ITEM 5.2 SOAR GrantITEM 5.2 otCIYY fs F' SC7TA TO: City Council FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: February 4, 2016 RE: SOAR Grant Background: Staff has been working with the St. Michael, Otsego, Albertville, Rogers (SOAR) Regional Arts group to host two theater productions this summer. This production would fulfill one the goals outlined in the Comprehensive Plan and comments generated by the Parks and Recreation Commission which is to maintain a balance between active, passive, and cultural recreation. SOAR had approached the City with the idea of applying for a grant through the Central Minnesota Arts Board (CMBA). Staff had updated the Council at the January 25t", 2016 City Council meeting on the partnership and potential grant application. SOAR contacted City Staff on Tuesday, February 2nd to inform them about the grant and said that due to conversation the group had with CMBA. They stated that due to the fact SOAR was already receiving a grant from CMBA in 2016; they would be ineligible for another grant this year. Since that time, SOAR has agreed to pay for the production costs for the plays and is asking for rehearsal space during the day at Prairie Center. Currently, the plays are slated to take place at Prairie Park on June 28t" and July 19t" at 7:30 p.m. There would be 2 plays on each of those days with each of the plays lasting approximately 30 minutes. The rehearsals would take place the week before each production and would be between the hours of 8a.m.-4p.m. with about 9 to 10 people rehearsing at any one time. Since these are times that Prairie Center is typically staffed no additional staff would be required. Additionally, if there were rentals or programs during the day of the rehearsals, the rehearsal locations could be moved within different rooms of Prairie Center. Conclusion: Staff is recommending continuing to work with SOAR to put on two separate theater productions in the summer of 2016.