11-10-98 PRMemo To: Otsego City Council From: Jeff Bartheld, Chairman Date: 11/18/98 Re: Haunted House Revenues Haunted House Revenue Appropriations We would like the funds to be appropriated as follows: 1. $1,00.00 put into the Park Shelter Fund 2. $50.00 paid to the Boy Scouts for labor and supplies 3. $50.00 paid to the Girl Scouts for labor and supplies 4. $100.00 paid to Jerry Struthers for use of his covered wagon and to cover the cost of repair of sustained damages. 5. Balance to be credited to Haunted House event 1999 0 Page 1 Memo TO: Otsego City Council From: Jeff Bartheld, Chairman Date; 11/18/98 Res O'Dean Bike Path Formal resolution to advise retention of the bike path along O'Dean Avenue as part of the comprehensive plan 1. The path along O'Dean Avenue is a crucial spine of the overall plan design. 2. There is heavy bicycle usage along this road. Evidence of this can be seen in the well-worn dirt paths along side it 3. Because it is also a road with heavy traffic, we feel it is essential to ensure the safety of both the bicycle and pedestrian users. 4. Developing neighborhoods, such as Lin Bar estates will need this bike path along O'Dean to hook into the bike path network. 0 Page 1