04-08-98 PRat: city of Otsego To: Jerry f77 Page 2 of 6 Thursday, May 07, 1998 9:15:20 AM Otsego Park & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes April 8th, 1998 7:05pm— Meeting called to order Roll Call: Jeff Bartheld Present Tom Constant Present Tom Baillargeon Excused Darlene Solberg Absent Nicole Martin Present Michael Day Present Sue Kroll Excused Motion to defer minutes for March 11 to May Carries Open Form: Sample of thank you for winter fest sponsors presented. Jeff: Further issues on open form? None. Mike Robertson is absent. Mark Berning: A) Regarding Celebration Ordinance City Events should be exempt. B) Some of areas of the park should be seeded. C) Seed should be put in as soon as possible. D) Tree Removal — Mark is concerned that the tree trimmers may be exceeding the necessary tree removal. E) Sign Information 1) What is the budget to pay for signs? 2) City of Elk River has a sign maker — they may print for us for a fee. Motion to table the sigh issue until next meeting — Carries. Mark: Nor further issues from council. Page 1 of 5 at: city of Otsego To: Jerry rrt Page 3 of 6 Thursday, May 07, 1990 9:16:20 AM Budget Sub -committee: Nicole: Reviewed Budget with Gary. A) Recreation Programs $ 8,500 B) Mowing $ 8,000 C) Salaries $ 1,200 Items that are missing: A) Park Shelter Budget from Auction & Donations approximately $ 2,500 - $ 3.500. B) Tree Money? Pay outs for Ice Rink: A) Need to investigate large payroll checks. 1) $ 450, $ 578 a) Secretary? b) Administration? C) Plowing or Flooding by City workers? d) Eliminated by 2/25/98 date. B) Rink Phone long distance charges. Should the long distance service be blocked? There will be a meeting on April 277` at 10am with Judy Hudson and Gary Groen on the budget. A) $ 5 5 K Park fund. B) Cost of park slab is approximately 30'x60'x2" (a, $75/Yard = $ 1,600 to $ 1,800. Page 2 of 5 at: City at Otsego To: Jerry 777 Page 4 or 4 1 nunaey, Key U7, 1998 9:17:16 AM Recreation Sub -committee: A) Regional Park & Recreation board members will be meeting on Thursday May 7, 1998 at 6pm at Larose's Pizza. B) July proclamation — Park & Recreation month. C) MRPA — Youth enrichment bill — Grants. D) Youth Initiatives 1) Leasing the Prairie House. 2) Elk River — Youth Building — old liquor store. 3) Summer skate park — there is great demand but city's risk is a problem. E) Ride the Rec. 1) Added 2 locations a) 101 and Kaler b) Queens and 56th F) Egg hunt is this Saturday. 1) Show up — no sigh up required. 2) Expect 80 to 100 Kids for hunt. G) T -ball 1) Ages 3-4 Termites Monday — Thursday. 2) Ages 5-6 Brochure April 22, 1998, 18 pages — Jeff left the meeting. Merlin is absent. Page 3 of 5 at: city of Otsego To: Jerry ??? Page 5 of 6 Thursday, May 07, 1998 9:18:17 AM Friends of the park. Summer Festival: A) Letter for businesses. B) Friends of the park letter/article for Otsego view. C) Suggestions 1) Family fun day should be July 18d`. 2) Halloween Event. a) Haunted House October 23,24. b) Hay Ride October 23,24. C) Expansion with building partitions. 3) Winter Fest. 4) Otsego Prairie Park a) Volleyball court timber assembly — Mighty Kids Grant b) Basketball court. C) Horseshoe Pits d) Shelter — we need donations. e) Players benches. f) Hay rack. g) Bike racks — minor assembly. h) Saturday May 9d` and Saturday May 23rd are to be park working days. i) Committee members are asked to look for groups to volunteer. j) Review to update the comprehensive park trails and recreation plan. A) Bob the rope maker. B) Elk River FFA barn yard. C) Antique farm equipment. D) Lama's. E) Food. 1) Hot dogs for $1 2) Brats for $1.50 to $1.75. 3) Pizza for $3 per slice. 4) Chips for $.50 to $.75. 5) Root Beer Floats for $l. 6) Pop for $.50 7) Candy Booth. 8) Penny carnival. F) Advertise 1" and 3rd weeks of May and June. 1) $30 per week x 4 weeks = $120. 2) $500 for paper add. G) Chain saw carver — Sipe's chain saw. Page 4 of 5 Haunted House: Winter Fest: Mission Statement: A) Phone line with answering machine for announcement. B) Start work on 1" week in September. A) Coloring contest. B) Pageant to Winter. C) Jane Frost. A) Accepted #2. The mission of the Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission is to create and enhance the quality of recreation for the residents of Otsego through the development of parks and activities. Mike: We need to identify budget items from past years — documentation would be best. Park Shelter Update: A) Flanagan Sales Inc. 1) $ 14,000 + $ 9,400 Labor + $ 580 for Shingles. B) Knox. 1) $ 5,000 + $ 2,500 + $ 4,200. C) Menards. 1) $ 4,762 for shelter materials with shingles. 2) $ 5,012 for shelter materials with steel roof. We should use cash aprons for events. Adjourn at 9:49pm Page 5 of 5