01-14-98 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING January 14, 1998 MEMBERS PRESENT Jeff Bartheld (chair) Tom Baillargeon - Secretary Sue Kroll Tom Constant Nicole Martin Darlene Solberg Roche Martin 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER GUESTS Merland Otto Jeff AshW Mark Berning Susan Ackerman Chair Jeff Bartheld called meeting to order and continued with roll call. 3. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 9, 1997 MEETING. Tom Constant motioned to review the December minutes until the February 11, 1998 meeting, Nicole Martin second and the motion passed. 4. OPEN FORUM. Nothing. 5. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. By nomination and voice vote to elect Jeff Bartheld chair, Tom Constant vice chair and Tom Baillargeon to secretary. Motion passed. 6. APPOINTMENTS OF SUB-COMMITTES AND LIAISONS Recreation sub -committee is Darlene, Jeff and Sue Budget sub -committee is Tom B., Darlene and Nicole Martin Finance Liaison is Tom C.. 1. Advertising and promotions is Nicole Martin. Lions Liaison is open and Jeff will talk to Mdse Day to fill. Heritage Preservation Commission Liaison is Sue. Motion to accept by Sue Kroll, second Tom C. and motion was passed. 7. APPOINTMENTS OF EVENT DIRECTORS. Winterfest' (1998) Tom Baillargeon Family Fun Day Jeff Bartheld Haunted House Tom Constant and Jeff. Motion to accept by Tom B., second Tom C. passed 8. CITY COUNCIL. Mark Berning was appointed to the PRC as council representative. Mark was wondering if the by laws have been changed to change the meeting date. A motion was made to change and passed before this meeting and is included in the minutes. Secretary will update the bylaws and distribute as needed. Mark further asked if this commission has a mission statement. No mission statement has ever been produced and it could be looked into in the future. Each commissioner will now be paid to attend the regular meeting. Score will be kept by minutes and at the end of each year a check will be issued. If a commissioner would like that amount could be donated to any city project. Nothing further. 9. COMMUNITY REC. SUB -COMMITTEE Jeff Ashfal gave a small update noting that registration for skating lessons have been slow. It's nothing to be alarmed about as there is plenty of time until the lessons begin. Also Community Rec. is preparing for the Winterfest. CR. will have lots of give aways for this event. The sub-committe will meet soon. Jeff wondered if Christmas trees will be available for the tree race. Bob Bartheld is making the Trophies and Jeff Ashfal will coordinate with him as to the needs. The Governor is looking for support of his Youth Initiative Grant in the legislator. This grant could be applied for, if passed for needs in Otsego. CR is preparing a package to help define this and will see that all will receive it before the vote. The PRC could likewise help by calling our legislators and asking them to support this bill. Another thought of Jeff A. was the creation of a BMX bike track. With the space in Otsego there could be room for this. He is going to research and will pass that information to PRC. Mark Berning will look into insurance for such. Another motion was passed to have Mark Berning look into the PRC receiving donated skates and renting skates at the warming house. He will update at next meeting.. 2. 10. MERLIN OTTO Merlin found a Youth Sport and Recreation Survey and reviewed if for the commission. A motion was made to have city staff fill out the motion and return it as needed. Also he passed out a report of "Friends of the Park Program". This document put into place a tool to make "Friends of the Park" a starting point. It gave ideas for fulfilling special projects, approaching city organizations. (see attachment) Motion was made by Tom B. to have mark present this document to city council for direction, Sue second and motion passed. Merlin draft estimates needed for the start of the restoration of the old town hall. It was reviewed with no comment. Nothing further. 11. OLD TOWN HALL PROJECT. Document from Jerry Olson was reviewed in regards to the restoration project. Much discussion as to the direction of this project. A motion was made to abate the old town hall project. Motion passed with Tom B. voting no and Jeff Bartheld abstaining. with the ending of this project though was to do with the money donated by the Vision Committee. Secretary is to draft a letter to the Vision Committee explaining the position of PRC and ask if the money donated could be used for a park shelter. The present shelter fund is about $2262.50. Gary when time allows will make a break down of the special park funds. 12. WINTEREST' Bob Bartheld will finish the trophies. Roche has the food list. Darlene will take the list to the store and sign for it. Tom C. willpick up the PO and pick up the food. City Hallwillneed to be opened Friday at 7:00pm for setup. Nicole reviewed the Star and Shopper ads. The Star donated a larger ad for the event. The ads cost $494.00 and included two stories of this event. Tom B. motioned to appoint Nicole the official photographer, seconded by Jeff and motion passed. Jeff motion to make Mr. Winter the official logo for the Winterfest', second Sue and motion passed. Many prizes were collected for the event and it again should be a huge success. Jeff and Tom C. will work on the sliding hill Thursday. A motion was made by Tom B. to donate to Arnne $50.00 for bring his dogs and sled, second by Tom C. and motion passed. Nothing else. 13. CHRISTMAS LIGHTING PROJECT When Jeff returned to Menards to pick up the things set aside for Otsego Menards had sold all. Nothing was purchased. 0 14. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN. Nothing. 15. ADJOURN Motion Roche, second Sue and motion passed. Respectfully submitted, ci6ma6 gjG/7,C)� Secretary 4.