02-10-99 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. MEMBERS PRESENT Jeff Bartheld Chair Tom Baillargeon Secretary Tom Constant Nicole Martin Mike Day Sue Kroll Tony Faust REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING February10,1999 GUESTS Mark Berning Sue Ackerman Jeff Asfhal 1,2. CALL MEETING TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chair Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order and continued with roll call. 3. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES. Tom Constant moved to approve the January minutes, seconded by Tom Baillargeon. Passed. 4. OPEN FORUM. Commissioner Koller will be resigning. Commissioner Olson is looking at a job out of state and too could resign. Changes made to the order of the agenda to accommodate schedules. 5. APPROVE ELECTION RESULTS AND APPOINTMENTS Sue Kroll moved to accept the election and appointments Seconded by Mike Day and passed. 6. CHARLEY RODBY. Charley has created the database and shared a print out with everyone of the data collected. The Blue Bird Houses are built and now is looking forward to finding posts to install. With all to fall in place the houses should be installed by April 1, 1999. The PRC presented a check to Charley on behave of the Boy Scout Troop he represents for the outstanding work at the Haunted House. 1. Good job Guys, thanks! 10. JEFF ASHFAL. The basket making and Easter egg hunt is Saturday April 3, 1999. All is in place for this event. Further work is under way for the Transportation Fair on May 15 or 22, 1999. Tom Constant moved moved to hold the fair May 22, 1999 seconded Nicole Martin, passed. PRC will work on treats for this event and look into the possibility of using city hall for the event. Subcommittee will meet in March to review summer events; T -ball, Ride the Rec. and possible entertainment. Jeff Asfhal will continue to look into the possibility of further use of our ball fields. Elk River has approached Jeff Ashfal to the possibility of a joint venture with Otsego for a winter event. PRC discussed this and sent Jeff back with the message that the PRC would be happy to look into this possibility with them. Also discussion on snowmobile use of studded tracks on Otsego paved trails. Mark Berning offer the council has already made plans to resolve this issue. 7. MIKE ROBERTSON, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 8. NICOLE MARTIN BUDGET ADVISOR. Much discussion on the budget and after reviewing memo from Mike Roberston. PRC would like a quarterly report on PRC's budget. 9. MARK BERNING, CITY COUNCIL Nothing to report. 11. PARK & RECREATION EVENTS Winterfest had a good turnout. In all the event was a large success. Nicloe Martin was wondering about the expenses for this event and if it is to expensive. Further Is the PRC spread to thin? Discussion followed and more data will be collected. Tom Constants moved to hold the Winterfest January 22, 2000, seconded by Nicole Martin, passed. Discussion on obtaining players benches and bleachers for the ball fields. Tom Constant moved to have city staff purchase the benches and bleachers and to forward our suggestions to them, second Nicole Martin. Passed. 12. PARK SHELTER UPDATE. Motion to build the shelter on the northwest corner inside the trail close to the play equipment. Passed Tom Baillargeon will add the site to the drawing and forward to city staff. 2. 13. ANY OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN Nicole Martin would like to the alternate PRC conunissioners attend the meetings. Likewise the two alternates would be paid at the same rate the remaining commission is paid for attending. No data was available to see if this is already in place so Mark Berning will check it out and return with that at the next meeting 14. ADJOURN Nicole Martin moved to adjourn, second seconded by Mike Day, passed. Respectfully submitted Thomas Baillargeon, Secretary 3.