corrected under Item 7.3. page 5 that she verified that the Rogers Youth Hockey Association website link is already on the Park and Rec page on the City website. Vice Chair Krekelberg added under Item 8 that she supplied Public Works Supervisor Belair with playground information in June and requested Mr. Belair check into the web sites about grant deadlines for Lahn Farm Park. Vice Chair Krekelberg requested under Item 7A.C. that the statement that Commission members are upset with Park and Recreation not being published in the Otsego View be removed from the minutes and to add that Chair Kumar submitted multiple Park and Rec updates and articles for the August/September Otsego View — none of which were included. Commissioner Torresanii motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Bean. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: 4.1. Special Presentation by Elk River Community Education Julie Zahler and Charlie Blesener of Elk River Community Ed gave an overview of their program and handed out their fall brochure. Ms. Zahler gave an explanation of the gymnastics program and reasons for low registration numbers. A rough summary was given for the 2008/2009 updates with winter planning underway. Snow shoe making, beginning skating, and rock climbing are some of the things that may be offered this year. Any suggestions are welcome. It was stated that events attendance was up from last year. Mayor Stockamp asked if there is a way to get the Park and Rec Commission involved in the brainstorming of ideas and input on what goes into the brochures. Also the possibility of getting input from residents instead of going to a marketing group. Ms. Zahler thanked Public Works Supervisor Belair and his crew for helping out during the rainouts. Chair Kumar asked Ms. Zahler for her opinion regarding a public ice rink. Ms. Zahler stated what amenities are needed depends on the location of the rink. Vice Chair Krekelberg asked if there was a way to track how many Otsego residents use Rogers or Zimmerman facilities. Mr. Blesener explained that they could pull the data by checking and counting registration forms. Vice Chair Krekelberg asked if there a way to get the number of registrants before a class is cancelled. Mr. Blesner said that this information can be provided. An overview of Community Ed's marketing process was given and how informational flyers and posters are distributed and displayed. An explanation of the Community Ed brochure was given explaining the reason for Youth and Adult classes being in the same brochures. Community Ed will be at the Otsego Festival promoting fall festivities. Brochures promoting fall festivities will also be distributed to children in grades K — 8 at school and others distributed with the Elk River Star News. There will also be a bike safety group at the festival. Commission members commented that they would like to see Community Ed attend the Pumpkin Patch Day and they agreed to attend. Discussed the challenge of starting a basketball team and what league to belong to. Commissioner Cassady inquired about an indoor carnival stating the penny carnival was a huge success. A parent/child skilled event was discussed. Commissioner Bean brought up the evening events and how low turnout was. Discussed whether they should reevaluate and do a few bigger events or not as many and how often the events should take place. Mayor Stockamp said that Prairie Park is full during the months of May and June with the different sports that are going on. This may draw more to the events since they are already at the park instead of after June when the organized sports are done and not as many come to the park. Discussed whose role it is to post the event flyers. Once they are delivered to City Hall, City staff will then contact Public Works Supervisor Belair and Public Works staff will post them. Community Ed will also email Mr. Belair that they have been delivered. 5. Unfinished Business. 5.1. Lahn Farm Park City Planner Licht explained that the closing for the property is set for next week. City Planner Licht explained that the City Council gave City Staff permission to get started on the grading. Ken Grieshaber of SRF gave an overview of Concept Plan B and the comments made regarding more adult based activities such as tennis courts, different types of basketball courts and their locations within the park. Commissioner Torresani thought a full basketball court would be preferred versus the half court shown. A shoot around hoop for younger children was also discussed. Commissioner Krekelberg had concerns about the location of the courts facing the wetland area and the possibility of basketballs going into the water. Mr. Grieshaber stated that balls would have to be thrown quite far to reach the wetland area and that it is best to have the court face North/South. Chair Kumar questioned the lighting in the park. Mr Grieshaber of SRF explained the location of the lights along the path and the intent is to have the local energy provider place lights every 100 to 200 feet. City Planner Licht explained the procedure in getting the local energy provider who happens to be Xcel Energy. Mr. Grieshaber presented pictures of the different play structure options along with an overview of the costs associated with the different types of play equipment. Commissioner Roberts questioned the longevity of the material used for the net climbing equipment. Mr. Grieshabler stated that it should last 7 to 10 years, and if heavy use, maybe 3 to 5 years explaining that the materials are designed to take a lot of abuse. Discussed the types of steel structures and that they are better made and the safety of the steel whether it will get too hot. It was brought up the need to start with a budget to submit to venders as they may adjust their cost or find something within the budget. Questions and concerns regarding parks being handicapped accessible. Mr. Grieshaber noted that play equipment is to be 60% handicapped accessible. Public Works Supervisor Belair stated that he was directed by the DNR to install handicapped accessible equipment and ramps in Prairie Park. The commission will look into and compare playground equipment taking into consideration the accessibility to handicapped children for all parks. Discussed the difference in the use of playground chips which are less costly but are not handicapped accessible as where the shredded rubber is more costly and more durable. What is more durable, cost efficient and easier to keep where they belong as to not be scattered around. Vice Chair Krekellberg motioned to accept concept plan B and set an open house meeting for October 14, 2009 at 7:OOPM. Seconded by Commissioner Torresani. All in favor. Motion passed. 6. Public Works Update. Public Works Supervisor Belair provided the public works update: • Vandalism in Beaudry Meadows Park has been cleaned up with $1,100 in clean up costs. • City Council will consider bids for sealcoating parks and trails at their next meeting. • Reviewed options for park identification signs for engraved concrete, cedar sandblasted sign (copy given). • Emailed Amy Brumm requesting some assistance to help cleaning up after the festival. Also asked if the Brownie troop could help spreading mulch could use more volunteers to help spread mulch. Boy Scouts will also be contacted to see if they will help. • Chair Kumar asked about playground grants from Coca-Cola. Public Works Supervisor Belair will bring this up at a staff meeting. 7. Pride in our Parks No Report. 8 New Business. 8.1. Consider allowing golf carts on City trails and streets. City Planner Licht explained the request by a City resident to allow golf carts on City trails and streets by the City issuing a permit. The request was brought to the Police Commission where it was voted down 6-0 as they do not want to see golf carts on the streets and staff doesn't want to see them on the trails. City Planner Licht recommends the Park and Recreation Commission not allow this because of conflicts with intended trail users and potential nuisance concerns. Commissioner Roberts recommends not to change the ordinance that would allow motorized vehicle use on City trails. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion passed. 8.2. Safety Concern Discussed the letter received by a local resident regarding safety at the 8100 & 8200 block of Parell Avenue. Resident was upset that he was only acknowledged by the school and by Park and Rec Commission Chair Kumar. City Planner Licht noted that the City Council did discuss the matter and directed City staff to provide recommendations. No action by the Parks and Recreation Commission is required. 9. Subcommittees A. All Sports (Commissioner TorresaAni It was noted that Rogers area football is using the fields to the north of City Hall because they are short on fields. Commissioner Toressani brought up putting together a list of athletic leagues in the area. Three Rivers Soccer Association President Steve Zoubek e-mailed Mayor Stockamp and Public Works Supervisor Belair stating they will not be using the fields this fall for soccer as they do not have enough volunteers to do the striping of the fields. Explained that they are willing to pay someone to do this and asked if Public Works is interested in doing this. Public Works Supervisor Belair explained that the City doesn't have enough staff or time to do this but he would be willing to look for a contractor to do the striping if they are willing to pay. Public Works Supervisor Belair said that the City can provide the striping and charge the users. B. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean) No Report. C. Communication (Commissioners Krekelberg and Kumar) Chair Kumar noted that she was glad the Woman of Today were recognized in the Elk River Star News, but sad that the program was misidentified as "Adopt -A -Park" and not "Pride -In - Our -Parks". Chari Kumar will contact Elk River Star News and ask them to do a correction. D. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts) Commissioner Roberts placed the order of 720 — 750 18 to 20 pound pumpkins from Bob and Judy's of Big Lake at .12 cents a pound or $2,000 including delivery. Commissioner Roberts will notify Bob and Judy's to inform them that this will be paid directly and that a purchase order will be done by the City. Commissioner Roberts stated that the pumpkins will be delivered to the ball park at 9:30am in 16 different bins and they do promise we will get the pumpkins. Commission discussed putting up a banner stating 1 pumpkin per child. Public Works is requested to make a vinyl sign banner stating 1 pumpkin per child. Thank You. The boyscouts; have been contacted and will be asked to help keep an eye out and help enforce the only 1 pumpkin per child rule. Commission will confirm candy purchase and games after the defibrillator training session Wednesday, September 16. Commissioner Krekelberg will get the candy. Commissioner Brumm will check with Target to see if they will help out will this. Chair Kumar and Commissioners Bean, Krekelberg, Cassady, Brumm, Torresani will be at this event E. Santa Day — (Commissioner Cassady) No report. F. Egg Hunt — (Commissioner Brumm) No report. 10. Other. Chair Kumar questioned the alternate position and whether Duane Lauseng is still interested in being on the Park and Rec Commission. Commissioner Brumm offered to contact Duane Lauseng on this issue. Commissioner Roberts stated that Mr. Lauseng felt he didn't have a voice as an alternate. It was stated that it needs to be clarified to Mr. Lauseng that the alternate position is important. Chair Kumar stated she is resigning from the Park and Rec commission as she is going back to school. Commissioner Cassady asked whether anyone from the Park and Rec Commission is going to be at the booth for the Otsego Festival. City Planner Licht said he will be there during the day. It was noted that no other commission members will be present at the festival. Defibrillator training is scheduled for Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 7:00pm. 11. Update on City Council actions by Mayor Stockamp-, Mayor Stockamp thanked Beverly Kumar for her role Chair of the Park and Rec Commission and she is welcomed back anytime 12. Adjourn by 10 PM. Commissioner Cassady motioned to adjourn at 10:52113M. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All in favor. Motion passed. Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing