01-14-98 PRM E M O R A N D U M TO: Jeff Bartheld, Chairman Otsego Parks Commission FROM: Merland Otto, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. DATE: January 8, 1998 RE: Cost Estimate Old Town Hall Jeff, You requested an estimate for drafting and estimating work on the old town hall. Our understanding is that you require assistance on the following two tasks: Task 1 Develop base floor plan & elevations of each side of building $650.00 Task 2 Develop quantities and costs for materials for major items of work including: slab, cedar shakes, siding, windows, flooring interior wall facing, insulation ,700.00 $1350.00 ot703.jb1 =11:4211*MKOM61 • 1) Define areas where help is needed A. Fund Raising B. Recreation Programs/Activity Volunteers C. Project Oriented Activities e.g. Old Town Hall Picnic Shelter Water Supply D. Other 2) Organization A. Identify organizations who may be interested: ► historical preservation society ► gardening clubs ► soccer association ► softball organizations ► snowmobile clubs ► civic organizations ► church groups ► PTA ► high school drama club, others ► any others B. Invite representatives to an informational/organizational meeting 1. Present goals, ideas, action plan 2. Determine if interest is there (probably reps will need to go back to their organizations)- to set up formal or informal structure. 3. An effective fund raising arm will necessarily require a more formal structure setting up a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. e.g. receive donations receive bequests receive land receive lottery proceeds develop fundraiser(s) C. Contact other communities or associations - what works, doesn't e.g. Columbia Heights - Parks/PTA for playground development Andover - Field of Dreams Athletic Complex Lakeville - Bike patrol St. Francis - Senior High baseball field D. Invite participants from organizations for second meeting to discuss ideas, concerns of their organizations. E. If it is determined to start a 501 (c)3, need an attorney to assist in preparation of articles of incorporation, bylaws, filing, elect board of directors, etc. 3) Advantages • Delegates some of the load from commission • Ready made support group to advance programs, agendas • Development of a broader network of contacts may bring additional skills, resources • May be able to take on more projects with larger funds and volunteers Downside • Time intensive to get off the ground • May find some groups that feel threatened by another fundraising organization • May be some resistance to fundraising when City has taxing authority, park dedication fees • May end up with a powerful organization which will want to direct the Parks Commission Possible Projects ♦ Landscape entry to City 39 & 101 Need planting volunteers ♦ Old Town Hall renovation ♦ Picnic Shelter ♦ Fencing, other improvements at ball fields ♦ Seeding of ball fields ♦ Bike Safety ♦ Snowmobile "Rangers" ♦ Joint development of athletic fields/outdoor space with school district at Otsego Elementary School ot703.trn %.a a a yr v a %-Pa vv OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date: December 30, 1997 `0' Mike Robertson, Interim City Administrator From: Jerry Olson, Building Official Subject: OLD TOWN HALL BUILDING At your request I offer the following comments regarding the proposed move of the old town hall building. 1. Per Otsego City Ordinance a conditional use permit (CUP) is required to relocate a building from one site to another. CUP costs range from $400.00 to $700.00. 2. The Uniform Building Code states that any building moved into or within a jurisdiction shall comply with the provisions of the code required for new buildings. (sec.3404) 3. The code requirements for an historic building are relaxed somewhat, however this building must be designated by official action of a legally constituted authority of this jurisdiction. (sec.3403.5) 4. The Park & Rec. Com. should present a plan to the city as is required for any CUP. This plan should show the proposed location of the building and the scope of work to be done to restore the building. 5. Before I can address other code items I must know the proposed use. Code requirements vary greatly depending on the use. Meeting the requirements for a garage or storage building would not be difficult, but if any other use (such as a museum or meeting hall) is proposed the requirements are much more strict We would then be addressing such items as accessibility, ingress and egress, available natural light, and, if the building would be heated, the Minn. energy code. Once these items are addressed it may be cheaper to build a new building. 6. I have personally inspected this building and found it to be in an extreme state of disrepair. If any repair or restoration is done I would highly recommend that it be done by a qualified contractor familiar with restoration work and also familiar with the procedures required for any abatement of lead paint, if necessary. 34M.2-3405 1914 UIBFORM BULDWI COOS 1. The capacity of existing structural ekmem required to resist fortes is not reduced. and 2. The lateral lmding to end existing stnucuaal ekn_= is not increased beyond their capacity. and 3. New structural elements are detailed and connected to the existing structural elements as required by dwse regulations, and 4. New or �ocmd nonsutrmag elements we detailed and connected to existing or new structural ek- mmu as required by these regulations. and 3. M unsafe condition as de -fined above is not created. 3403.3 NotstsuchiraL Alterations or repairs to an existing building or structure which are non- structural and do not adversely affect any strucuual number or any Part of the building or structure having required fire resistance may be made with the same materials of which the building or struc- ture is constructed. 3403.4 Glass Replacement. The installation or replacement of glass shall be as requited for new Zins do 3403.5 Historic Buildings. epairs, alterations and additions necessary for the preservation, res - or continued use of a building or structure may be made without confor- mance to all the requirements of this code when authorized by the building official, provided: 1. 'lite building or structure has been designated by official action of the legally constituted au- thority of this jurisdiction as having special historical or architectural significance. 2. Any unsafe conditions as described in this code are corrected 3. The restored building or structure will be no more hazardous based on life safety, firesafety and . building. ON 3404 — MOVED BUILDINGS Buildings or structures moved into or within the jurisdiction shall comply with the provisions of this code for new buildings or structures. SECTION 3405 — CHANGE IN USE No change shall be [trade in the character of occupancies or use of any building which would place the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occu- pancies, unless such building is made to comply with the requirements of this code for such division or group of occupancy. EXCEPTION: The character of the oavpsocy of existing buildings may be changed subject to the ap- proval of the building official, and the building may be occupied for purposes in other groups without conform- ing to all the requirements of this code for those groups. provided the new or proposed use is len hazardous. based on life and Fitt risk. drat the existing use. No change in the character of occupancy of a building shall be made without a certificate of occu- pancy, as required in Section 109 of this code. The building official may issue a certificate of occu- pancy pursuant to the intent of the above exception without certifying that the building complies with all provisions of this code. 11-41% CITY OF OTSEGO OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date: January 12, 1998 To: Mayor/City Council From: Jeff Bartheld, Park & Rec. Chair Subject: Christmas Tree Races The Park and Recreation Commission is challenging the Otsego Mayor and City Council to regain the Golden Christmas Tree! The Christmas Tree Races will be held at the Winter Fun Fest at 1:00 P.M. on January 17, 1998. "The gauntlet has been thrown." �j 0 1998 OTSEGO PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION OFFICERS SUB COMMITTEES, AND LIAISIONS CHAIRMAN JEFF BARTHELD VICE CHAIRMAN TOM CONSTANT SECRETARY TOM BAILLARGEON RECREATION SUB COMMITTEE: DARLENE SOLBERG, CHAIR SUE KROLL JEFF BARTHELD BUDGET SUB COMMITTEE: TOM BAILLARGEON, CHAIR TOM CONSTANT NICOLE MARTIN FINANCE DIRECTOR: TOM CONSTANT ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONAL DIRECTOR: NICOLE MARTIN HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION LIAISON: SUE KROLL LIONS LIAISON: TO BE ANNOUNCED EVENT DIRECTORS: WINTER FEST TOM BAILLARGEON FAMILY FUN DAY JEFF BARTHELD HAUNTED HOUSE TOM CONSTANT