02-11-98 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. MEMBERS PRESENT Jeff Bartheld (chair) Tom Baillargeon - Secretary Sue Kroll Tom Constant Nicole Martin Darlene Solberg Mike Day REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING February 11,1998 GUESTS Merland Otto Jeff Ashfal Mark Berning Mike Robertson 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chair Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order and continued with roll call. 3. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE JANUARY 14, 1998 AND DECEMBER 9,1997 MEETINGS. Nicole Martin motioned to pass December 9, minutes, seconded by Tom Baillargeon passed. Minutes of January 14, change Winterrest to Winterfest. Mike Day motioned to passed amended minutes of January 14, seconded Nicole Martin. Passed 4. OPEN FORUM. Nothing. 5. MIKE ROBERTSON, CITY ADMINISTRATOR Mike presented budget update. Also reported that the Mighty Kids Grant of $2500.00 was granted. Further he had received lots of positive comments on the Winterfest. He did receive a comment that there might have been some alcohol at the event and asked if this could be address before the next event. Further discussion on the budget. Nicole mentioned that the ads for the Winterfest were less than previously planned. Mike mentioned that council would like all purchases made with a purchase order. Question was raised if the ten dollar a meeting can be donated back to the PRC. Mike will check it out. 6. CITY COUNCIL The park signs was referred to the Public Works Committee. The renting of skates was turned down by council. The BMX issue was tabled by request of the Community Recreation Board. Mark would like to see a Mission Statement created for the PRC. Discussion followed and Jeff asked that all PRC think about this and return next meeting with ideas. Then next meeting a draft of a Mission Statement could be started. 7. COMMUNITY RECREATION AND SUB -COMMITTEE The egg hunt is April 11, and open to all with no fee. The basket making will be the same day and a small fee will be required to off set the cost. The Mighty Kids Grant could be used for the Ride the Rec., volleyball and skating lessons and more open gyms. Nothing else. 8. MERLIN OTTO Merlin commented on the Mighty Kids Grant. Also has sent a resolution to Jeff Bartheld and he in turn read the resolution. Tom Baillargeon motioned to accept the resolution as read , Darlene seconded and motion passed. Jeff Bartheld made a presentation to the city council for the "Friends of the Parks" and council approved starting this goal. Merlin passed out information from Robinsdale Adopt a Park program. He presented what he had learned in research of this option. It included some guide lines to start and follow. Merlin will look into other community's progress with this and report next meeting. Also discussed was a park shelter. Sue Kroll motioned for a shelter size to be 30' by 60'. Nicole seconded that motion and it passed. Tom Constant motion to start a site plan for this shelter and it was seconded by Mike Day and passed. The Odean Avenue project is coming before the council and they request that a PRC member attend the February 19, meeting. Nicole will attend that meeting. Nothing else. 9. WINTERFEST' RECAP Sue passed out suggestions for next years event. It included more food, things to do etc. Other ideas were discussed and forwarded to event director to look into. Tom Constant will again make the medallion, Jeff Bartheld will contact the antique snowmobile club. Events days of January 16 or 23, 1999 where chosen. Nicole would like to see an agenda for this event. After all areas are researched one will be made. 10. FAMILY FUN DAY. Jeff passed out suggestions for this year's event. All ideas where discussed and are tentatively plan. The event is still looking for more ideas for the day. A motion by Darlene Solberg to move the event to July 18, 1998 and seconded by Nicole Martin and motion passed. Tom Baillargeon motioned to have a bicycle parade, seconded by Nicole Martin and motion passed. Nicole will do some research for it. Tom constant will look into sponsors for the car show. Tom Costant will organize the car show. Jeff Bartheld will organize the antique farm equipment. Tom Constant will contact the band. Darlene will contact the radio station. Michelle Berg will do the crafts and antiques. Jeff Bartheld will contact the barn yard people. Tom Baillargeon will research the games and penny carnival. PRC will again do the food. Mike Day volunteered for the food organizer. PRC will again do the hayrides. Nicole Martin will look into celebrities and ads and fliers. Merlin suggested having a cedar shake sale to raise money for the picnic shelter. 11. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION JOINT MEETING Sue Kroll will attend this meeting and report back. 12. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN. Tom Constant reported that the council will not lease the tractor from Tom Baillargeon. Council asked if the tractor was for sale. The council will do the follow up on this issue. Nicole would like some input for the Otsego View. 13. ADJOURN Tom Baillargeon motioned to adjourn, seconded by Nicole Martin and passed. Respectfullysubmitted 9696=6i�p.00LJaAyWlrL Secretary