06-10-98 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING June 10, 1998 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Jeff Bartheld (chair) excused Mark Berning Tom Baillargeon - Secretary Patrick Moonen Tom Constant Nicole Martin Mike Day 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Vice Chair Tom Constant called the meeting to order and continued with roll call. 3. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES. Nicole Martin moved to approve the May minutes with a correction, seconded by Mike Day and Passed. 4. OPEN FORUM. Nothing. 5. MIKE ROBERTSON, CITY ADMINISTRATOR Mike Robertson had to attend another meeting and was not able to make a report. 6. BUDGET. Nicole reported that $477.00 was spent for trees out of the tree fund of $610.00 for new trees for the park. Also some small expenditures where spent and collected from past events. New information is needed for the FY 1999 budget and information collected from the FY 1998 budget will be used. Other new items will include ball field improvements, park maintenance and park shelter. After a discussion of the park shelter a motion was made by Toni Baillargeon to apply 1. for a building permit for this shelter, seconded by Nicole Martin and passed. Information will be collected to start this process. 7. MARK BERNING, CITY COUNCIL Mark received the information on the land purchase of a new well and park next to Otsego Elementary. Of the three acres purchased some of this land was going to be used by ISTEA Grant trail ($10,000.00). This would result in an additional $5,000.00 expenditure from the Park Dedication Fees. Tom Baillargeon moved to accept the extra spending of the $5,000.00 to be used for this land and extract the funds from the Park Dedication Fees, Mike Day seconded. Chair Tom Constant tabled this motion until next meeting. Mark further reported that the bike trails construction is going well. The city has occurred cost over runs of approximately $15,000.00 some of which could be included in the grant for reimbursement. Likewise the council approved a trail change on Page Avenue. The roadway will be widen to the west and the bike trail will be placed on the east side to lessen the danger to users. City Council made a request to Wright County for more parking space at Otsego Park. Wright County replied that they are planning to start this project. 8. COMMUNITY RECREATION AND SUB COMMITTEE. Nothing as of this meeting. 9. MERLIN OTTO Merlin has not responded to messages left and a follow up will continue. 10. FAMILY FUN DAY The FAA Barn Yard is not available because of the fair. Food will be pizza, dogs. brats, chips, and pop. Tom Constant will check on the use of the tent. The magician has signed a contract. He will do a half hour walk around before his show and then will do a three quarter of an hour show at 1:00 p.m.. He will need electric for his show and the PRC will take care of this. News paper ads are done and will run before the event. Nicole and Jeff will meet June 15 to schedule the times for the day. 11. OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK 2. The work party has completed pouring the concrete and planting of 30 trees. The basket ball court is now completed, bike racks are assembled, seeding is complete and timbers have been installed. One of the volley ball nets are missing. It was put away last year and now it can't be found. A large storage area is going to be constructed to lock the things PRC has as to stop this from happening again. There has been some vandalism again on the play equipment. If "Friends of the Park" has some volunteers maybe one project would be to inspect the play equipment at regular intervals to hopefully stop this problem. Talk about the players benches again. PRC will look into constructing this need. Likewise the soccer field needs seeding and this will be addressed next meeting. 12. FRIENDS OF THE PARK UPDATE Nicole has dropped off the article to the Star News. It will run soon. 13. ANY OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN Pat Moonen was asked if he would like to join the PRC. After attending this meeting it is something he could do. Tom Constant moved to accept Pat Moonen as a member of the PRC, second by Nicole and motion passed. 14. ADJOURN Tom Baillargeon moved to adjourn, second Nicole and motion passed. Respectfully submitted cJ 6112G1/y Oja/� Secretary -91