04-14-99 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. MEMBERS PRESENT Jeff Bartheld - Chair Tom Baillargeon - Secretary Sue Kroll Tom Constant - Vice Chair Mike Day Nicole Martin - Budget Advisor Tony Faust REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING April 14, 1999 GUESTS Jeff Ashfal Mike Roberston Mark Berning 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Jeff Bartheld called meeting to order and continued with roll call. 3. REVIEW OF THE MINUTE Sue Kroll moved to stay the minutes from the March meeting, second Tom Constant. Passed 4. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA. Purchase basket ball net. Thank you Bill Olson. 5. OPEN FORUM A new net is needed for the basket ball goal as the other one is missing. Tom Baillargeon moved to purchase the net net for $31.00 by city staff, seconded by Tom Constant. Passed Bill Olson resignation was discussed and a letter of thanks will be sent. Mike Roberston will supply the city letter head for its use. 6. CHARLIE RODBY. Was not at this meeting. 7. MIKE ROBERTSON. New park equipment has been ordered. This was the Bleachers and benches. Talk also included the phone in the warming house. Mike is going to look into a 900 MHZ wireless to replace the phone line in there and eliminating that extra phone charge. Mike would also like to look into Affordable Sanitation to see if the cost could be reduced likewise. Mark Berning will look to see if this could be moved to the Maintenance Budget. After discussion on the park shelter staff decided that the new park shelter can not be built as planned. It falls into the classification of a pole building so other options need to be sought. Other budget items where disscussed. 8. NICOLE MARTIN, BUDGET ADVISOR. Reported with Mike Robertson. 9. RECREATION SUBCOMMITTEE AND COMMITTEE RECREATION REPORT. Jeff Ashfal reported on T -Ball and Ride the Rec. programs. Further new organized park activities are being looked into. The Easter event had 20 people for the basket making and 70 people for the egg hunt. Otsego ball feilds will again be used for T -Ball and could be used for other activities. 10. MARK BERNING, CITY COUNCIL Everything he had has already been discussed. 11. THE BUILDING SUBCOMMITTEE. A motion to approve $500.00 for the engineered drawings for the park shelter by Nicole Martin, second Tom Constant. Passed. 12. PARK AND RECREATION EVENTS. Nicole Martin would like to have a floor plan for the Haunted House this year. Much discussion followed and will continue next meeting. 13. OLD TOWN HALL PROJECT. Tom Baillargeon would like to continue working towards the restoration of the building. Much discussion followed and it was the feeling of the remaining Commission that this project should be left to the Historical Commission. 14. NEWSWORTHY ITEMS FOR JANE. Nothing at this time. 15. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN Tom Baillargeon would like to see the picnic table at the city maintenance building straightened out and put on a level hard surface for appearance. No action was taken. 13. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn from Tom Baillargeon seconded Nicole Martin and motion passed. Submitted Thomas Ba1CCargeon Secretary