11-10-98 PRCity of Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission Tuesday, November 10, 1998 Regular Meeting Minutes 7:00 p.m. 1. Chairman Bartheld called meeting to order 7:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call A. Present: Chr. Bartheld, VChr. Constant, CM Kroll, CM Martin B. Absent: CM Day, excused, Alt.1 Kohler, Alt.2 Olson, CM Baillargeon excused C. Also present, Council Rep. Suzanne Ackermann, Mike Robertson, City Admin. 3. Open Forum A. Discussion of hydrant costs by Denny McAlpine. Draining of hydrant questioned by Mike Robertson. CM Constant estimated cost of $1,500 and will follow up with official estimate. 4. Review Minutes of October 14, 1998 meeting A. Motion to accept, Chr. Bartheld, 2nd VChr. Constant. All in favor motion carries. 5. Charley Rodby, Eagle Scout Candidate A. Unable to attend. Will report to next meeting. 6. Mike Robertson, City Administrator A. We have will have approx. $6,000 to in the Park Development Fund for park improvements. We can borrow up to $12,800 from MSA fund for same purposes. Money would be paid back from Park Dedication Fees. B. Dave Ide (Midwest Landscaping) would like to donate trees (15 co 20 Maple) to the Park. 7. Mark Berning, City Council Representative A. Suzanne Ackermann in attendance. Council is waiting to see how much MSA $ was to pay for bike path along O'Dean Ave. It has been suggested that P&R make a resolution 7o tele path f�"the comprehensive plan. 8. Community Recreation & the Recreation Sub -Committee A. Volunteer for area communities rec. board B. Hayride Event report - $610 revenue — 61 families attended. Expenses $205 for staff/supplies, $90.97 for treats, $30 for Misc., and bldg. supervision $???. C. Winterfest activities, may include bonfire, winter golf (Frisbee golf), medallion hunt, chili feed, DNR rep., dog sled ride, hayride, arts guild from Elk River, snow/ice sculpture contest/demo, sledding hill, free skating lessons, x-mas tree race, etc. D. Other — Target date for skate rink opening, December 21. 9. Parks & Recreation Events A. Haunted House Recap: 729 participants, revenue of $1,728. Next year, start with more change ($100 — ones). Very successful! B. Winterfest date was set for Saturday, January 23, 1999 from 10-4. Motioned by CM Kroll, 2nd VChr. Constant, all in favor, motion carries. 10. O'Dean Ave Bike Path A. Discussion of needs and design of project B. Motion to send formal resolution to council supporting O'Dean bike path. Motioned by CM Martin, 2nd VChr. Constant, all in favor, motion carries. 11. Budget Sub -Committee Report A. Discussion of revenue from Haunted House. Motioned by VChr. Constant to request council transfer funds as follows: $1,500.00 toward the Park Shelter, $50 to the Boy Scouts for their labor and supplies, $50 to the Girl Scouts for their labor and supplies, and $100 to Jerry Struthers for the use of his covered wagon and to pay for damage repair. Balance to be credited toward next years Haunted House. 2"d by CM Kroll, all in favor, motion carries. B. About $1000 remains in the 1998 budget. Christmas decorations will be purchased after Christmas. 12. Christmas Party A. To be held on December 5h at 7:OOp.m. at Chairmen's house. 13. Park Shelter Update A. none 14. Other A. none 15. Motion to adjourn b) CM Martin, 2nd VChr. Constant, all in favor, notion carries.