05-12-99 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING May 12, 1999 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Jeff Bartheld - Chair Mark Berning Tom Baillargeon - Secretary Sue Kroll Tom Constant - Vice Chair Mike Day Nicole Martin - Budget Advisor Tony Faust 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Jeff Bartheld called meeting to order. 2. LEAVE FOR NEW PARK FACT FIND MISSION 3. RETURN FROM FACT FINDING MISSION AT 7:00 PM. 4. ROLL CALL. 5. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA. 6. REVIEW MINUTES; A. MARCH MEETING B. APRIL MEETING Sue Kroll moved to approve the April meeting minutes as drafted, seconded by Tom Constant. Passed. 7. CHRIS BULOW, BULOW CONSTRUCTION A. DISCUSSION OF FACT FINDING MISSION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF GRENINGER PROPERTY. B. PRAIRIE CREEK PLAT. Chris Bulow appeared at this meeting to review his project. Much was discussed about a trail in his site. 8. CHARLY RODBY EAGLE SCOUT CANDIDATE Charly was not at this meeting. 9. NICOLE MARTIN, BUDGET ADVISOR. This was removed from the agenda. 10. COMMUNITY RECREATION & THE RECREATION SUB COMMITTEE. There was no sub committee meeting tonight as Jeff Ashfal was not available. A thank you to Jeff Ashfal for his work in the city of Otsego and the Commission. 11. MARK BERNING, CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE. Mark Berning reported on the trail fiend. Also discussion on a trail for 78th. Further commission would like to see all the documents that were created by Hakinson and Anderson for the PRC returned to PRC. If the documents are returned the commission will create a new file for all this information. Discussion on the documents of all the engineering fees paid and the documents and where are they. Commission would like to see these found and returned to the commission. 12. BUILDING SUB COMMITTEE. Martin Construction has proposed $15,420.00 for the construction of the new park shelter. Tom Baillargeon noted that he is working 12 hours a day and will not be able to help with the building sub committee. Council has not approved for the poles for the construction so no drawings can be engineered at this time. Mark Berning will check with council to see if the poles could be allowed. Tom Constant moved to return to item seven on agenda, second by Sue Kroll. Passed. Chris was wondering about the fees and or trails for his project. Looking at the site plan it was discussed that the trail would be on Kadler in the front of lots 1 through 12. Construction of a shoulder type trail could be done. Motion by Nicole Maritn to construct a shoulder trail from Co. road 39 to end of the plat, on the east side and no land for a park, seconded Sue Kroll. Passed. Jeff Bartheld moved to include that when the west side of Kadler is developed that property ID numbers 104100 and 118800 Just west of Kadler and south state land landing two and one half acres be reserved for a new city park. Mike day seconded. Passed. 13. PARK AND RECREATION EVENTS. Nicole Martin donated some props for the haunted house. This year will construct a swamp in the haunted house. A drawing or layout for the construction will be done. Safety was discussed. Estimates for adding some emergency lighting in the shed is for safety. Nothing else. Winterfest 2000 may not have the snowmobile training at this event but the snowmobile club will be attending the event and have a booth. 14. OLD TOWN HALL PROJECT Nothing 15. NEWSWORTHY ITEMS FOR JANE. The new benches are here. PRC will assemble soon. Tom Baillargeon moved to purchased the concrete and hardware to set the players benches and the anchors for the benches. Jeff Bartheld will get the PO for the supplies needed. Sue Kroll seconded. Passed 16. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN. Nothing. 17. ADJOURN BY 10 PM. Tom Constant moved to adjourn seconded Jeff Bartheld, passed.