12-09 98 PRCity of Otsego Park & Recreation Commission Wednesday, December 9, 1998 Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. 1. Chairman Jeff Bartheld called meeting to order 7:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call A Present: Chairman Bartheld, Vice Chairman Constant, Secretary Baillargeon, CM Martin, CM Day B. Also present: Council Member Berning, Mike Robertson, CM Heidner, Jeff Ashfal (CommRec), Charley Rodby 3. Review Minutes A November 11 meeting, motion to approve with corrections (also present CM Ackermann and ) by CM Constant, 2"d by CM Baillargeon, all in favor, motion carries. B. November 23 special meeting, motion to approve CM Baillargeon, 2`a CM Constant, all in favor, motion carries. 4. Open Forum A. Item 11.1 moved up. New snowmobile club member (Otsego Great River Riders) Jay Swanson here to discuss whether they could participate in or help out with the Winterfest coming up on January 23, 1999. Will talk with Tom Constant before next meeting and offer proposal at that time. 5. Community Recreation & Rec. Sub -Committee A. Need building lined up for Fri/Sat Winterfest, also sleighride ready to go($250), ice sculpting — can't find anyone interested, coordinating advertising with Nicole, skating possible no-go due to warm weather. B. Grant opportunity available with citizen involvement — more news later as details come in. C. Open gym program — attendance is low due to warm weather. Money is from grant, so we are not losing anything. D. Still considering setting up youth advisory committee 6. Charley Rodby, Eagle Scout Candidate A Friends of the Park update I. Distributed a list of companies he will contact for support, we helped to ass a few 11. Also needed to know the acreage that the blue bird houses will be installed on, 2-3 acres was the estimate. Referred to talk to Elaine for a map. III. 28`s of this month the building of the blue bird houses should be complete 7. Mark Robertson, City Administrator A. Who's money is it? I. Council's recommendation to wait until the end of the year when the budget was finalized before approving the transferring of our fund balance to the park shelter II. We are responsible for the projected revenues as part of our budget and can't relay funds until the III. We want to see park dedication fees and get a better grasp on those issues, to focus on our advisory duties, etc... B. Any other issues of concern I. none 8. Mark Berning, City Council representative A Issues of concern — none 9. Budget Sub Committee A Any activities in budget — none during the past month 10. Lisa Berry-Koeppen, Rogers JrHS A. Project Learning Tree — initiative with the students to participate is fostering prairie environments in our community. Talked about using the park land near the Otsego elementary. CM Baillargeon proposed getting a copy of the plot map for that property to Lisa to evaluate planting or bird houses, etc... Also a copy of Prairie Park map to evaluate that prairie for this purpose. They could help us in maintaining the health of our prairie areas. Some discussion of controlled burns every 4 yrs. The Learning Tree project is working with a landscaper to develop prairie near the Rogers JRHS. They would welcome any funding to support this effort. We asked her to get back to us with specific events that would be happening or specific material needs as they come up. She said we should notify her of any service projects that we would like the kids to be involved with. 11. Park & Recreation Events A. Winterfest Sat., Jan.23, 1999, 10-4 1. Otsego Great River Riders Snowmobile Club, see item 2.A R. Activities & Events — Coloring Contest, snowmobile rides or demos, snow permitting, Arne Engstrom and the dogsled should be contacted, bonfire, Medallion hunt, KRWC radio?, snowshoe demo, Christmas tree race, crayons avail. for coloring, DNR rep, sledding hill, Learning Tree info booth, Historical Society — winter related antiques (Jeff B), Snow plow equipment (Tom B) in. Chili & Clues — Roche will write the clues for us again. Chili, hot dogs, hot choc, coffee, cookies, crackers, IV. Other — soliciting businesses — banks (Nicole), Barthelds, AmVet (Tom C) and Fun City (Jeff B), Star News ( Nicole), Precision Line(Mike), Riverwood (Tom C), Duerr's (Jeff B), F&F (Tom C), Le Febvre's O, Pizza Place near F&F O, Chiropractor (Sue K), Crow River Rental (), Mac's (), Ron Black (Jeff B ), Chuck's Barber shop 0, 12. Park Shelter Update — during Jan mtg will have an itemized S list 13. Well/Hydrant Update — it's in and locked, key is in warming house. House will go up this spring. Ron Black will try to get us some fire hose. Tom B, all in favor motion 14. Other — Tom C moved that the Jan meeting be changed to the 6", 2nd by carries. A Possible recruits — Kris Neebler and Tony Faust. Trying to fill one full time position. Alt. Position to be open possibly this summer. 15. Motion to adjourn by CM Tom C at 9:30, 2nd by CM Martin, all in favor, motion carries.