09-09-98 PRCity of Otsego
Parks and Recreation Commission
Wednesday, September 9, 1998
Meeting called to order by Chr. Bartheld at 7:OOp.m. Commissioners Bartheld, Constant, Kroll, Day,
Martin, and I" alternate Kohler were in attendance, as well as Council Rep. Mark Bening, City Admin.
Mike Robertson, and Jeff Asfahl, Community Recreation.
Approval of July 18'h regular meeting was deferred to the October meeting (Martin/Constant).
August 12 regular meeting minutes were approved with changes (Constant/Kroll).
Commissioner Baillargeon was excused until further notice.
Mike Robertson reported that our preliminary budget for 1999 was approved without changes and
considered to be very satisfactory by the City Council.
Mark Beming will do some research into an approximate $13,000 amount that was approved for park
improvements including players benches. He will report to us what money is left from that figure. Mike
Robertson agreed that the benches could be put up at any time since the matter was already approved and it
is only a matter of researching exactly where the funds are.
Mark Berning also proposed reconsideration of the Comp. Plan due to the addition of a housing
development in the SE corner of the City. We agreed to meet at 6:00 before the October 14d' meeting to
view the proposed site.
Charley Rodby was absent. No report on the Friends of the Park project.
Jeff Asfahl presented a revised budget with event breakdowns. He also showed a video that encourages
support of P&R programming. The recommendation was made that the video be shown to the City Council
some time in January. Also, the ice rink supervision guidelines were typed out and formalized to avoid
some of the conflicts that arose last year. The summer wrap up report will be presented at the October
Budget report shows that the Mighty Kids Grant funds have now arrived. Approximately $2,700 remains
in the 1998 budget to cover the Haunted House project and the Christmas lighting project.
We want to make sure that the Park Shelter fund ($3137) and the remaining tree money ($133) does not go
back to the general fund.
Haunted House work nights were set up. Sept. 14 — clean-up night, Sept. 16 — work night, Sept. 26 — all
day. We agreed to establish a formal check in center for hayride customers to receive their discount stubs
to enter the Haunted House. We want to have some formal signs made. Jacquie Rognli attended and
reported that the Boy Scout troop would be interested in doing a room.
Motion was made to adjourn (Day/Constant).