03-11-98 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING March 11, 1998 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Jeff Bartheld (chair) Tom Baillargeon - Secretary Merland Otto Sue Kroll Jeff Ashfal Tom Constant excused Mark Berning Nicole Martin Darlene Solberg Mike Day Terrie Kolher 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chair Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order and continued with roll call. 3. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE FEBRUARY 11, 1998 MEETING. Tom Baillargeon motioned to continue untill next meeting, seconded by Nicole Martin and passed. 4. OPEN FORUM. Nicole collected ideas for the mission statement and will return with ideas put to words . 5. MIKE ROBERTSON, CITY ADMINISTRATOR Mike is looking into a DNR grant for trees and discussion followed. 6. CITY COUNCIL Council is getting quotes for maintenance for the park. Mark Berning will ask for advice from council that the funds collected at PRC events can be used by PRC for other things not included in the budget. City Council needs a list of events that are going to be at the Family Fun Day. Mark relayed that the council discussed where the PRC should be putting on events. PRC discussed this issue with no resolve. 7. COMMUNITY RECREATION AND SUBCOMMITTEE Ice rink recap was discussed. Because of the warm winter the rink was not always operating. As for comparing it to other years it is not possible. The egg hunt and basket making is April 11, 1998 the sub committee will meet to work out the the details for the "Ride the Rec." program. It will be five days this summer. No dates have be set. The bus is $100.00 per day, staff is $980.00 with 3.5 hours each day and supplies $525.00 for a total of $2005.00 which means that a fee will need to be $11.50. The rec. subcommittee recommends a fee of $14.00 per child. The Community Rec. will schedule about 17 stops for the bus. Darlene motion to accept the above data as recommended, Nicole seconded and the motion passed. Community Rec. again will organize and operate the summer tee ball program as in the past. A date of July 18th has been chosen for the Family Fun Day and Community Rec. will organize the games and supply staff to operate them. Darlene Solberg motioned to seed and fertilize the ball fields, Nicole seconded the motion and it passed. Tom Baillargeon motion to recommend to council $5500.00 be used from the park dedication fees to seed and fertilize, second by Nicole and the motion passed. 8. MERLIN OTTO. Merlin passed out information on volunteering for projects in our park. It explained what volunteers can do and how to recruit them. Discussion followed and this will continue next meeting. Further he checked out the offer of the used ball field lights purchase and found that the age and updating needed for these lights is about the cost of new and recommend that no purchase of these used lights be made. PRC accepted his advice and dropped any further action on the lights at this time. Nothing else. 9. FAMILY FUN DAY. July 18, 1998 was chosen for the event from 11:00 AM to 4:00 P.M.. Discussion followed with regards to car show and crafters and decided that this will be included in this event. As for the street dance it has been scratched because of the band breaking up and poor turn out last event. Darlene will contact the road show. The FFA barn yard is coming. Community Rec. will again take care of the games. PRC will do food as it was quite profitable. The information booths for area business had no response so it too was also scratched. Nothing further. 10. WINTERFEST'. Nicole discussed the winter festival in the city of Ely. She pointed out some events that may be used by PRC. A motion was made to have Winterfest' Jan. 16, 1999 passed. As event draws near more information will be available. 11. PARK SHELTER. Tom Constant has not heard anything from suppliers and is still working on it. 12. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN. Nicole wanted to know all events for 1999. A list can be made with the help of the Community Rec. Board. Further would like more input on the Mission Statement. A discussion followed about PRC and events. "us W, P310141.A1 Tom Baillargeon motioned to adjourn, seconded by Nicole Martin and passed. Respectfully submitted c/ 64nct6 eClgCLq, w rP Secretary