09-12-95 PRT T' OF OT'-EG0 REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT. STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGUL AR COMMISSION MEETII IG SEPTEMBER 1 19`x5 MEMBERS PRESENT Torn Constant ( Chair i Debbie Carron Roche Martin Bill Olson Darlene Solberg Tom Baillargeon (Excused) GUESTS Jeff Asfahl Merlin Otto Larry Fournier 7=30 PM Regular Council Meeting Follows' ( City Council 1. TOM CONSTANT WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER Tom Constant called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. 2. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 8TH MEETING: Jeff B. moved to accept the minutes, Darlene seconded. 3. OPEN FORUM: Jeff B. and Tom C. reported participating in clean up of weeds in dark picnic area. 4. CITY COUNCIL! Larry reported on the Council's recommendation for raising the dedication fees. The Park and Rec. Board agreed that decision was a good compromise. Larry also reported on the Council's decision regarding the Park and Rec. budget. The Park Board's recommended budget was lowered by $2,600. The items omitted were: General Supplies, Gas and Oil and Misc. The total budget for park maintenance will be $32,770. $13,000 of that amount will be for the maintenance man. $15,000 will be granted for the Capital Improvement Budget. Darlene brought up the fact that money was presented to the park from donations and from the Christmas auction and its use was dedicated for shelters, and trees. She inquired where the money was. Larry said he would check into it. 5. RECREATION COORDINATOR/PLANNING SUB -COMMITTEE Jeff Asfahl reported that the Hayride is scheduled for Oct. 28th. Because of a lack of funds some discussion was held on whether to go ahead with it. Jeff stated that a fee will be charged to the public which would help cover the cost. Tom C. moved that the hayride be held as scheduled, Darlene seconded the motion. Jeff B. will check on a team of horses. A tractor will be needed too. It was also decided to go ahead with the scavenger hunt scheduled for October 21. Jeff will send a schedule for the ice rink dates and hours to our October meeting. S. MERLIN OTTO Merlin went over- the attached memo's concernins_3 the ISTEA Grants and the Outdoor Recreation Grants. He explained that more money was needed to complete the contracted grading of the ball fields. A decision must be made as to whether or not we can continue with the plans to accept the ISTEA grant because there is no money to meet the City's share of the project. Bill motioned and Darlene seconded setting up a meeting with the City Council to discuss this problem. We will be looking at dates of Sept. 26th or Oct. 3rd at 7:00 pm. Tom C. will talk to Tom B. about setting a date to finish the playground area and the volley ball area. 7. SIGN Merlin checked on the non-discrimination statement and was told that we can post the statement on a bulletin board and do not have to add it to our sign. Tom C. is going to provide to the City for approval, a diagram of where we feel the sign should go. 8. MEETING FOR VISION We will work on a statement for the Vision meeting at the next Park and Rec meeting. At that time we will make plans to establish a working relationship with the Otsego Elementary School. 9. OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK City worker Duane has been assigned hours of maintenance for Otsego Prairie Park. Darlene suggested we set up a schedule of volunteer days. Debbie suggested a flier be sent home with children at Otsego Elementary School asking for volunteers. 10. PAY BILLS No bills. 11. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN Darlene moved to change our monthly meeting time from 7:30 pm to 7:00 pm and end at 10:00 pm. Jeff seconded. All were in favor. 12. ADJOURN Bill motioned to adjourn. Jeff seconded. Deborah Carron Date