07-08-09 PRI -r I=- M 3 -1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL JULY 8, 2009 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Chair Kumar called the meeting to order at 7:10pm Roll Call: Chair Beverly Kumar, Rose Cassidy, Kathy Roberts, Peter Torresani, and Mike Brumm Absent: Susan Krekelberg and Krista Bean and Duane Lauseng. Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Council Member Mark Thorsted. City Staff: Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair, Finance Director Gary Groen and Special Licensing Sandy Lindenfelser. 2. Consider agenda approval. Commissioner Torresanii motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. June 10, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Torresani motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Chair Kumar. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: 4.1 Parks Capital Improvement Plan and Finances Finance Director Gary Groen updated the Commission on the Parks Capital Improvement Plan and finances. Discussed the park maintenance budget and related expenses. Discussed park trail improvements. Public Works Supervisor Belair will decide which parks are to be having improvements done first. Discussed budget items for 2010. In addition to the Park Commission Budget, there is money put aside for small capital items. How money is spent relies on recommendations from the Park and Recreation Commission and what is approved by the City Council. Discussed resources for park maintenance and equipment each year. Discussed putting a packet together that will give an idea of what equipment needs to be replaced in 2010. This will also identify money set aside each year for park maintenance purposes. 5. Unfinished Business. 5.1 Prairie Park Rental Polky All commissioners agreed that the policy was approved at the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting. 6. Public Works Update. 6.1 Request for Soccer Fields Public Works Supervisor Belair asked the Park and Recreation Commission's permission for use of the baseball fields for the fall recreation program per Three Rivers Soccer Association Steve Zoubek's request. Discussed how many fields would be needed and when the program would be begin and end and what kind of conflict if any would there be with the use of the soccer fields and the festival. Commission agreed to the use of the soccer fields as long as there is no conflict with Community Ed and that the park is unavailable for the weekend of September 18 th & 19th due to the festival and also October 17 th which is Pumpkin Patch Day. Brad will contact Steve Zoubek. Public Works Supervisor Belair handed out information regarding the Emerald Ash Borer and will keep the Parks and Recreation Commission updated on this. Reported that they did install the recycle cans and that 40 gallon recycle containers were ordered and received. Public Works is looking into a way to secure these in the parks. Christ Lutheran Church (about 60 youth) added 90 yards of mulch to Beaudry Park and Zimmer parks. Public Works Supervisor Belair will get a list of names to Mayor Stockamp and a thank - you will be mailed to those who participated. Public Works Supervisor Belair reported more vandalism in School Knoll Park. Reported 28 irrigation heads were kicked off School Knoll Park on June 16 th and that repairs will be done. The student involved in the vandalism in School Knoll Park will be providing restitution close to $200. Public Works Supervisor Belair discussed the budget for park upkeep. Mayor Stockamp mentioned that very little money on the budget has been spent, to take a good look at the budget handout — it can come out of the capital budget to make smaller purchases (recycle bins, small sheds, etc). Belair stated that the DNR grant requires Prairie Park equipment to be handicap accessible. Commissioners discussed the design of signs for all city parks. Commissioner Brumm will look into costs and quotes for different designs and materials. Commissioners agreed to set a limit of $1000 per sign. Number of signs per park depends on the size of the park. It was brought up that the sidewalk in Beaudry Park is not totally connected. Public Works Supervisor Belair noted at the time of planning the original design was to include a bridge over the creek completing the connection but was too costly because of creek restoration costs. Public Works Supervisor Belair requested that a covered or shaded area by the ball fields be brought up at the next meeting. Commissioners would like to look into what could become of the old skate board site in Prairie Park. Possible ideas include tether ball, floor hockey, bike safety, etc. Public Works Supervisor Belair mentioned having SRF to take a look at it and give some ideas. 7. New Business. 7.1 Subcommittee Updates A. All Sports (Commissioner Torresani) Commissioner Torresani requested a schedule be drawn up for boys and girls baseball/softball practices and games. Commission also requested City look at reserving the ball fields and shelter for weekend tournaments. B. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean) Discussed the purchase and cost of stock photos and whether to require waivers requesting parent's permission allowing photos to be printed. Discussed the cost of two different community education booklets being printed vs having just one printed. Decided not to agree to anything until a quote on cost has been given. C. Communication (Commissioners Krekelberg and Kumar) D. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts) Commissioner Kumar stated that she put information about Pumpkin Patch Day in the August - September Otsego View. She also included a thank you to Women of Today. E. Santa Day — Open F. Egg Hunt — Open 7.2 Tennis Court Doors Public Works Supervisor Belair noted that some of the doors have been taken off but will check with Pat Launderville of Public Works to see which ones have been removed. 7.3 Pride in our Parks: monthly report, new applications and status of current Applications Pride in our Parks update received. Brownie Troup will be in this weekend cleaning up planters and picking up garbage in Prairie Park. Commissioners discussed National Night Out and the use of city parks noting that the parks do not have to be reserved for this event. Rhonda Wayclula of the Women of Today requested permission to reserve the School Knoll Park for National Night Out. Commissioner Torresani requested someone get back to her stating that the park is open to everyone. Mayor Stockamp noted that anybody wanting to have their National Night Out in city parks should register with Denise Andrusko of the Police Commission. 7.4 River Place Park (drawings) Drawings not available at time of meeting, on August agenda. 7.5 Otsego Festival (Saturday, September 19th 10AM-5PM located in Prairie Park) Commissioner Kumar discussed having a booth at the festival — because of the absence of commissioners this was tabled. 8. Other. 9. Update on City Council actions by Mayor Stockamp. Mayor Stockamp inquired about Commission members being trained on clefibulators noting that City Staff has already been trained. Don Grant of MMUA will come in one evening and do the training for Park and Recreation Commission members and any other commission members that want the training. Commission members will discuss this at the next meeting, looking at a possible September date. 10. Adjourn by 10 PIVI. Motion by Commissioner Cassady to adjourn at 9:43 PM. Seconded by Commissioner Torresani. All in favor. Motion carried. Written By: Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing