05-13-98 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING May 13, 1998 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Jeff Bartheld (chair) Mike Robertson Tom Baillargeon - Secretary Larry Fournier Sue Kroll Jeff Ashfal Tom Constant Mark Berning Nicole Martin Darlene Solberg Mike Day 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chair Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order and continued with roll call. 3. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES. Tom Baillargeon moved and Tom Constant seconded to approve April Minutes. Passed Nicole Martin moved to approve February Minutes, seconded by Tom Baillargeon. Passed Nicole Martin moved to approve the March Minutes seconded by Tom Baillargeon. Passed 4. OPEN FORUM. Council has purchased three acres of property next to Otsego Elementary which is the new location for the new well. Further the council felt that this could be a great site for a new city park. $15,000.00 of the cost for this site will come out of the Park Dedication Fees. The total cost is $31,000.00. With the placement of the new well this site would not qualify to be sold as a build able lot. Mayor Larry Fournier felt that the funds for this lot will not be taken out of the Dedication Fund until the site is developed. Discussion followed on this and Chair Bartheld tabled this until further information can be collected. Discussion followed on a new start time for the PRC meeting. 1. MIKE ROBERTSON, CITY ADMINISTRATOR Mike gave an update on the budget with the park shelter and the tree fund. This money will be marked and set aside until such time when it will be used. Other discussion was about the funds that are raised at the PRC events. Nicole Martin is working on a spread sheet for the PRC budget that she'll keep on her computer and will be able to report monthly. Question was raised why so many trees were taken down as a result of the July 1, 1997 storm. Mike commented that much of the removal was the hanging, dead and trees that where so damaged that they were unsafe. The grass seed has been purchased and it's in the tin shed. The 4-H is coming to rake and clean the park. A question was asked if the City Maintenance could fill the holes in the park with black dirt. Also Jeff Asfhal asked if the lime on the ball fields could be dragged for the start of the Tee -Ball program and dragged weekly after June 1. A question was asked if in a year of bad ice could the ice rink be closed to save some money? Jeff Asfahl answered yes and will look into this. Merlin Otto is no longer working for Hakinnson & Anderson, Inc. and PRC still has a need for his services. Can Merlin be brought back for PRC meetings? Yes. Mike will coordinate. 6. CITY COUNCIL. Mark Berning reported on the vision meeting. A goal was to get the cities of Elk River, Otsego and Rogers together to create a trail linking Elk River, Otsego and Rogers together. Another meeting is set for July. Nothing else. 7. BUDGET. Nicloe is still collecting information on the PRC budget. She reported on what money has been spent and collected. Discussion continued on a way to over seed the park. Darlene Solberg moved to rent the seedier from Crow River Rental, seconded by Tom B. and motion passed. 8. COMMUNITY RECREATION AND SUB COMMITTEE. Jeff Asfhal is concerned that the timbers for the volley ball courts being to close to the playing areas. PRC will look into the matter and correct. Registration is very busy for the summer events. Seven have singed for the "Ride the Rec." and seventy for T -Ball. The skate board park may open in June. the youth center is still waiting for the Elk River Council to approve. Jeff will complete a list of events and times for next meeting for the Family Fun Day. Nothing else. 9. MERLIN OTTO 2. Merlin will be contacted and asked to attend die next meeting. 10. FRIENDS OF THE PARK. The Star News will do and article on the start of this program. Maybe by next meeting there will be some volunteers. 11. PARK AND RECREATION EVENTS. Family Fun Day is moving along very well. Some Crafters and Antique Dealers are signed up. Nicole offered information on a magician. Tom B. moved to follow up this idea and report at next meeting, seconded by Darlene Solberg and passed. 12. VISION STATEMENT Nicole is going to collect information. 13. RESIGNATION OF COMMISSIONER DARLENE SOLBERG A discussion with Darlene on her importance to the PRC. Many asked her to reconsider. Motion was made to accept. Passed with a vote of 3 to 2. 14. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN. Discussion of the phone in the warming house. PRC will look into cheaper options for this service. 15. ADJOURN. Darlene moved to adjourn, seconded by Nicole and motion passed. Respectfully //st�ub pmpitted pD(Yl!( Cl1La& (,UCtd�U.CUlP,Qi1 Secretary 3.