09-09-09 PR11-117EM S-1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763,231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 1 September 2009 RE: Otsego — Lahn Farm Park NAC FILE: 176.08 — 09.08 BACKGROUND The City has agreed to purchase 6.29 acres of land within the River Place development for a neighborhood park from U.S. Homes with a closing set for 17 September 2009. The property is Outlot A, River Place 3 rd Addition. The City Council has also authorized the City Engineer to being preparing a grading plan to allow Public Works to being site work this fall. The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed a concept plan for the proposed park at their meeting on 12 August 2009 and directed that an alternative site plan be prepared and more information be presented regarding possible play equipment for the park. Exhibits: A. Concept Plan A B. Concept Plan A Preliminary Cost Estimate C. Concept Plan B D. Concept Plan B Preliminary Cost Estimate E. Structure Overview ANALYSIS SRF has prepared a second concept plan for Lahn Farm Park reflecting the comments from the Park and Recreation Commission meeting on 12 August 2009. The changes from Concept A to Concept B include: 0 Addition of a tennis court. • Addition of a shoot around basketball hoop. • Relocation of the play containers and pavilion to one side of the internal trail. • Elimination of the splash pad. Fixtures. SRF has provided additional materials related to choices of equipment to be installed within the play area containers for continued discussion. The containers are divided into three sections: K-5, climber/rock wall container and swings. Cost Estimate. The preliminary construction estimate for Concept B is $439,450.00. In comparison, Concept A is estimated to cost $417,450.00or $22,000.00 less to develop. The difference in cost is primarily attributable to the substitution of a tennis court for the splash pad. Parking. City staff also considered showing a third concept plan that included an off- street parking area in the southern portion of the park shown to be developed with open play areas and/or a small scale baseball field. However, the City Engineer estimates the cost of an off-street parking lot similar to that built in other parks would be another $45,000.00. Given the need to minimize construction costs for Lahn Farm Park, City staff reviewed the opportunity for on -street parking. Randolph Avenue may be restriped to provide space for 40 spaces along the west side of the street. There is also space for parking approximately 40 cars along the east side of 54 th Street, although these would not be striped. Based on the availability of on -street parking, City staff would not recommend construction of an off-street parking lot at Lahn Farm Park. Schedule. The following are key dates in the schedule for acquisition and development of the proposed park: 0 9 September 2009 — Parks and Recreation Commission reviews Concept B. 0 October 2009 - Neighborhood Open House; specific date and location TBID. 0 11 November 2009 — Parks and Recreation Commission to finalize concept plan. 0 23 November 2009 — City Council to order plans and specifications N Public Works to undertake site grading to be completed before Winter 2009. 0 Construction starting Spring 2009 and completed Summer 2009. CONCLUSION The Parks and Recreation Commission will review the two concept plans for Lahn Farm Park at their meeting on 9 September 2009 at 7:00 PM. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor Ron Wagner, City Engineer Ken Grieshaber, SRF Timothy Wold, SRF 2 y -t.0 P? x q IILIOJ 6el '4�v 41- qL LF Lahn Farm Park Preliminary Cost Estimate Otsego, MN Lahn Farm Park Preliminary Cost Estimate City of Otsego SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 8/4/2009 Survey, Staking, and Mobilization $25,000.00 Earthwork $50,000.00 -Site Grading/Erosion Control -Agg-lime Infield Jop Soil (if needed) Site Utilities $7,500.00 -Water Service for Splash Pad -Splash Pad Drainage Pavement/Curbing $45,000.00 -Bituminous Trails and Basketball Court (1/2) -Concrete Walks and Pads -Concrete Curbing Site Furnishings $155,000.00 -Play Structures and Swings -Ballfield Backstop/Players Benches/Fencing -Picnic Tables, Benches, Trash Receptacles -Satelite Enclosure -Park Entrance Sign -Park Information Sign -Drinking Fountain -Prefabricated Pavilion Splash Pad $50,000.00 -Ground Sprays (4-6) -Mechanical (piping, controller, etc.) -Colored Concrete Pad Landscaping/Turf Establishment $20,000.00 -Seed and Sod -Landscape Plantings Irrigation System $25,000.00 Site Electrical $2,000.00 -Electrical Service to Irrigation System -Lighting and Outlet within Pavilion Estimated Subtotal $379,500.00 10% Construction Contingency $37,950.00 Total Estimated Construction Costs $417,450.00 S" h; 64- W i� �� � � 9 `��4s:�� `;e< pw---X;P- �o �— 00 Rf�00-00' 74M 4 4, J jf-� *"14. V- A 1, - r V r" Lahn Farm Park Preliminary Cost Estimate Otsego, IVIN Lahn Farm Park Preliminary Cost Estimate - Concept B City of Otsego SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 8/31/2009 Survey, Staking, and Mobilization $25,000.00 Earthwork $50,000.00 -Site Grading/Erosion Control -Agg-lime Infield -Top Soil (if needed) Pavement/Curbling $39,000.00 -Bituminous Trails -Concrete Walks and Pads -Concrete Curbing Half -Court Basketball $6,000.00 Shoot Around Court $2,500.00 Site Furnishings $155,000.00 -Play Structures and Swings -Ballfield Backstop/P layers Benches/Fencing -Picnic Tables, Benches, Trash Receptacles -Satelite Enclosure -Park Entrance Sign -Park Information Sign -Drinking Fountain -Prefabricated Pavilion Single Tennis Court $75,000.00 Landscaping/Turf Establishment $20,000.00 -Seed and Sod -Landscape Plantings Irrigation System $25,000.00 Site Electrical $2,000.00 -Electrical Service to Irrigation System -Lighting and Outlet within Pavilion Estimated Subtotal $399,500.00 10% Construction Contingency $39,950.00 Total Estimated Construction Costs $439,450.00 >1 0 F- CY) 0 I -rpm 0-1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission Otsego Police Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 1 September 2009 RE: Otsego — City Code; Special Vehicle Use NAC FILE: 176.08 BACKGROUND Ms. Diann Norfolk has inquired at City Hall about the use of a motorized golf cart upon City trails and streets. This issue is being forwarded to the Parks and Recreation Commission relative to trail use and to the Police Commission related to street use for recommendations to the City Council. Exhibits: A. MN Statutes 169.045 ANALYSIS Trails. Section 6-7-4.N of the City Code regulating parks and trails prohibits the use of any motorized vehicle on or across any portion of a City park or trail (other than a driveway or parking area). The prohibition of motorized vehicle on City trails is intended to avoid conflicts between the size and speed of the motorized vehicle with pedestrians, bicyclists, rollerblades, etc. There is also potential for damage to the trail surface, which is not designed to accommodate the weight of motorized vehicles or their frequent use. City staff does not recommend amending the City Code to allow for motorized vehicles on City trails. Streets. Use of motorized vehicles such as golf carts having an engine displacement of less than 600cc or weight of less than 800 pounds upon City streets is allowed only if the City adopts an ordinance specifically authorizing such vehicles pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 169.045. Otsego has not adopted an ordinance allowing these types of vehicles to operate upon City streets making them prohibited. Consideration may be given to amending the City Code to authorize these vehicles to operate on City streets. Potential concerns with these vehicles operating on City streets would include conflict with automobile and truck traffic and enforcement of traffic laws. CONCLUSION Allowance of motorized vehicles such as golf carts to operate upon City streets is to be considered by the Police Commission at their meeting on 8 September 2009 at 7:00 PM and by the Parks and Recreation Commission at their meeting on 9 September 2009 at 7:00 PM. City staff is seeking a recommendation to the City Council from both commissions as to whether the City Code should be amended to allow operation of these vehicles upon City trails and/or streets. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Diann Norfolk, 14281 78 th Street NE 2 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2008 169.045 169.045 SPECIAL VEHICLE USE ON ROADWAY. Subdivision 1. Designation of roadway, permit. The governing body of any county, home rule charter or statutory city, or town may by ordinance authorize the operation of motorized golf carts, or four-wheel all -terrain vehicles, on designated roadways or portions thereof under its jurisdiction. Authorization to operate a motorized golf cart or four-wheel all -terrain vehicle is by pen -nit only. For purposes of this section, a four-wheel all -terrain vehicle is a motorized flotation -tired vehicle with four low-pressure tires that is limited in engine displacement of less than 800 cubic centimeters and total dry weight less than 600 pounds. Subd. 2. Ordinance. The ordinance shall designate the roadways, prescribe the form of the application for the permit, require evidence of insurance complying with the provisions of section 6513.48, subdivision 5 and may prescribe conditions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this section, under which a permit may be granted. Permits may be granted for a period of not to exceed one year, and may be annually renewed. A permit may be revoked at any time if there is evidence that the permittee cannot safely operate the motorized golf cart or four-wheel all -terrain vehicle on the designated roadways. The ordinance may require, as a condition to obtaining a permit, that the applicant submit a certificate signed by a physician that the applicant is able to safely operate a motorized golf cart or four-wheel all -terrain vehicle on the roadways designated. Subd. 3. Times of operation. Motorized golf carts and four-wheel all -terrain vehicles may only be operated on designated roadways from sunrise to sunset. They shall not be operated in inclement weather or when visibility is impaired by weather, smoke, fog or other conditions, or at any time when there is insufficient light to clearly see persons and vehicles on the roadway at a distance of 500 feet. Subd. 4. Slow-moving vehicle emblem. Motorized golf carts shall display the slow-moving vehicle emblem provided for in section 169.522, when operated on designated roadways. Subd. 5. Crossing intersecting highways. The operator, under permit, of a motorized golf cart or four-wheel all -terrain vehicle may cross any street or highway intersecting a designated roadway. Subd. 6. Application of traffic laws. Every person operating a motorized golf cart or four-wheel all -terrain vehicle under permit on designated roadways has all the rights and duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under the provisions of this chapter, except when those provisions cannot reasonably be applied to motorized golf carts or four-wheel all -terrain vehicles and except as otherwise specifically provided in subdivision 7. Subd. 7. Nonapplication of certain laws. The provisions of chapter 171, are not applicable to persons operating motorized golf carts or four-wheel all -terrain vehicles under permit on Copyright C 2008 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. 2 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2008 169.045 designated roadways pursuant to this section. Except for the requirements of section 169.70, the provisions of this chapter relating to equipment on vehicles is not applicable to motorized golf carts or four-wheel all -terrain vehicles operating, under permit, on designated roadways. Subd. 8. Insurance. In the event persons operating a motorized golf cart or four-wheel, all -terrain vehicle under this section cannot obtain liability insurance in the private market, that person may purchase automobile insurance, including no-fault coverage, from the Minnesota Automobile Assigned Risk Plan at a rate to be determined by the commissioner of commerce. History: 1982 c 549 s 2; 1986 c 452 s 19; ]Sp]986 c 3 art 2 s 12; 1987 c 337 s 121,122; 1997 c 159 art 2 s 18 Copyright (D 2008 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. VrIEM 0-2 I August 19, 2009 JUU AUG 2 0 2�,u-: Otsego Park and Recreation Commission 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Members of the Otsego Park and Recreation Commission: I am writing this letter to you, Mayor Stockamp, Council Members Darkenwald, Heidner, Thorsted and Scharber, and Otsego Elementary Principal Talley. With the safety of our community's children in mind, I am requesting a change in the speed limit and signage on the 8100 and 8200 block of Parell Avenue, Otsego. I have been a resident of 8187 Parell Avenue since 2001, when I built my home. I am employed as a Sheriffs Detective for the Hennepin County Sheriffs Office and am aware of safety issues regarding traffic and pedestrians, especially children. I have been employed as a licensed Peace Officer since 1995. I have concerns for the safety of not only my two children but also the children of my neighbors on the block and in the area. The speed Emit on our block is the typical 30 MPH city street Emit. Our two -block section travels north and south; on the north end the street curves to the west. We constantly have vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed around the curve coming south. At times, vehicles are traveling so fast around the corner I can hear the tires squealing as they approach my residence. When vehicles travel that fast there is no possible way they have the reaction time necessary to avoid something in the road around the curve. This problem is greatly enhanced if there are vehicles parked on the street, especially on the west side. They just can't see what is in or coming into the street. This also goes for children entering the street looking for cars. When they stop and look north for cars coming, they can't see what is coming around the curve. It's even worse for the kids trying to see when there are cars parked on the west side of the street. I can honestly say I don't feel comfortable traveling more than 20 MPH around this curve. I have continuing education every two years on the capabilities of a vehicle; how long it takes to observe, comprehend, react and avoid, or come to a complete stop. I assure you, from my training and experience, there is not enough time to react or stop when coming around this comer at 30 MPH, let alone faster. I can make any stopping distance available to you as it compares to vehicle speed, time of observation, comprehension and reaction time to a complete stop. If you are interested please let me know. Directly to the east of our neighborhood is Otsego Elementary. Directly from the front parking lot of the elementary school is a paved park path that comes to the 8100 block of Parell Avenue. This path also gives access to the Otsego Elementary playground and baseball fields and School Knoll Park, located northwest of the school. This causes a high volume of foot and bicycle traffic to and from the path at all times, not just before and after school. There is no sidewalk on our street so pedestrians and bicyclists share the street with vehicles. This is the only path to the park and school for the many homes located to the west. As you can imagine, the majority of the traffic is kids on foot, bikes, scooters, etc. I have seen many "dose calls" with children and vehicles. I have, on a few occasions, yelled out to drivers traveling at a high rate of speed to "slow down." Usually the drivers don't even look up as they are driving while talking on the phone, texting or with their music turned up. The texting really scares me; a driver when texting is just simply not looking at what's ahead of them. I have, on a couple of occasions, even observed other neighbors shout out to drivers to slow down. I have observed drivers stop, get out, and get into verbal altercations with the neighbor shouting out. These -2— August 19, 2009 situations have come close to physical altercations. I have seen my neighbors become more and more frustrated with vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed on our block. From my experience, I do not believe an increase in patrol will have a lasting effect. An increase in patrol would have a short-term effect on area residents who drive too fast. Area residents are only part of the problem. A change in speed limit, signage and increased patrol should have a lasting effect on area residents and people visiting the neighborhood I have observed this problem continue for too long. I believe the city could post 20 N1PH and School Zone signs for this section of city road. I consider this portion of road to be a school zone. It is the main route of travel for all the kids who live west of the school going to and from the school. It is also the main route of travel for kids and families to the school and city park. I feel, after eight years of living on this block, and my experience as a peace officer, there will be an incident between a child and vehicle on this block. I believe each of us is responsible for creating a safe environment for our community, especially to the children in our community. I feel I am doing my part in making you aware of this dangerous situation. Please react before an incident occurs. All too often there is no change until after a tragedy. I am calling on each of you, as leaders of our community, to help protect our children and change the speed and signage on the 8100 and 8200 block of Parell Avenue. It would be an absolute tragedy if something happened to one of our children, or a member of our community, when simply changing the speed limit and signage might have prevented it. I can be reached at 763-443-1023 if you have questions or would like to discuss this matter. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Richard L. Palaia